
Chapter 129


" what do you mean by that?" Casey asked.

" He's a man and he should know why I said it" she said

" Why?" Raymond asked.

" You're crying. Sure I expect that from the ladies but not you. Why are you crying?" She asked. " It's not like I'm about to die or anything''

" Shhhhh, you won't die, you're not gonna die" Raymond said and embraced her.

" Micheal, won't you come embrace your baby sister? " Ariana asked.

" Nope. I'll just give her a knock on the head" Micheal said and gave her a playful knock.

" Ow, you're still a bully. I'll tell mum, mum Mi...... " She stopped after remembering what Ashley did to her.

" Becky, I...... "

" Don't even try explaining yourself because I don't need it" Ariana said.

" I'm sorry, I was kidnapped by Elizabeth. She held me captive for ten whole years, I didn't want to leave you but I was kidnapped. You have to believe me Becky" Ashley said and something in Ariana wanted her to believe that her mother was telling the truth but the other part was stuck to what Elizabeth said, her mother had left her for another man.

" And what about those pictures and the letter? It was you in the picture and it was your writing so how can I simply believe you were kidnapped huh? "

" I made a mistake ten years ago and it cost me everything" Ashley said.

" And what mistake was that,? " Micheal asked.

" Everyone knows I wasn't the happiest with Edward because he didn't spend time with me and was always busy with work so I went online and met this guy, he gave me all the attention I could need and the love and care I needed" Ashley said in tears.


'' I'm so happy for you Ashley" Elizabeth said and poured her a drink.

" Yes, Justin gives me so much attention, more attention than Edward and I think I'm in love" Ashley said as she fantasied of a life with Justin.

" You don't think so Ash, you're in love and you need to act fast else, he'll slip away" Elizabeth said.

" I don't know Ashley, how'll Edward react to this? I don't want him to be upset" Ashley said as she took a sip of her drink.

" Listen Ash, if you keep thinking about Edward, you'll never be happy. Go with Justin and you'll be happy" Elizabeth said and patted Ashley's shoulder " you deserve to be happy and nothing should stop you from being happy so go with Justin" Elizabeth said with a smile on her face.

" And my kids? I love them" Ashley said.

" F**k love Ashley, you have a life to live and you letting those kids drag you down will only lead to sadness" Elizabeth said.

" You know what, you're right. I have a life to live and I'll do only that" Ashley said and went to her cupboard to take  some of her clothes. " I don't care what Edward says. He doesn't give me attention so why should I care about him?" She said as she locked her suitcase.

" That's the spirit girlfriend. Now call Justin, he'll tell you where to meet up with him" Elizabeth said to Ashley.

" He said to meet him at Idaho airport. He'll take me away from there" Ashley said with a smile on her face.

" Alright then, I'll help with these" Elizabeth said and dragged the suitcases out of the room.

Ashley sighed, she was finally going to free from a man who didn't care about how she felt, a man who didn't give her attention and a man who was shushed her whenever she tried to say something. She was going to be with a man who loved her and gave her attention.

She dragged the other suitcase to the living room where she met Edward on his computer, as usual 

" Edward" she called.

" Yes" he answered without even looking her way. She wanted to tell him she was leaving and she wanted to get some money.

" I need some money, can I have some?" She asked 

" Whatever, how much do you need?" He asked.

" Like two thousand dollars" she said, fingers crossed. It was a huge amount after all.

" Sure, just take my card. It's on the table, the pin is my lucky number, it has enough money on it to take care of you" Edward said without even looking at her.

" Aren't you going to ask me what I need a huge amount of money for?" She asked.

" I don't care. The only thing that matters is that I have the money so take it or leave it, it's your call" he said.

" Fine" she said and took the card " Elizabeth was right, I need to get a life. I don't need a husband who doesn't look at me" she muttered to herself as she dragged her bags out of the house.

" Tell me, did you get money from Edward and how did he take the news?" Elizabeth asked .

" He didn't care. He just asked me to take the money and leave" Ashley said.

" Come on, we'll take my car" Elizabeth said as they got into the car.

" Thanks Liz, I don't know what I'll do without a friend like you" Ashley said as she put on her seat belt.

" It's nothing, where's the card?" 

" It's in my pocket" Ashley said " but I've got to admit, I feel bad for having left my kids behind. Do you think I can go see my kids one more time?" Ashley asked.

" No Ash. Here's what you should do, write a letter and mail it to Edward. That should do and you should write one to Becky and Micheal too" Elizabeth said and stopped the car.

" You're right. I'll right it now" Ashley said and wrote the letter.

After she finished writing the letter,  she showed it to Elizabeth who smiled. 

" That's all I ever wanted" Elizabeth told her with a wicked smile on her face.

" What is it that you wanted?" Ashley asked.

" It's nothing" Elizabeth said and increased the speed of the car till they got to an unknown location.

" But this isn't the way to the airport" Ashley protested.

" It's not. It's the way to my life getting better" Elizabeth said and put on a mask.

