
Entertainment System

Masashi was an average ninja at the Chunin rank in this peaceful era of Naruto. No family nor friends to call his own. At midnight, the day of his 16th birthday, his life is changed in a rather unexpected way. Memories of his past life and a system that would make him unrivale- [Entertainment System] ... ... ... ‘...Was I sent the wrong system? How does the return policy work?’ This was a system where one has the ability to recreate multiple works of fiction to bring into the Naruto world. Manga, anime, games, movies, and more could be brought into this world. Masashi decides that, while he may never be a truly powerful ninja, he will become the greatest in the entertainment industry. One act of plagiarism after another. Even if there aren't any people in this world that can call him out on it. ========== I own nothing of these characters and series besides the MC, Masashi. This story takes place in the Boruto Era. This story is inspired by, "Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!" Chapters will be around 2k words long.

UnrelatableAuthor · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Chosen Manga

Masashi thought of all the possible works of fiction he could. From Dragon Ball to newer shows and series like Demon Slayer or Jujutsu Kaisen. He decided to keep things simple and chose to draw Naruto.

The process is rather simple. Imagining the characters in a certain way will cause them to manifest. Like Naruto sitting at dinner with his family, or in his office, even him walking down the street can all be done.

Masashi thought up Naruto, Hinata, Boruto, and Himawari in a family picture with a baby Kurama on Naruto's head and a mini Shukaku in Himawari's arms from the anime.

When he added the color and background which was their family home to push just how far [Creative Manifestation] could go, Masashi was finished, and the picture was insanely good. It only took about ten minutes in total to complete.

Suddenly, the space bar glowed white, which he pressed after a few seconds. A piece of paper with the drawing of Naruto's family appeared next to the laptop. 

'Well, that's convenient.' He didn't have to worry about material requirements to have the images generated on the screen printed into reality.

Trying Demon Slayer next, he had a portrait of Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. In this picture he imaged Tanjiro smiling at a non-existent camera, Nezuko in front of him holding up two peace signs, Zenitsu blushing and looking at her in giddiness, and Inosuke with his arms on his hips with steam coming out of his boar nostrils.

The same glowing effect appeared on his space bar which he pressed again, and, like before, the image appeared on top of the previous one.

Moving them aside, Masashi tries to test the limits of Illustrative Creation.

He tries to recreate a panel from Volume 59, Chapter 560: Uchiha Madara. Where said character had his arms crossed and looked down at the Allied Shinobi Forces.

Before he could even see a single line being drawn, he saw a transparent box appear.

===[Entertainment System]===


Illustrative Creation cannot perform this task!

Please purchase Manga Creation!


'Ah, I guess that answers that.' He wasn't entirely surprised since he saw that Manga Creation wasn't unlocked and cost 250EC to buy.

Masashi begins to ponder what to do. He could wait until morning since it was past midnight, but he'd rather choose now and start fresh when he woke up.

'What should I start with?' He pulled up his available options in the [Entertainment Terminal] and saw the only options available to him: Manga Creation, Anime Creation, Movie Creation, and Game Creation; however, they would require 250EC, 500EC, 750EC, and 1000EC respectively.

The only real options were manga and anime, but he was also worried about one thing: would he have to pay for each series?

He wished that the system would have told him that.

So without any real option at the end of the day. He chose Manga Creation.

===[Entertainment Terminal]===

You have selected: Manga Creation [250EC]

Do you wish to purchase?


He tapped again confirming his choice.

===[Entertainment Terminal]===

Manga Creation is now available for use through the [Cosmic Computer] trait!

Please select a series:

Demon Slayer: 250EC

My Hero Academia: 275EC

Bleach: 450EC

Dragon Ball: 500EC

Naruto: 1000EC


'There it is. Wouldn't I be fucked if I chose the Anime Creation?' He would've had to rely on Illustrative Creation to make money and then convert it to Entertainment Coins.

It wouldn't have been bad, but manga would undoubtedly sell far better, and take less time. For one, he'd have to find clients who want something unique done like family portraits, logo design, character design, and so and so forth. Second, he'd need a reputation, and start-up artists aren't that trusted unless their prices were low, but that also makes people question how could the customer get the quality they wanted when the asking price was lower than more reputable and well-known businesses or artists. Third, most customers want something unique and personal to their lives or interests, while making manga would only require his memory and patience to do it over and over again.

Of course, there is money to be made in Illustrative Creation, but compared to Manga Creation, it would be on the back burner.

This isn't to say that Manga Creation will be much easier. The Naruto world changed much after the fourth war. There are certain legal hoops he needs to jump through before he can even consider starting selling manga.

Masashi would need a business license, copyrighting any work he creates because copyright laws aren't the same as in his previous life. He'd have to go to the Civilian Affairs Office to manually apply for a copyright which would cost about 5000ryo which is annoying since in his last life, copyright applies the moment you write or create something.

'It is what it is.' He internally groaned at the difference but, with his savings, he'd be fine with the cost when imagining the potential profits.

After that, according to his time working at the Mission Assignment Desk, he'd also need to apply for a trademark that protects the business name, product name, logo, and so on.

That would cost about 30,000ryo which is steep but must be done so others can't plagiarize his work.

He laughed at the thought.

