
Chapter 41

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" Why doesn't he stop?" Ariana said as she threw her phone to the bed in annoyance.

" Who keeps calling that makes you upset?" Casey asked diverting her gaze from her laptop.

" Who else?" She asked rolling her eyes and sighing. " It's Max. He still has the guts to call me after cheating on me"

" Have you officially told him it's over between you too?" Cassandra asked diverting her gaze back to the computer.

" Not yet" Ariana said.

" See? If you don't tell him it's over between you two, he'll think there's still hope" Cassandra explained.

" But, I don't know. I still like him" Ariana said sitting on the bed.

" If you still like him, then expect more of his cheating nature alright?" Casey said and sighed.

" How could you say something like that? I can't date a cheater? You know what, forget my feelings. I'll break up with him and......" She was interrupted by another call. She quickly picked up the call without looking at the caller.

" Listen Max, I .........." She was interrupted by a feminine voice.

" Hi Ariana, mum's back" the caller said.

Ariana took her phone and looked at the caller.

" Mum?" 

" Yes sweetie. It's mum and I'm waiting for you downstairs"

" What do you mean by you're waiting for me downstairs?" Ariana asked with fury all over her face.

 " What's wrong" Cassandra asked.

" Follow me," Ariana said and dragged Cassandra downstairs.

" Ariana, thank goodness you're here. This woman has come with the police claiming that we have withheld you from coming with her. Please tell the police we have done nothing of that kind" Mrs Lambert said.

" What are you doing here?" Ariana asked rudely.

" I've come to take my daughter back" Mrs Wilson said moving closer to Ariana.

" Move away from me" Ariana said and pushed Mrs Wilson. " I'm not your daughter. Go find your daughter elsewhere" Ariana said angrily.

" What's going on here Mrs Wilson? When you came to the station today, you claimed she was your daughter so why is she claiming otherwise" an officer asked.

" I don't know officer, that's why I suggest you arrest them" she said.

" And why should he do that?" A man walked in.

" Dad!!" Cassandra, Mariana and Santiago exclaimed as they rushed to embrace him in a hug.

" How are you kids doing?" He asked.

" We're fine" they chorused.

" Hi honey" Mrs Lambert greeted as she gave her husband a little kiss on the lips.

" Hi, now what's going on here?" He asked.

" Well,......" Mrs Lambert explained all that had happened, how Ariana landed in the hospital, her mum didn't pay her a visit,how she took Ariana in and finally the reason Mrs Wilson was in their house.

" I believe you heard what my wife just said and now you know we're not holding her daughter back" Mr Lambert said.

" We're very sorry sir. We've made a terrible mistake" the officer apologized before turning to Mrs Wilson. " Do you know that for what you have just done, you could be sent to prison"

" Why? All I want is my daughter but these people don't want her to come back to me. Ask her, she'll tell you she wants to come with me" Mrs Wilson said.

" Miss Ariana, we're going to be straightforward with you. Do you want to go with your mum? Yes or no?" 

" No" Ariana said bluntly. " And point of correction, she's not my mum" Ariana Said.

" Mrs Wilson, I believe you heard what she just said. Please leave now or we'll be forced to arrest you for trespassing and laying false charges." The officer said.

" Fine, I'll leave but listen Ariana, it doesn't end here. You'll have to come with me one way or another" Mrs Wilson said and stormed out.

" Sorry for the inconveniences " the officer apologized and left with his team.

" Hi sir" Ariana greeted Mr Lambert.

" Hi, you must be Ariana. I've heard a lot about you, nice to meet you" Mr Lambert said.

" Nice to meet you too" Ariana said and they shook hands. " Sorry about my mum. I promise it'll never happen again"

" It's alright" he said. " Please excuse me" he left.

'' what a nice man he is" Ariana thought to herself and smiled