
Chapter 102


After some time, the doctor came out of Ariana's ward.

" Are you a relative of Ariana Wilson?' the doctor asked.

" Yes. Is she alright?" Casey asked.

" I'm afraid not. Due to the fall, she has lost a lot of blood and I'm afraid there are some complications as she has suffered a severe head injury" he sighed, " we're going to have to operate on her"

" So, why are you even telling me? Go operate on her and make sure she's fine. Just make sure you can save my friend, I beg you" Casey spoke with folded hands.

" That's where the issue lies. The chances of her survival right now is very low"

" Like how low?'' Casey asked.

" 5%" the doctor spoke.

" How? She was brought to the hospital in time so how can it be five percent" Casey asked.

" I'm afraid she wasn't. She was brought in nearly an hour and half after she fell and that has caused severe head injuries"

" So? What are you suggesting?" Casey asked.

" We need her parent to sign a consent form"

" And why is that?" Casey asked.

" It states that incase we're not able to save her life, the hospital will not be charged"

" What do you mean?"

" We might not be able to save her" the doctor said and left.

Casey knew she had to act fast. There was only one person who could sign that form,..... Mrs Wilson.

She grabbed her bag and ran out of the hospital so she could get a cab.

Luckily, she found a cab and she quickly boarded after telling the driver where she was headed.

After some time, the cab stopped right in front of Ariana's house. She inhaled deeply before walking into the compound.

She was surprised that there was no one there, not even a guard and it made her suspicious. She continued to walk until she got into the main house but she didn't find anybody there.

Suddenly she started hearing a woman's voice. it sounded like she was on a phone call so Casey decided to eaves drop.

" You are such fools. How long has it being now and you tell me you don't know where she is?"

Casey was confused, who was Mrs Wilson talking to and who was she talking about?

" Listen to me, I want her found alife. I'll kill her myself"

Immediately Mrs Wilson said those words, Casey covered her mouth in shock. Mrs Wilson was about to kill somebody.

She took out her phone and started recording everything Mrs Wilson was saying on her camera.

" She has troubled me enough already. Once you get her, put a bullet in her head and end her alright?" She asked the caller.

Casey covered her mouth in shock, Mrs Wilson was planning to get someone killed. She saved the video and ran out of the house, she couldn't let her know that she had overhead the conversation.

Mrs Wilson paced around, " it's high time you die....... Ashley"


More updates coming tomorrow.