
Close Your Eyes

"So that's him right" said a shadowy man (or creature) in a black hooded robe," he'd be quite nice piece to my woonderfuul colection".

"Should we get him now?" spoke a shorter man also in a black hooded robe, without the hood on you could make out his face he looked quite young with clear water like hair and a blue skined face with a smooth yet straight nose and small sharp yellow eyes, this young man was a rare male water nymph, and in his hand he wielded a massive cleaver.

" No noot yet it would be faar to soon, and thiis place is croowded we might geet caught" said the hooded one with a hint of evil joy in his voice.

" Fine then have it your way, but when we go after xander he's mine to catch." the young water nymph said as he dissapeared into shadow.

Down on the streets below Xander was simply walking to his next location, bad beacon bar a place where savages, murders, assassins, and mercenarys gathered to find work, information, vengeance, and victims. As Xander walked into the bar he looked around and saw plenty humans with few other species occupying the bar, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a familar face and started heading over.

as he approached he called ove to his friend ( as much a friend you can be when mercenarys) trayden, a purple squid faced man with five tentacles coming from his face that touched the ground as he sat, the sixth one was cut off he was also dressed in a stained purple robe ," hey" Xander annouced rather than said, gathering the attention of many.

The looks quickly went back to their own buisness when they realized that Xander was'nt talking to them, " Well hey right back at you" said trayden to his long friend with a hint of true joy in his voice.

" what brings you back to town, found that sword yet" trayden said with honest curriosty,

" yep, here it is" said Xander as he pulled out his sword COMETFALL.

" It's beatiful" trayden stuttered as he spoke taking in the blades truly beatiful radiance,

as the two were about to continue their conversation the cities alarm blared through the bar, everyone who wad knocked was woken by the sound, and everyone who was awake rushed outside to see what was going on.

Far away yet still in the city, on the roof of a buiding two robed figures stood staring at the sky.

" what do you think a dragons doing here?"said the nymph with a happy smile on his face, " beeats me" said the other robed figure as he took off his hood revealing his face, a elderly blue scaled lizard folk with a large tail and sharp claws," he seeeks great treasure".


atop the dragon sat a throne on this throne sat a creature of myth, a creature unique to the realm of EndpoinT it was called a WA'SHINGUR, it had the head of a dear with long twisting horns at the end of each was a flower of different types on each horn, its body was humanoid in shape but covered in black scales except for on its shoulders and knees where the scales turned read, and it had long claws on it hands and bird like feet with deadly talons and a long tail small spikes jutting out from it, and it stood 8 feet tall.

below the dragon marched an army,

in the army marched the undead, led by a beglin ent, a creature made of wood that resembles a ent the top branches of the swirl into a long spear like head pointing towards the sky while the seven lower branches have wooden hands at their end, its face looks like a tortured ent trying to smile.

this army is running towards the city gate.


" INCOMING FORCES" screams the lizard sniper, as the army gets closer the lizard sniper starts firing taking out as many as he can while guards rally at the gates front, as the two forces meet, the beglin charges forward and reaches out with its arms and grabing seven guards turning them and its arms to stone, then it charges forth with its spear like head impaling to guards as their blood drips on the beglin it absorbs the blood, and two of its arms grow back as the guards remain stone.

" you can do this, woo you can do this" the lizard sniper jax tells himself in his head.

he loads some incenidary rounds into his sniper and begins firing on the beglin below( pun intended) round after round, BANG BANG BANG BANG, " TAKE THIS YOU FILTHY TREE" jax screamed in rage at the beast below until it falls dead, skeleton archers then retaliate with volleys of arrows jax goes to take cover but then he sees another beglin and rests against the.

" mom was right, i should've chosen a better job" jax thought reminiscing about his mother in this time of parrel, and so he closed his eyes.