"Isn't that what I'm doing anyways?" Masashi softly questions before looking at the two pictures he created off to the side. In the end, he is stealing other artists' sweat, tears, and blood for profit.

He isn't an artist.

He isn't a mangaka.

He is a plagiarist.

That is an indisputable, unquestionable fact.

But he is alright with that.

'As long as others can enjoy these stories, that will be enough for me.' Masashi thought while sighing at the reality of the situation. He had immense respect for the mangaka that went through many hardships to create work that we all love and enjoy. Many got sick because of how hard they worked and their brutal deadlines.

He hoped to bring enjoyment and satisfaction through these stories.

Masashi may not be able to fight the big bads that come along, but manga and anime are known to bring people together. There may be small disagreements or even large debates about power scaling, storytelling, world-building, and so on, but we all enjoy it at the end of the day. Unless you're one of those 'okay, but can he beat Goku?' kind of people.

His mouth twitched a bit recalling that. Masashi found it more humorous than anything.

With only 250EC left, he had very few options, and all his choices seem to be from shonen manga. Could that have to do with anything with the culture here in Naruto? Action, young main character usually, fantastical strength, and power systems…all seem to target hot-blooded youths.

Shinobi usually graduate when they're a teenager or almost a teenager aside from exceptions.

'I read mostly shonen manga and anime anyway, so there's no big deal.' He thought

Demon Slayer seems to be the only choice available and that was fine to him, and pretty strange.

His previous life's memories ended after watching an episode of Demon Slayer, so to think he is going to start creating the manga is a weird twist of fate, but he isn't disappointed.

From his memories, a lot of people clowned on the manga. That the plot was generic, mixed with gags and comedy to hide the author's ability, and that dreaded ending.

People believed that if it isn't for the godly Ufotable studio with their incredible team of animators to make the show look incredible, then Demon Slayer would be mid.

He strongly disagreed.

The plot didn't need to be fantastic in world-building like One Piece or have incredible character development like Fairy Tail, it's a simple story with a simple plot, but it has its moments just like any manga does.

It's not amazing, but it isn't bad.

'...Shit, did I accidentally prove it's mid? Well fuck what anybody thinks, I like it. The feels, characters, and power system are great. So it's not mid.' He was a fan and read the manga twice and while it may have its flaws, he'd consider it a good manga.

He pressed Demon Slayer.

===[Entertainment Terminal]===

You have selected: Demon Slayer [250EC]

Do you wish to purchase?


He confirms once again.

===[Entertainment Terminal]===


You can now create the manga: Demon Slayer

Due to unlocking two sections from the [Entertainment Terminal], you are granted the ability: [Entertainment Store]


'An ability? This system doesn't explain jackshit.' He mutters wishing there was a tutorial but such wishes were unanswered.

Masashi presses on the [Entertainment Store] and an explanation pops up.

[Entertainment Store]

Replaces an already completed structure, turning it into an impenetrable fortress! The inside is completely customizable to your liking. Certain options and configurations are available upon purchase.

Cost: 10EC

'You've got to be kidding…' Masashi was dejected upon looking at the price. So close but yet so far.

He sighed and realized it wouldn't matter since he'd have to already own a place to then buy the store. Masashi could rent it but if he does that and his manga takes off in popularity, the owners could jack up the prices to buy it, so he'll take the safer option.

He'll buy a building just outside of the City Center. This is where a lot of businesses are and they are expensive to rent if there are any to rent, to begin with.

Buying a shop outside of it will still have good foot traffic, and be more affordable.

However, even with his savings, he won't be able to buy it outright.

There is a saving grace though.

The Open Market.

'A place that existed even during Konoha's founding.' He believed that this is a good way to start selling his work. It was originally just a single street but now there are several streets dedicated to opening stalls and selling your products.

There are levels and discounts depending on how long or how large your business is.

Merchants that travel around the Elemental Nations prefer to use this method if they aren't directly trading with a company.

Masashi would have to apply for a business license and he'd only be able to conduct business within the Land of Fire's borders otherwise, there would be a fine and your license possibly suspended. He could apply for an international license but that costs a lot more unless he's a wandering merchant.

That sounded attractive but he wouldn't be strong enough to fight off rogue shinobi. Masashi would have to hire an escort, so he plans on sticking inside the village until further notice.

There's a discount for businesses open for less than 6 months so that would work in his favor. Masashi has always been an avid reader so these are things he knows about from hearing things from other people or reading about it himself.

He, however, doesn't know exactly how much it costs so he'll have to find out in the morning.

'Create the first volume of Demon Slayer, obtain a business license, apply for copyright and trademark protection, get a stall to sell his manga…but I'd need more than one, so perhaps I'll hold off on that.' Masashi thought going over his plan mentally storing his computer away to who knows where.

What a crazy day.

Masashi threw his remaining clothes at the end of his bed at got underneath the covers. He stared up at the ceiling excited for the day to come already.

After reading the manga, he knew the animation for those fights will be insane. He especially loved Akaza and Kokushibo's flashbacks. There's a long journey in front of him and it will certainly be a fun one.

He has the Entertainment System after all.

Masashi can create stories from another world, animate those stories giving them life, show epic tales on the big screen in cinemas, and develop games that are quite literally, out of this world.

It all starts here.

With Demon Slayer: Volume 1.