
Entangled Souls: The Story of the Last Bloodline

Constance has no idea who she is and what her destiny entails. She grew up beaten and locked away. On the day of her 18th birthday, she freed herself. But, will she remain free?

Thegamingmomma · LGBT+
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19 Chs

Constance - Pain

As we raced off to Bambi's room, I couldn't help but notice the difference in the atmosphere. I remembered this is how a pack family should be. Respectful, endearing, supportive. It made me miss my dad.

I was lost in thought when I felt her pull away from me. I didn't understand, I felt empty without her touch. It brought me back to the present in a snap. I looked around at where we were.

"Your room is beautiful," I heard myself whisper. I couldn't stop looking around at everything. The bright blue walls, and the midnight black ceiling. The middle of the room was a four-poster bed. The floor had a bright pink rug, and the window curtains were red.

Bambi smiled at me. "Thank you, I have no color coordination, so if something doesn't match the room, you know it's something I bought. Not my mom." She giggled.

I lost all strength at that moment. Whether it was from her giggle or the adrenaline wearing off. I collapsed on the floor.

Within seconds I was lifted from the floor to the bed. Her arms encircled me with strength. I could feel the heat from her skin as she held me close and the feel of her pert nipples against my side almost made me whine.

"I didn't realize your injuries were this bad," I heard her whisper as she sat me down softly on the bed. This time I let myself whine as she pulled away gently.

"I know," she said quietly, "I feel the bond pulling me also sweetheart. But, you're in no shape to explore what is happening." She looked at me, smiled, and leaned in to kiss my forehead.

I smiled back at her and lifted my palm to caress her cheek. "You are beautiful."

She placed her hand on mine and pulled away. "The doctor is here. Once she has taken a look at you, you can tell me your story." She got up from the bed and answered the door before the doctor could knock.

The doctor looked at me and gasped. Rushing to my side. "Princess, what happened to you?" She was perplexed by my scars and bruises.

"Princess?" I questioned her and looked at Bambi.

The doctor looked at me, then at Bambi, her expression getting flustered. "She doesn't know who she is to my kind?" She questioned Bambi.

"I don't think so," Bambi replied quietly.

I looked at them both, completely confused about what was happening. "You're a tiger shifter?" I questioned the doctor.

She looked back at me, "I am, my name is Gwendolyn, and you are our princess."

I looked at her like she was crazy. "I'm dreaming right, this is a joke. There's no way I'm any kind of royalty. I would have known before now."

Gwen looked at me closer as she started to tend to my wounds as we spoke. "There may be reasons you don't know, judging by your appearance, I'm guessing there is a story."

I winced as she cleaned the cut on my forehead. "In fact, you should already be healed from these injuries." She said quietly. "You're not at full health and haven't been for quite some time."

I looked down, I didn't want to talk about what happened in the last eight years of my life, so I sat there and kept my mouth shut while she finished tending to my wounds and bruises. The good doctor got the hint and continued in silence until her task was complete.

"When you're ready princess, we are here to support you and love you. You have been long-awaited by our kind." She picked up her things, threw away what was needed, and left.

I looked at Bambi. "You know what she's talking about?"

Bambi nodded slowly. I could tell she was thinking about what to say, her eyebrows were scrunched in thought. "I'm not sure that I should be the one to tell the prophecy," she replied quietly. "The pack elder would be better suited for that. Rest, bathe, get comfortable. We will chat when you have more strength."

I nodded as I slowly moved off the bed towards the bathroom. "Thank you for your hospitality and most of all for not pushing." I walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me.