
Chapter 99


" why did you do what you did Ariana?" Casey asked angrily.

" What could I have done Casey?" Ariana asked whilst in tears.

" Denied? Ari, we both know you didn't do a thing so why did you agree? Now everyone thinks that you really made out with Nicolas" Casey said 

" I thought about it before I agreed,if I was to deny it, it would just have made me a liar" she held Casey's hand. " Casey, Nicolas wasn't lying. We were intimate last night" she said and cried

" You can't be serious Ariana. You have a boyfriend for goodness sake Ariana. How could you? " Casey said as she swept her hair back.

" That's were you're mistaken Casey. I didn't do it Intentionally, I think Nicolas had me drugged" Ariana said.

" What? How come? As far as I remember, the only thing you took from him is that juice and......." Realization dawned on her. " He spiked the juice"

Ariana sobbed the more," am I the only one in this world? First Beatrice betrayed me and now Nicolas. Can't I be blessed with one loyal friend?" She asked.

" Ari, you have me. I'll never betray you alright?" Casey said..

" Thanks" Ariana said and they embraced.

" You can't keep crying, we have to think of something" Casey said.

" But what? I have just lost my virginity and the worst part is that I don't remember how it happened" she said, crying.

" Do you feel pains in your lower abdomen?" Casey asked.

Ariana nodded, " yes. I do but a little''

Casey covered her mouth in shock, Ariana was indeed the girl in the video.

She got up, " Ari, we have to let Raymond know about this"

" What are you saying?" She got up, " do you think Raymond will just cheer me for cheating on him? He'll break up with me Casey and I can't deal with him" she sobbed.

" He won't. I know Raymond and I know that he isn't a fool that he'll break up with you. Infact, I think he'll try to prove your innocence" Casey assured.

" What's there to prove? I'm the girl in the video. The fact that he knew it was my first and that I feel pains in my lower abdomen should be enough proof that I'm that girl" she sobbed. " Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that my first would have being taken away by someone like Nicolas"

" Do you remember making out with Nicolas?" Casey asked.

" I don't. Probably because he drugged me" she sobbed. " The worst part is that I was the only one expelled. What about Nicolas? Why wasn't he expelled?" She asked.

" That's something I know nothing about but rest assured, we'll find out" Casey said.

Ariana chuckled in tears, " thanks"

Casey embraced her, " come on, let's go pack our bags, we have to go back"

" I can't. Everyone will insult me and....."

" No buts. Come with me" Casey said and dragged Ariana to the tent.

Immediately Ariana got to her tent, she rushed in and burst into tears, she had being defiled!!!

She closed her eyes in an attempt to surpress the tears but it only made them flow more.

She wiped the tears as she took her bag and ran out of her tent, leaving her phone behind. She was ready to make a decision. One she knew only the weak would make.

She ran to the edge of the cliff and looked downwards, if only she'd known a day like that would come, she'd have taken this decision a long time ago.

She closed her eyes and breathed in.

" Forgive me Lord" she muttered as she took a step forward, her decision was obvious......she was going to end her life.

The pain and betrayal was just too much for her.


The story has a lot in store so stay at the edge of your seat.

Much love,
