
Chapter 159


Becks sighed, " It's a long story"

" I'm willing to listen to it"

" Well, I spent my so called final days reading, doing what I loved the most, acting and also creating songs to soothe myself from the pain of having lost both my parents in an accident and leaving the Lambert's due to the fact that they changed towards me when one day, my life changed"


Ariana sat in the park trying to compose a song when suddenly she started feeling dizzy. She got up and wanted to leave when her legs suddenly gave out but before she fell to the ground, Leonard caught her and immediately took her to the hospital.

When she opened her eyes, she saw herself on the bed and from the look of it, she was in an ICU. She got up weakly and saw that am IV had been connected to her.

" Hello madam" a nurse greeted with a smile on her face.

" Hi madam, please what am I doing here?" She asked.

" You just got operated on. You've been unconscious for more than a week now and your boyfriend has been coming every single day to check up on you" the nurse said sweetly.

" My boyfriend? " Her face brightened with excitement. " Is Raymond really back? "

" Who's Raymond? I'm talking about Leonard Antonio, your boyfriend" the nurse said.

" Leonard's not my..... " 

" Hello honey" he smiled sweetly as he walked into the ICU to give her a peck on the cheek " sorry, we have to pretend. I had to be your boyfriend or they wouldn't get you treated" he whispered into her eyes and she decided to play along.

" How are you doing? " She asked

" I'm fine and are you feeling better? " He asked.

" I am" she said.

" Alright madam, have some fruits and we'll monitor you for some days and then you can be discharged" the nurse said and dropped the bowl of fruits beside her.


" I was observed for a few days and I learnt that I didn't have to embrace death because there was another way out. I had to undergo a particular surgery for an estimated period and Leonard had paid for it" she said and tears streamed down her eyes.

" But that's good news. Why are you crying? "

" Well, you didn't let me finish. Even though I didn't have to die, I was informed that my time was only prolonged and that the operations would affect a particular part of my body" she said and sniffled.

" And what part is that?"

" I have come to find out that the part in question is my kidney. The drugs have affected my only surviving kidney and I can't do anything about it? " She said.

" What happened to your other kidney huh?" He asked.

She sniffled and chuckled, " I gave it to my daughter, Trish. You see her go about with a smile and I'm happy to have been the person that gave her that smile. Years ago when Trish was still a baby, her parents abandoned her on the road"

" You're not Trish's birth mother?" Raymond asked confused.

" I'm not Liv's birth mother either and neither is Leonard. We're their foster parents" she said and Raymond was trying hard to contain his excitement.

" You and Leonard don't have a child together?" He asked, his excitement starting to become evident in his voice.

" We haven't even gotten intimate before. We just live under the same roof for the sake of our children. Just like Trish, Liv's parents had also thrown her out at two and Leo and I found her and today, they are our kids, Patricia and Olivia Antonio" 

" WOW so for all these years you have taken care of these children and they're not even yours? " He asked

" Yes I have but you're now the only one excluding myself and Leonard that knows they're not my kids" she said. " Even they don't know I'm not their birth mother"

" You see why I could never stop loving you? You're the best woman there is and I don't regret staying ten whole years waiting for you" he said and they ate.

She didn't respond, she just ate and when they were done, they walked out of the cafe, holding hands.

" Raymond? " She called and they both halted

" What is it Ariana? " He asked.

" I'm sorry for having given myself a bad impression of you for ten years" she said and a tear dropped to her cheek.

He chuckled before using his thumb to wipe her tears.

" I could never stay mad at you Ariana. I love you too much to do that" he said.

" Thanks" she said and they both got into the car.

" I'm sorry about that night" he apologized

" It's fine, to tell you the truth, I'd always hoped you'd be the one to take it so it's just like a dream come true for me" she said and he chuckled.

She rested her head on the headrest, she'd finally cleared her differences with Raymond but only one thing was left, getting a kidney.


A few days later, Becks, Leonard and Raymond visited the doctor and she was advised to get a kidney donor from her child but there was a problem...... She didn't have any biological children.



it's been a month and some weeks since my one night stand with Raymond and I couldn't help but think about it and all day long, I found myself always thinking about Raymond.

I poured a glass of water for myself as I scrolled through some files on my laptop when I suddenly began to feel nauseous. I'd been feeling this way for some weeks now but I didn't pay any attention to it.

I quickly rushed into the bathroom and poured it out and I began to feel weak. I carried myself to the bed and saw Leonard seated there.

" What's wrong with you Becks? Are you sure you're fine? You've been throwing up and feeling weak and dizzy for days now so tell me what's wrong" Leonard asked and I breathed in.

" It's nothing, I'm fine," I told him before lying on the bed.

" Don't tell me you're fine because we both know you're not so first thing tomorrow morning, we're gonna see a doctor" he said and got off the bed.

" But...."

" No buts. You're going to see the doctor and that's final" Leonard said and left.

I sighed, it wasn't like seeing the doctor wouldn't be good for me so I pulled the duvet to myself and drifted to sleep.

I got up the next morning and showered. While I was brushing my teeth, I started feeling the urge to throw up again and I quickly poured it out while I began to feel weak all over again.

I quickly brushed and washed my face before leaving to the room. I tied my hair up in a loose bun and put on a white top that stopped above my knee with some openings by the side and a white jean. I took my sandals and left my room to Leonard's room

" Are you ready?" He asked

" Yes I am" I replied and he smiled before packing up what he was doing.

" Where are you off to mummy?" Liv asked as we walked down the stairs.

" Your mummy isn't feeling well so I'm taking her to the hospital" Leonard said

" Sorry mummy" they both chorused and I managed to smile

" Shall we?" Leonard gestured for us to leave and I bade the kids goodbye.

We got to the hospital and I found out that Leonard had already booked an appointment so we had a test done before going back home to return in eight hours for the results.

At exactly 4 pm, we went back to the hospital and I was surprised to see Raymond standing there waiting for me.

" Don't tell me you're also sick?" Leonard asked

" No I'm not. Trish told me she wasn't doing well so I came to see what was wrong"

" Well, it's fine. I'm here for her" Leonard said and put his hand around my shoulder and I could see hurt in Raymond's eyes.

" Mr and Mrs Antonio?" The doctor called and I got up.

" Yes doctor, what's wrong with her?" Leonard asked.

" Congratulations, she's six weeks pregnant"