
Chapter 85


Ariana stayed to see if she would gather some more information but she did not see anything. She waited and Mrs Wilson got into the car and zoomed off.

Ariana rested her back on the tree, Mrs Wilson and Max were now in cohorts? What did she give to Max?

She hoped it wasn't what she was thinking? Did Mrs Wilson tell Max her secret? She would find out.

    She ran as fast as her legs could carry her till she got to her tent. She sat on the bed, panting. She put her hand on her chest, memories of Mrs Wilson handing Max that bottle fresh in her head.

She took out a bottle of water from her bag and gulped it in an entire go.

" What was she doing here? Why was Max with her? What was that bottle she'd given to Max?" She asked herself.

She decided to go have a closer look at the bottle Mrs Wilson had given Max but how? She couldn't just approach Max and ask him for the bottle Mrs Wilson had given him, she had to think of something but what?

She sighed as she took out a bottle from her bag. She opened it and poured some of it's content into the bottle of her water.

She poured some water into the bottle, shook it before covering it. She took the bottle containing the content and kept it in a safe place in her bag.

She shook the mixture again and it became milk coloured before she dropped it back.

" How do I find out what she gave to Max? There's no way Max would tell me, that I'm sure of" Ariana thought to herself.

She took the milk coloured mixture and drank some of it before closing her eyes.

An idea!!!

She took out her phone and called Casey.

" Hey Ariana! What's up? If you're calling for something stupid then hang up because I'm still feeling dizzy" Casey said.

Ariana sighed, it must still be the effect of whiskey.

" Casey i need your help" Ariana said.

" How.....can you still talk this well after having four covers of that whiskey? Did you take something? If you did, tell me what you took so I can take it too" Casey said weakly.

Ariana rolled her eyes, " Casey I'm serious. I really need your help and it's urgent" Ariana said.

" Does it involve me passing out because I might pass out anytime soon" Casey said.

" It doesn't but you can pass out if you want" Ariana said.

" I'm in" Casey said and Ariana smiled to herself.


   Raymond went to the kitchen to see if he could get something to eat. He was extremely tired and hungry.

He went to the fruit bowl and took an apple.

He was about to take a bite off the apple when he remembered Ariana.

She was allergic to apples.

He chuckled as he remembered his girlfriend.

" I should give her a call" he thought to himself.

He kicked against it after checking the time,  " it's past nine. She must be asleep" he decided.

He put down the apple and opened the fridge to know if he could find something to eat. He didn't find anything and he cursed inwardly.

He opened the cupboard and took out some granola bars to eat.

   While he was eating, he started having a bad feeling. This was the fifth time he was having such a feeling since he returned.

Everything was not fine. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration before leaving the food.

He wasn't hungry anymore and when the helpers returned the next day, they'd wash it off.

Why'd he let them go for that stupid concert?