
Chapter 114


Casey walked into the house with Mariana and Santiago.

" Marie, I think you need to get some rest. You too Santiago" she said and made to leave.

" There's no way I'll be able to get some rest while your best friend lies in the hospital. You know Casey, Ari's not only your friend, she's also my friend and asking me to rest Is just gonna be punishment to me" Mariana said.

" I have to agree with Mariana. Ariana needs as much love and care as she can get and she needs all of us to get it so Casey, I'm sorry but I can't stay back" Santiago said.

" It's fine. I'll go prepare dinner. You two should eat and then I'll go get the clothes. Is that fine?" She asked.

" Yes. I'll go freshen up in the mean time" Mariana said and left.

" I think you should also freshen up Santi" Casey said and dropped her purse.

" Yeah. I'll go freshen up" Santiago said and left.

Casey sighed before going into the kitchen. She took out pasta, onions, tomatoes, chili, seasoning cubes, salt and vegetable oil.


So, I recently received a mail asking me to share the preparation of a particular dinner. I was asked that even if it wasn't going to be in details,I should at least share a recipe so that's what I'm going to be doing.


Casey took a pot and poured some water into it before placing it on the heater. She covered the pot and opened the cupboard to take out some carrots and spring onions and diced them.

When she saw that the water was about to boil, she poured in the pasta and covered it in order to let it simmer.

After it simmered, she poured out the water and put it in a sifter in order to drain out the water.

She poured some vegetable oil into a pan before adding the diced tomatoes, chili and onions to let it dry.

After it fried, she added the carrots and spring onions and let it fry before adding her seasoning cubes and salt.

After it fried, she added some water and let it boil. After it boiled, she added the drained pasta and stirred it before leaving it to dry to avoid spoilage.

" Mmmmm" she moaned after inhaling the scent of the food.

" I never thought I could cook this well" she said to herself.

Mariana and Santiago walked in.

" Wow. What smells so good?" Mariana asked.

" Did you cook?" Santiago asked, surprised that Casey actually cooked food that smelt so nice.

" And is there anything to be surprised about?" She asked.

" And why shouldn't we be? You cooked and it smells this nice? That's something of surprise" Mariana teased.

" Oh just shut up and help me set the table" Casey said and switched off the heater.

" There's no need for that. Mum and dad aren't here anyway so we can eat on the sofa" Mariana said and dished some fool for herself.

" If you say so. Make sure to leave some food for Ariana, mum and Ashley. I need to go get some clothes for Ariana" Casey said as she cleared the kitchen table.

" Casey, since you already cooked can you perhaps help us get some juice from the refrigerator?" Mariana asked with a requesting smile on her face.

" No. Stop being lazy and get it yourself" Casey said, washed her hands and left.

Mariana sighed, " all she had to do was get us the juice" she murmured as she took out the jar of orange juice.

" You don't expect her to always be in the helpful mood now do you?" Santiago asked before pouring some juice for himself.

" You're right, she's not always In the helpful mood" Mariana murmured.


Casey walked into the room and took off her earrings.

" What a stressful day" she murmured before going to her cupboard to take out a towel for herself.

She took it and went to shower. When she came out, she changed into a simple pink gown.

She brushed her hair before muttering, " that should do"

She headed straight to Ariana's cupboard to take out the clothes when suddenly, something fell from the cupboard. It was a bottle and she picked it up.

She stared at it before looking at the name that was boldly inscribed on it, " vironia". She gasped, this was a hard drug that got people addicted.

" Aaaah" she screamed and dropped it.


" vironia?" She rushed to the sitting room where she'd left her phone and took it out.

" What's wrong Casey? You look worried" Santiago said.

" Santiago, you know a lot of things so tell me, do you know anything about vironia?" She asked.

" What about vironia?" Santiago asked.

" Just answer the damn question. Do you or do you not know anything about vironia?" Casey yelled.

" Calm down, I know about it. It's a hard drug that gets people addicted in just one sip. It's really hard to get you know" Santiago explained.

" If you see it, will you able to recognize it?" She asked.

" Of course" Santiago said and Casey ran into her room.

" What's up with her and vironia?" Mariana asked, confused.

" I don't know, maybe she has an assignment" Santiago said.

" An assignment? During summer? I doubt it. She can't have an assignment" Mariana said with certainty.

