
Chapter 146


I got off my seat and arranged my desk, it was time for me to head home, it'd been a stressful day at work and I had to do work for two since Arnold went to Canada to meet his family. 

I quickly poured a glass of water and gulped it in an entire go before leaving my office.

" Hello sir" that was Maya with a smile on her face as always. There was never a time I'd seen Maya without a smile on her face. I'd never seen her upset and I wished I was more like her, always having a smile on my face.

" What is it Maya?" I asked.

" Sir, I need you to sign this" she said and handed me a file.

" What is this for?" I asked. As much as I needed to go home and get some rest, I couldn't just sign a random document and risk everything I had. It didn't mean I didn't trust Maya. I was just being safe.

" These are files that prove that you consent to the ship that will be arriving next week. If you don't sign, I'm afraid the ship won't arrive" she said.

" Are you sure?" I asked as I flipped through the pages.

" I am sir, please sign" she said and gave me a pen.

" Why are you doing this anyway? This isn't your job. It's Raquel's job" I said as I signed

" Yes sir but Raquel just delivered and can't come to work for some months so I'm filling in for her" she said and took the file from me.

" WOW, that's so nice of you" I commended and I pinched myself. Never in my life had I imagined I'd commend Maya for her work but I just did and it felt weird.

" Alright sir, sleep tight" she said and left, still smiling.

I shook my head and left for my car where my driver drove me home.

I walked into the house and straight to my room where I quickly freshened up and changed into my night shirt.

I laid on my bed and started going through my phone. I was scrolling through my phone and I didn't know when I opened Maya's contact and I stared at her picture, her reddish brown curly hair swayed on her right and the light make up she had on only made her more beautiful.

I quickly removed the picture and dropped the phone beside me on the bed. Thinking of another woman as beautiful was only considered cheating on Ariana by me and I couldn't do that.

I sighed as I laid on the bed, bored so I started thinking of Trish and how sweet of a child she was. I was still thinking of Trish when my mind suddenly went to Becks M and I suddenly felt like watching a Becks M movie.

Should I watch it? I asked myself as I contemplated on picking the remote.

I groaned in frustration as I picked up the remote and switched to a channel that I was sure would have a Becks M movie on.

I laid back on the bed as my thoughts flew to Becks and her striking resemblance to Ariana. 

How I wished my Ariana was still here.

As I waited for the movie to come on, i remembered my high school days and by my high school days, Cassandra, Ariana and every other person that was present. I remembered how Beatrice and Casey would join forces to tease us and it made me chuckle.


" I'm going to get ice cream, mind joining me?" She asked.

" Didn't the doctor say you shouldn't have ice cream? Why would you wanna have ice cream 🍨 when you know it's not good for your health?" I asked her

" What's the point of following all these rules when I know I'll soon die. Remember a wise man once told me that I shouldn't let the fact that I will soon be dead pull me down. I should make the best of it" she said and ran off without even waiting me to say anything.

I couldn't blame her because we were at the park and the smell of ice cream was bothering our noses.

" Hey" Beatrice greeted me.

" Hey, what are you doing here? " I asked because I knew Beatrice wasn't the type to visit the park.

" I'm here to pull a prank on Ariana" she said and put some lipstick on her finger.

" What are you planning on doing? " I asked as she put her lipstick fingers on my face.

" You'll see soon" she said and leaned on my shoulder.

" What are you doing? " I asked as I tried to push her off.

" Shhhh, Ari's coming" she said and tightened her grip on my hand.

" Raymond?" She called and I pushed Beatrice away.

" Ari, you're back. Where's the ice cream?" I asked.

" What ice cream? I left and you're cuddling with Beatrice?" She asked. She turned my face and her jaw dropped. " Is that lipstick? How did it get on your cheek?" She asked.

" What are you implying Ariana?"

" I'm not implying anything. I'm just asking why there's lipstick of another girl on your cheek and why you're cuddling with someone out here ..... In the park" she said.

" I'm not cheating on you Ariana" I said, finding it hard to believe that she'd actually believe that i was cheating on her.

" I'm not saying that, you know what you're doing so don't lie about it" she yelled.

" I'm not cheating on you"

" What are you saying Raymond? You just told me how you felt about me and now you tell me there's nothing going on? Are you toying with my feeling? " Beatrice asked.

" What are you talking about? I'm not interested in this prank anymore. It's way more than me" I said and made to leave when they all burst into laughter and Casey came out.

" Did you get the video? " Ariana asked.

" Of course I did" Casey said.

" What are you girls doing? " I asked.

" Pulled a prank on you. You really are funny" Beatrice said and they all nocked me.


I chuckled as I remembered those times.

" The movie's on"' I muttered to myself as I watched the movie. I really needed to move on from Ariana.



I poured a glass of water for myself and gulped it in a go as I stared at my phone's wallpaper. It was a picture of him. Why didn't he ever notice me?

It'd been years since I developed feelings for him but sadly he didn't feel the same about me. He was still feeling guilty about having left his girlfriend and I wished i had a man like him in my life. A man who would value me and never give my place to another woman but sadly he wasn't that man and I respected him for still loving her. Not many men could do it.

I shook my head as I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling thinking of Mr Raymond. The first time I'd seen him, I'd fallen for him but I hadn't acted on my feelings but now, everytime I was around him, I found it hard to control myself and I had to smile to stop myself from doing something stupid.

"Maya" mum called as she walked into my room.

" Yes mum" I answered as I got off the bed.

" Tomorrow, before you go to work can you help drop Rose off at school?" She asked.

" Why do I have to do that? I pay for school bus so what's the need?" I asked

" The school bus is having a fault and all parents have being informed" she said.

'' it's fine, I'll drop her off" I said and laid back on my bed, this time tucking myself In.

" Thanks Maya, sleep tight" mum said and left.

I Iet out a soft sigh as I stared at Mr Raymond's picture. Everyone thought of me as a beautiful, lovely, humble and hardworking girl but Mr Raymond didn't think of me like that and I felt bad whenever he scolded me because he was upset.

It always felt like he hated me and I hated it.