
Chapter 116

Becky continued to cry and there was no one to comfort her. She was too frightened to sleep and her mother wasn't there to sing her a lullaby to put her to sleep.

She got down the bed and decided to go meet Elizabeth.

" Aunt Lizzy" she called as she knocked on the door of Elizabeth's room.

Elizabeth came out yawning, it was obvious that she was very deep in the sleep.

" Yes. What do you want?" She asked Becky In a very sleepy tone.

" I had a very bad dream and I can't fall asleep. Can you sing me a lullaby?" She asked.

" A lullaby? Come on Becky, are you like four or five? You're a big girl and big girls don't need lullabies to fall asleep"

" Will you tell me a bedtime story then" Becky asked.

Elizabeth hissed, " just go to your room, you're annoying me" Elizabeth said and turned her away.

" I thought you said you'll be my new Mummy" Becky pouted.

Elizabeth sighed, she was right. She hissed softly before finally speaking, " will you sleep in my room?" She asked.

" Yes" Becky nodded.

" Come on" Elizabeth said and led Becky into her room.

Becky got on the bed and before she knew it, she fell asleep.


For the whole of that week, Becky could not get her mind off her mother leaving her even though Micheal had come to terms with that fact. What pained Becky the most was that her dad didn't even bother putting calls across to her to know if she was faring fine along with her brother and this was beginning to have a toll on her mental health.

Every night, while she slept, she'd have nightmares and she would go to Elizabeth to put her to bed which slowly angered her so Elizabeth thought ahead, she decided to play a game that'll secure her a chance with Becky and Micheal because she knew that anything that'd get her on Becky and Micheal's side would automatically get her to Edward.

One night, as usual Becky walked into Elizabeth's room and Elizabeth welcomed her In.

" Tell me Becky, what's wrong?" Elizabeth asked as she gently placed Becky on her laps.

" I miss my mummy and I had a terrible nightmare" Becky said, " why won't my mummy just come back to me and Micheal?" Becky asked.

" Because she doesn't love you. That's why she left you for that man. Come on, I'll give you something that will help you forget about your mom and it'll also stop you from having nightmares again. Should I bring it?" Elizabeth asked.

" Is it chocolate?" Becky asked.

" No but it's sweeter than chocolate" Elizabeth said. " Should I go get it?" She asked with a smile on her face.

" Yes" Becky nodded and Elizabeth smiled.

She put Becky down and went to her cupboard and brought out a bottle which contained a liquid. She took it and gave it to Becky.

" What is this auntie?" Becky asked as she inspected the bottle

" It's just sweet that'll get you to forget about your mummy and your nightmares" Elizabeth said.

" But I do not want to forget about my mummy. I want her to always be in my heart. All I want is to get rid of those bad dreams" Becky said.

" Alright then, you don't have to forget about your mummy. Have this and you'll get rid of those cringy nightmares" Elizabeth said and gestured for Becky to have it

Becky smiled before taking the content of the bottle in her mouth. 

Immediately she took it, she started to feel sleepy and dizzy.

" Auntie Lizzy, why.......why am I feeling this way?" Becky asked as she looked around the room.

" Repeat after me, mummy hates me and so does daddy" Elizabeth said.

" Mummy hates me and so does daddy" Becky repeated.

" I want daddy to get married to aunt Lizzy and I'll tell him tomorrow" Elizabeth said.

" I want daddy to get married to aunt Lizzy and I'll tell him tomorrow" Becky repeated in that condition.

" Good. Now you can go to sleep" Elizabeth said and put Becky to sleep.



Ariana opened her eyes and saw Mrs Lambert by her side.

" Mum?" She called out in a faint voice.

" Ari? Are you fine?" Mrs Lambert asked Ariana, trying to make sure that she wasn't still in the state of calling Mummy because that was the state she'd being in for three whole weeks.

" I'm fine" Ariana replied.

" Cassandra, Mariana, Santiago" Mrs Lambert called, " she's out of her metamorphosis"

Casey ran into the room, " Ari!!" She suddenly stopped when she remembered what she'd found in her cupboard.

" What's wrong, why'd you stop?" Ariana asked weakly.