" Here she comes" Santiago said as they saw Casey run down the stairs.

" Here, is this it?" Casey asked as she showed Santiago the bottle.

" Why would you even ask that? The name is boldly inscribed" 

" Just answer, is this vironia or not" Casey asked.

" It is" Santiago said.

Immediately Santiago said those words, Casey fell to the ground.

" How, how is this possible? It can't be, I can't believe it" she murmured 

" Casey? What's wrong? How did you get it? As far as I know, this is almost impossible to get" Santiago asked 

" I .....I..... I found it in Ariana's cupboard. It fell out while I was about to pick a clothe for her" Casey said.

" Oh my goodness" Mariana gasped as she covered her mouth in shock. " This is not possible, Ariana could never do drugs. She's a good girl and she can't do it" Mariana murmured, trying to convince herself that Ariana could never indulge in drugs.

" I still don't get it. How could Ariana be involved in drugs? She doesn't look like one who is" Santiago thought to himself

Casey got up, " is it written on their forehead? Is it boldly inscribed that people are drug addicts on their foreheads. No, they......" A realization suddenly hit her. " Could it be that this was her secret?" 

" What secret?" Mariana and Santiago chorused.

" While we were in camp, Ariana was acting strange and...." She explained everything to them. " Could it be that this was her secret after all?"

" I don't know. We can't answer these questions by ourselves. There's only one person who can answer these questions"

" And who is that?" Mariana asked.

" Ariana herself".


" Daddy, where's mummy?" A seven year old girl asked her father who was on his computer, obviously working.

" I don't know dear. Go ask your mummy" the man said without removing his fixated gaze from his laptop.

" How'll I ask her when I don't even.....just forget it, you never have time for me. All you do is work and work" the little girl said and made to leave.

" Becky?" A feminine voice called out.

" Auntie Lizzy" little Becky called as she ran in the direction of the voice which led her to a woman who had a bag in her hands.

" Becky" Lizzy called as she embraced little Becky before dropping her bags to carry her. " How are you doing my dear?" Lizzy asked little Becky.

" I'm fine Aunt" little Becky said with that adorable smile and Lizzy put her down.

" Aunt Lizzy" a little boy who seemed to be ten ran out and hugged Lizzy.

" Micheal!" Lizzy called and hugged him, " how have you being my boy?" She asked.

" Fine auntie. Come on in" Micheal said and led her in after she carried her bags.

" Hello Edward" Lizzy greeted the man on his laptop with a seductive smile but Edward didn't seem to notice it due to the fact that he was busy on his laptop.

" Oh, hey Elizabeth" Edward answered, finally removing his gaze from his laptop.

" Where's Ashley? I can't find her" Elizabeth said.

" Oh, I don't know where she went off to. I haven't seen her since yesterday" Edward said.

" And you aren't worried about her?" Elizabeth asked 

" Why should I be? She's a grown woman and can definitely take care of herself" Edward said 

" Okay, I'll......." Before Elizabeth could complete her statement,a mail man walked in.

" Am I at the Morgans?" He asked.

" Yes you are. What's wrong?" Edward asked 

" I have a letter for you. I was asked to drop this in Mr Edward Morgan's hands" the mail man said 

" I am Edward Morgan. Who's it from?" He asked.

" It's from Ashley Morgan. Please sign here" the mail man said and with that, he walked into the house.

" Why would Ashley send a letter when she lives here?" Edward asked himself.

He signed the paperwork and took the letter.

" Daddy, who's that letter from? Is it from mummy?" Becky asked.

" Yes it is" Edward said and opened the letter. 

Immediately he opened the letter and saw it's content, he dropped it and tears rolled down his eyes 

" Daddy, did mummy say when she'll be returning in the letter?" Becky asked eagerly.

" Yes, she did. She stated clearly when she'll be returning" Edward said with pain.

" When daddy?" Micheal asked .

" Never. She clearly stated that she won't be returning to the house" Edward said.

Becky ran to her father, " what do you mean daddy? Why won't mummy be coming back?" Becky asked, scared that the answer she'd receive wouldn't be pleasant.

" She clearly stated that she has severed all ties with us so deal with it" Edward yelled and pushed Becky away.

" Aaaah" Becky cried as she hit the ground.