
The rings

The old patriarch was the oldest of the family and he was really happy that finally one of his grandson found a woman to continue the prestigious surname. Finally he can stop worrying about having a great grandson, about his descendants. As soon as he heard that his beloved grandson is getting married in their city, he rushed to his friend jewelry store and ask for gold rings. No one really know how this old men were friends, what was they story but the really busy jeweler accepted the job and started his work. Usually he doesn't agree to do jobs in a rush but was for a special friend, a unique situation so he decided to do some exceptions including using magic to create the gold rings.

A few weeks after, both rings where ready almost at the same week the grandson was getting married. He did them really fast and their where his last job.

The jeweler didn't share the magic secret, neither the grandfather explain how much the rings cost, only that he bought them specially for his grandson and his future wife. The yellow gold rings had the date and name of the bride in the broom ring and the broom name and date in the bride, the notation could only be reading when the rings where out the fingers.

How to get to the wedding service was not so easy. The broom didn't like to drive and there is no Uber. A taxi was an option but at the end they decided to have one of the siblings drive them.

The driver was asleep and a little happy almost there were some accidents in the way but at the end, the young couple with the fast driver made it.

The room was full of guest, almost all of them family members or old family friends.

Finally they got married and soon their first baby was born.