
Hero Wood

The ship marked by Eneas ended up flying into pieces after several accurate shots from the Navy fighters, that was the moment.

"Grand Admiral Zeus, change course to B51, altitude 2000. Now, now, rest of the Pickabee fighters are above the enemy formation with a minimum quota of 500 above, when you cannot continue, do not hesitate to eject, thank you for your brave services"

Eneas' bet had no margin for error; if they had hit the ship of the leader of the enemies until the enemies came out in pursuit when they saw that they were chasing a decoy, it would have given them several more than valuable seconds. None of them thought that if they did not receive reinforcements, they could survive, so Eneas gave the most logical order: to exert maximum damage for the maximum possible time, not sending them to a frontal death but to a useful attack until they had to abandon.