
Chapter 93


The woman laid on the bed as she smiled to herself. She had now learnt to walk and run without the aid of the bed which meant she would now be able to escape from where she was.

She closed her eyes as she beared the pains Derrick had just inflicted on her.

Now that she had learnt to walk, she was going to get out of that place and make sure that Elizabeth paid for everything she did to her.

" You will pay for ruining my family Elizabeth. I'll make sure of that. This is a mother's promise, a mother has promised you this and that promise will be fulfilled, no matter what" she mumbled to herself.

She got out of bed and moved to where she had learnt was the bathroom. She turned on the water and let it drip. It was now time to escape and she had the perfect plan to help her escape.


" Are you clear on the plan?" Max asked Alen.

" Yes, I am. Ariana is currently on her way to lunch so I think it's the perfect time to get it" Alen said.

" Alright. I've sent him to get it from her tent" Max said.

" I'm here now" a boy said as he dropped a bottle on the table.

" I still can't believe you turned against Ariana" Max said with a smirk on his face.

" I still can't believe it but what can I do. She caused it" the boy said. " But remember you promised that I will have my way with her"

" Whatever. We just need the video and that's it" Max said.

The boy looked at him and sighed.

" So when are we starting?" Alen asked eagerly.

" We can start now if you want you horny fool" Max said angrily.

" I was just asking. I can't wait to have Ariana" the boy said.

" I'll never want to have a friend like Nicolas" Alen said and Nicolas chuckled.

" You might not but there are people who want to so it's your problem. We're leaving camp tomorrow so we better get this done, ASAP" Nicolas said.

" Quickly add it into the juice" Max ordered and Nicolas added the content of the bottle into the juice.

They shook it and the color of the juice changed.

" Save it till dinner time. By that time, it would have fermented and so it would still have more effects" Max said, smiling from ear to ear.

  Nicolas took the juice after handing Max the bottle.

" Why are you giving this to me?" Max asked after Nicolas gave him the bottle.

" You'll need it soon" Nicolas said with a grin on his face.

" And what do you mean by that?" Max asked, confused as to how that bottle would help him.

" I think I get what he means" Alen said. He whispered something into Max's ear and Max smiled.

" This is the perfect plan" he grinned, " the countdown to your expulsion has started Ari. You'll pay for that slap"

" I'll be on my way now. You know your part and I expect you to act on it fast" Nicolas said and left with the juice.

Max and Alen smiled, their plan had worked. Not only would Ariana be expelled, she would also be caused emotional pain that someone she trusted betrayed her.

" Come on Alen, we have a lot to do" Max said and left with Alen.



The plot thickens.

Bet you didn't see Nicolas betraying Ariana coming. Well, many twists are yet to come so stay at the edge of your seat.

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