" What do you mean by that?" Ashley asked.

" You'll know soon" Elizabeth said and sprayed something in the car.

" What.... What..." Before Ashley could complete her statement, she passed out.


" and that was it, I lost everything the moment I opened my eyes" Ashley said in tears. " By the time I woke up, I found out that Ashley's men had defiled me and they'd taken pictures of me. Those were the same pictures that were sent through the male, I learnt of everything that happened through cameras but I wasn't able to do anything to help. I'm sorry Becky" Ashley said and fell on her knees. " Please forgive me" she begged in tears.

By this time, Ariana was already in tears. All this years, she'd thought that her mother never thought to say goodbye but she did. She sent a letter but she never received it.

" I'm not upset that you left Edward, anyone in your shoes would have done the same. Every woman needs a man who'll support her and I won't judge you for leaving Edward but there's one thing I'll judge you for" Ariana said in tears.

" And what is that" Ashley asked.

" The fact that you left your two children alone without a second thought is something I'll never forgive you for. Please leave" Ariana said and looked away.


Mrs Wilson sat in her cell with a smile on her face. She was sure that the seed she'd planted years ago was going to be harvested and it made her happy.

" You think you've won by putting me in jail Ashley but you haven't won. I'll make sure that you pay for having taken the love of my life away from me" Elizabeth ( Mrs Wilson) said as memories from their college days hit her.


Twenty year old Ashley and Elizabeth relaxed at the edge of the pool with coconut drinks as they enjoyed the pool's view from their angle. It was just a few days to their annual thanksgiving break and the entire college was having fun.

Ashley snapped her fingers, " don't tell me you're still daydreaming about him" 

" How can I not? He's so handsome and hot so how can I not? I'm in love with him Ash and he doesn't even notice me" Elizabeth said sadly.

" Come on Liz, there are a lot of guys in college. Pick one of them and they'll be yours" Ashley said and took off her sunshade.

" Easy for you to say. You're very popular here and everyone wants to hang with you so getting a boyfriend won't be hard" Elizabeth said " and me, I'll have to work my butt off to get one" Elizabeth said.

" Come on Liz, you're special. You're very intelligent and talented and I admire you for that" Ashley said 

" You're lying. I'm just a nerd around you because you have it all, beauty, wealth, fame, talent, intelligence, followers and many more but the only thing i have is my brain so how do you expect Chris to notice me? " Elizabeth asked .

" You're right, there's no way Chris will ever notice you. You're definitely not his type" Ashley said and flipped her hair back.

" And what do you mean by that? " 

" Oh please, don't act like you don't know what I mean. Chris is one of the hottest guys in college and he doesn't need a nerd like you around him. He needs someone as hot as me and that's what I'm going to give him" Elizabeth said and got up.

" What are you planning to do? " Elizabeth asked.

" I'm going to get myself a boyfriend" she said and left for where Chris was doing push ups to show off while many girls just drooled over him.

" Hey handsome" Ashley greeted seductively.

" Oh hey Ash" Chris got up and dried his face. " What's up? " He asked.

" Just came to see if you're free. I've got a voucher for lunch, wanna be my plus one?" Ashley asked as she traced her fingers up and down his bare chest in a seductive way.

" Of course I would. Been waiting for a day like this, wouldn't miss it" Chris said with a smile.

" Alright then, see you later" she said and gave him a little peck on the lips.

" Can't wait" Chris said.

" Same here" Ashley said and winked in a seductive manner before going back to Elizabeth.

" What the f**k was that!?" Elizabeth asked.

" Come on Liz, don't act like you're surprised. Chris needs someone like me and not a nerd like you" Ashley said 

" Are you calling me a nerd?" Elizabeth asked.

" I don't need to. We both know you are so don't make this weird" Ashley said. " One more thing, your meal voucher, the one you'd given me... I'm taking Chris out with it" Ashley said.

" You're seriously not taking the man of my dreams out with my meal voucher are you? "

" I am and there's nothing you can do about it" Ashley said and left and that was the last Elizabeth ever heard from Ashley.

After Ashley went on that date with Chris, they became the talk of the college and after the Thanksgiving break, Chris and Ashley became a couple.

Elizabeth tried many times to talk to Ashley but she didn't reply and one incident, Ashley publicly humiliated Elizabeth.

" Ashley, Ashley" Elizabeth called as she ran after Ashley who was in the midst of Chris' basketball team.

" What, what , what!! " Ashley asked " what do you want from me? "

" What are you saying Ashley? I thought we were friends"

" We aren't. You're a nerd and I'm not so learn your place Elizabeth. Don't go around trying to talk to me because you like my boyfriend. You can never get a man like Chris so deal with it" Ashley said 

" What are you saying Ashley? How could you even say such a thing about me? " Elizabeth asked, tears threatening to fall.

'' it seems you don't get it. I'll show you" Ashley said and took a bottle of water before pouring it all over Elizabeth.