
enemy of the universe

God has a problem with his omniscience and resolves to put an end to it and takes Fred out of this universe.

robson_barbosa · TV
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8 Chs


(Edi)Do you like what you see, sir? they are the best horses of Westeros,

(Fred) did you say, in the beginning, hope to buy them? don't you sell them?

(Edi)Of course, seeing you more, you have to have a reservation to buy them, normally people pay me in advance and expect my horses at the right time, because I can't take the risk of another farm competing with me.

(Fred) so your business must be very successful, right? no one who has a small business would dare to do that kind of thing, and a risk that cannot be ignored.

(Edi) let's say I have no competitor, until today everyone gives up at one time or another, they don't have the determination to beat me

Fred looked at his sarcastic face and probably noticed this man setting traps for his competitors, because no matter how good a horse he is, it is impossible for him to maintain that undefeated position with these horses, without the help of a supporter in the dark.

(Fred) all right, and good to hear that, I need all your horses now, and also tell me where all your treasures are, no matter where they are hidden and then all your secrets,

(edi) you went crazy sir i ...

as soon as Edi looked at Fred he was trapped in an illusion, Fred was using the sharingan to get Edi to agree with him, Fred reached out and opened a portal in the air,without delay to send all horses to his world, he sent Edi to call all his servants and also controlled them with the sharingan, that could be a little unfair takes everything away from a man, more so from what Fred saw of Edi, when he read the mind of his servants, he understood that he was a man who pretended to be a great nobleman, and he had no scruples, he would do anything to make a profit.

something interesting and that he started out of nowhere, he was like all the people who started out of nowhere doing terrible things silently to get everything he wanted financially,with his sharingan he was able to see all of Edi's secrets he was a corrupt man of essos sold his own wife for money, and then killed her so as not to have this shame revealed. people of this type existed en masse in this world, they are like cockroaches always existed and always existed.

entering the farm that was now his, he walked slowly forward, after passing through a small courtyard, he was finally out. The buildings outside the horse farm were extremely simple paved with limestone, row after row of wooden houses and straw. and also horse stables.

Fred nodded, he hadn't thought that the engineering of this world would already be at that level. Looking around again, finding nothing. In addition to the large pile of supplies still in the square, there was basically nothing else.

It seemed that Edi wanted to transform his land into a secluded mansion, now all he had was his, for the people who would see later it was as if his horses had disappeared out of nowhere, because Edi made it clear that he never sold his horses in large quantities,where would people ask what he was doing with the horses westeros of people, they would tell these stories for a long time then Fred decided to change his mind and turn this place in your home and let the tyrant and then he needs and the power before to know the tyrant,he decided to do this after seeing Edi's memories even though he had everything he had, he was a doormat from some man, he would not let that happen to him.

5in the memories of Edi see that it looks a lot like the little finger when he sold sansa to get something of the nobles, as imagined that someone who believes in the power without being able to do terrible things, well, I'm one of them but I will not get to it because I have real power, that of a god. this world will not change my character or my confidence. I lost a lot in this life I will not let it happen again.

(Fred) now and time for me to come back

(fake megan fox) where are you? the men of the tyrell house are already impatient waiting for you.

(Fred) how you got in my head.

(fake megan fox) i'm connected to your world i can use that link to speak in your mind, idiot.

(Fred) calm you shouldn't at least respect me girl, you don't touch yourself do you?