
Chapter 140

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I removed my hand from mum's head in shock. How could she even ask that of me? She knew how I felt about Ariana so how could she expect me to forget her in the blink of an eye and get married.

Not that I detested the idea of getting married but I didn't want to get married, not when I knew that the girls would only be after my money and looks.

" I'm sorry mum. I can't fulfill your wish" I told her. I couldn't lie to her, that'd be the worst lie I would ever tell.

" What are you saying Raymond? Don't tell me you wanna keep on waiting for a dead woman" she yelled at me and I couldn't blame her for it. Everyone who got to know me thought I was weird. Ariana wasn't coming back and I knew that but I just couldn't get myself to accept that fact. She was, is and would always be the love of my life.

" She's not dead mum" I yelled. I hated it when people referred to Ariana as a dead person. She wasn't dead, she was still alive and heathy in my heart.

" Don't you dare raise your voice at me Raymond, I'm your mother and I deserve some respect as such" mum said and I sat back down. Maybe yelling at mum was a little too much.

" I'm sorry mum" I said.

" It's fine, I just want you to be happy" mum said and I knew she wanted the best for me.

" Come on mum. I'm tired of all this. Let's just eat" I said and we ate.


" Sir, sir" Maya called happily as she ran into my office.

" What have I said about you coming into my office without knocking?" I asked with a frown on my face.

" I'm sorry sir, I was just do happy. Becks M had finally responded to our mail" she said and showed me the file that was sent by Becks M.

" Seriously" I asked as I went through the file. " When was this sent?" I asked.

" Just this afternoon sir. She'll be meeting with us tomorrow" Maya said with a smile on her face

" So soon? Why?" I asked

" She said she'd be free tomorrow" Maya said and I kept the file on my table after going through it carefully.

" Have you informed Arnold? " I asked. I couldn't make a decision without consulting Arnold after all.

" Yes sir. I have also informed the executives, they'll be here tomorrow at twelve" she said and I nodded.

" Alright then, inform Priya shoes as well" I said and she left.

She was so up and doing. She always knew what to do and when to do it.

After work closure that day, I went straight home with Arnold and we ate before seating to talk.

" Wanna watch a movie with me?" Arnold asked as he took the remote.

" Becks M?" I asked and he nodded " no thanks" I replied. " I'd rather stay without TV for a whole year than watch her act" I said.

" Hey, what's your deal with her? You haven't even watched her movie before and you're already downgrading it. Dude, she's the best and richest actress in America and her movies are simply outta this world" Arnold said, trying to convince me to watch the movie with him.

" No thanks. I'll see ya tomorrow, good night" I said and left for my room.


I put on my suit as I walked to my car. It was almost time for my meeting with Becks M and I still wasn't there . I got into my car with Maya and the driver drove off.

" And you're sure she said to be there at twelve?" I asked.

" Yes sir, her secretary said so. I looked her up and she's currently the star for the movie, the cursed alpha" she said and I sighed. I didn't care about what movies she was starring in, all I cared about was how she would boost my company.

After sometime, we arrived there and I saw Arnold already seated amongst Zach devices, Priya shoes, Rayna's love executives and some of the employees of Becks M.

I took my seat and I heaved a sigh of relief when I realized that it was just a minute to twelve which meant I was just in time for the meeting.

" Where is she?" I asked.

" She'll be here soon" a woman who seemed to be in her early fifties said and I rolled my eyes. My first meeting with her and she wasn't on time. The worst way to start a business meeting.

We continued to wait for Becks M and she wasn't forthcoming and it really pissed me off. Who the hell did she think she was wasting our time? She definitely wasn't professional at all.

I was about to look her up when the door suddenly creaked open. I raised my head to see who it was just to see that it was one of her workers who brought in juice for us all. It was the least they could do after wasting our time.

I stared at my wrist watch and saw that it was already past one, more than an hour since the meeting was designated to start. I was getting angry.

" Sorry everyone, I justh received a call from Becks. She'll be here in half an hour, she's stuck in traffic" her secretary said.

" Seriously? This meeting was supposed to have started more than an hour ago so how could she have being stuck in traffic for more than an hour?" I asked.

" Well, she had to see her daughter before she got here and after she dropped her daughter off, she headed here but traffic....."

" It's fine, you don't have to explain" Mr Vasnani said and I stared at Arnold and he looked back at me. I made sure to use my eyes to emphasize on the fact that Becks M had a daughter and he rolled his eyes in a way that indicated that he already knew. I shook my head, Arnold was definitely crazy.

I continued to wait for Becks M when the door creaked open and she walked in clad in a purple, off shoulder slit gown, her cleavage a little exposed. I stared at her shocked. She no longer had blonde hair, she now had long black fringe hair and my heart leapt for joy.

She wasn't dead, she was still alive.

" Ari" I muttered before rushing up to her. " Where have you being? I've missed you so much" I muttered as I embraced her tightly. " Where have you been my love? I missed you so much" I muttered and I noticed she didn't respond to the hug.

Before I could say or do anything, she pushed me away and gave me a tight slap across the face and I staggered back in shock.

Did she seriously just slap me? My Ariana just slapped me. The woman I'd waited ten whole years for was here and the first thing she gave me was a slap.



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MORE updates coming tomorrow

In the meantime, you can also check out;

Elena by Star Macy

An affair with my brother-in-law by Star Macy.

Goodnight lovelies.