
Enslaved for Revenge

"All my life I've been waiting for this moment. I've been craving to have sole dominion over the Lycan blood pack, I wanted to inflict so much pain on them and make them experience what it feels like to be slaves but unfortunately, your father seems to be hard-headed. But not to worry.." he paused again. His corner slips curved into a smirk. Making him look more deadly. "I can still achieve my revenge through you. Rather than killing you, I've got other plans. I'm gonna make you pay for the atrocities of your father and you are gonna take all the afflictions for your pack, from now on, you are my slave." He said with much venom in his voice.

IamDora · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 2.

I was hearing crackling and popping noises of woods burning but I couldn't fathom where it was coming from as I was grooming in darkness.

Suddenly my eyes flickered open and I was met with fainted light illuminating the place I was. Trailing the reflection of the light, I looked to my side to see woods burning which were offering both light and tepidness. With the aim of finding out where exactly I am, my head spun around.

"We are in a cave." I heard a masculine voice confirmed as if reading my mind. My head kept spinning, this time around, searching for the owner of the voice but it seemed I was the only one here.

My chest heaving as a sense of terror dominated me. who's that??

I rose up from the floor which I was lying on and I was going to say something when someone walked in. It was the figure of a man, he was clad in a long coat and he had long curly hair. I couldn't see his face until he walked in fully, the light reflected on his face.

His front hair was covering a part of his eye. The other eye that was exposed was pure red. He looks just like a beast seeking to devour someone. The only difference between him and a beast is that he isn't ugly and of course he's human. Despite his dangerous aura, he still manages to look—handsome.

Fear washed over me as he started walking towards me.

I jumped and started shifting back with my butt.

As if he noticed it, he spoke.

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you." His voice is as calm as the sea but his Aura is blazing with fire and so I found it hard to believe him but I just remained still anyway. He got to me and squatted down before me. I looked away from him.

"What happened to me, how did I end up here?" I also want to ask him who he is cause I'm certain he isn't one of these park members but let me take it one question at a time.

"I found you in the forest soaked under the rain and you were bleeding, unconscious so I brought you here."

And my mind went back to when I slipped and passed out on the ground. My hand flew up to touch my forehead but surprisingly, I couldn't feel any open wound or scar and I sure wasn't feeling any sting.

"Don't worry, I healed you." He answered my questioning look and sat down on the big stone close to the fire.

"What were you doing there in the forest?" He started and from there questions led to questions and I was getting a little bit comfortable with the stranger.

Yeah, he's still a stranger to me and the realisation of that prompted me to ask.

"Who are you? I'm sure you aren't from this pack cause I've never seen you before."

"Yeah you are right. I'm an outsider. I came to visit my aunt in this pack and I happened to lose my way back home so while wandering around the forest, I happened to see you there, lying on the floor unconscious" he motioned to the ground.

"Oh I see." I muffled and smiled at him.

"Your pack seems to be waging war with another pack and as I heard it's a few days from now so what were you doing in the forest at the time? Weren't you supposed to be training?"

"I don't have a mate."

"Why does it matter? Everyone fights for themselves. Right?" He shrugs.

"Well let's say your fate during that war depends on the power of your mate." I say and he turns to look at me like it's the first time he's hearing something like that.

"Now I'm so interested in this war. Tell me more about it." He gave me his full attention.

"There's nothing much about it. On that day, the men go out to the battlefield and the women are safeguarded in the hidey-hole Cabin at the battle ground then once they get a signal from their mate, they go out to attack." I explained.

"Hmm. How do you know all that? You seem to be very current with your park."

"Well my father is the Alpha so it's nearly impossible for me not to be familiar with all that." I replied.

"Wow... so you are the Alpha's daughter?" He arched his brow, amazed.

"Unfortunately." I shrugged.

"Like you are Adolphus' daughter for real??" He asked on a more serious note. His facial expressions became so stern that it got me scared.

He stood up and broadened his stance.

"I'm sorry baby girl but you'll have to come with me.." he said, pulling me by my wrist. He didn't even wait to hear my response before he started dragging me out.

Wait what the hell is wrong with him??

"Hey wait...where are you taking me??" I asked but he paid deaf ears as he continued pulling me alongside him. Honestly his height was enough to scare the shit out of me, I felt like a mouse running beside him.

He walked deep into the forest while pulling me alongside him and I was getting really scared. I tried pulling my hand off his but it was a wasted effort, rather the more I pulled the more his grip got stronger.

It was as if he wanted to hurt me on purpose that very moment I told him I'm Adulphos' daughter.

"Let go of me, you are hurting me...." my voice shook in accordance with my beating heart.

"Wallace, get ready, we are leaving for the pack right away." I heard him mumble to someone who wasn't here. Was that mind linking??

Next, he hit me so hard on my shoulders and I felt so weak. He swept me off from the ground like dry leaves and drew me across his shoulders. I couldn't struggle with him, I felt too weak to do that and slowly I dozed off.