" Ariana" Mariana called as she rushed to join Ariana on the bed. " How are you feeling now?" Mariana asked.

" I'm fine, thanks" Ariana muttered weakly. She looked at Casey, wondering why she suddenly stopped.

" Casey, why'd you stop?" Ariana asked.

" It's nothing, please excuse me" Casey said and left.

" Did I say anything wrong?" Ariana asked weakly.

" It's nothing, just get some rest. You've just regained your senses after three weeks so you'll need as much rest as you can get. I'll go call your mum" Mrs Lambert said and made to leave.

" Mum, which of my mums are you talking about?" Ariana asked.


Mrs Lambert turned, " what do you mean, how many mums do you have?" She asked.

" You mum, you're my only mum" Ariana muttered.

" Not me. I'm talking about your real mum, Ashley" Mrs Lambert said.

Immediately Mrs Lambert mentioned Ashley's name, tears welled up in Ariana's eyes.

" What's wrong Ariana?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" She's not my mum. She never was and she never will be" Ariana said.

" What are you saying Ariana? She clearly told stated that she was your mum and she showed evidence" Mrs Lambert said.

Ariana made to seat upright on the bed but she was just too weak to do so.

" What are you doing Ari? You're not yet in the condition to get up" Mrs Lambert said as she watched Ariana struggle to sit up.

" I'm fine" Ariana challenged and with help from Mariana, she managed to sit upright.

" Mariana, go get Ariana some water and call the doctor. Tell him she's regained consciousness" Mrs Lambert said.

" Alright mum" Mariana said and left

" Where's Raymond?" Ariana asked.

" He's not here and we're not done talking about your mum" Mrs Lambert said.

" What's there to talk about? You already know everything about her so what will I tell you that you don't already know?" Ariana asked.

" What are you talking about, I don't even know her" Mrs Lambert said.

Ariana chuckled weakly, " don't make me laugh mum. How can you say you know nothing about yourself? Please cut the act. Now where's Raymond?" Ariana asked.

" I'm here" Raymond said.

Ariana looked towards the door and saw him standing at the door with a bag in his hands.

" Raymond" she called and Raymond ran and embraced her.

" What were you thinking you fool. how could you have taken such a drastic step huh? What about me, you didn't think about what'd happen to me If you died. You didn't even think about your best friend, your mum, your sisters. What would they have done if you died huh" Raymond asked and Ariana sobbed.

" I'm sorry Raymond, I didn't mean it that way" she cried 

" You didn't mean it that way but that's what you did anyways. You tried to end your life. What if Casey hadn't being there huh? What would have happened?" Raymond asked.

" I'm sorry. It was just too much for me to handle, I......"

" What was too much for you to handle huh?" Casey asked.

" Casey I....."

" All because of something as trivial as being framed you tried to end your life huh, who does that?" Casey asked.

  Immediately Casey reminded Ariana of the video, she started to remember things about that night. She began to remember how Nicolas had dragged her to a corner where she saw Max and Alen with a girl but before she could remember anyother thing, the stress on her brain had already reached an all time high and she couldn't control it so she passed out 

" Ari" Casey called and ran to her.

" What have you done Cassandra? Why'd you have to remind her about it?" Mrs Lambert asked

" I didn't mean to, I......"

" I've got water and I called the doctor" Mariana said and gave the glass of water to Raymond who splashed the water on Ariana.


After some time, the doctor arrived. " Please wait outside" he told them and they left.

" I thought she was fine? How did she pass out again?" Mariana asked.

" You should ask your sister. She was the one who had to use that mouth of hers to increase the level of stress on Ariana's brain" Mrs Lambert said.

" But what did she do?" Mariana asked.

" She just had to remind Ariana of the reason she attempted suicide" Mrs Lambert said.

" I didn't mean to" Casey defended .

" You didn't mean to but you did. Despite the fact that you didn't mean to remind her of the reason she attempted suicide, you still did. You reminded her that she attempted suicide because of that video. Why?"

" Because that's not the truth" Casey yelled.


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I promise that once this book gets up to 200 reviews, I'll give a mass release of ten chapters.

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