
ENDLESS: The Broken Infinity

Zev wakes up in an apocalyptic world where strange creatures have taken over the planet Earth. Accompanied by his younger brother, they are rescued by La Resistencia, a group of soldiers willing to save humanity. With the help of super humans capable of controlling the four elements, they will face a common enemy, The Community of Dawn, a secret society that seeks to prove an old theory about travel between dimensions.

SheHaru · sci-fi
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49 Chs


Luna looked in all directions using her thermovision, she wanted to find the exact point where the voice came from but it was difficult to see it because as such, she did not have a physical body.

"I see some points above," Luna said with her voice cut by the movement she made when running.

Ocean threw fireballs aiming at the sky from different sides hoping to hit the target.

"Don't do that or you'll burn yourself with your own flames," Zev said, taking her arm to stop her.

She was taken aback and kept running after her companions.

For their part, the Dawn Community celebrated with a meeting full of champagne and sandwiches for fine palates, the reason, the capture of two reinforcements, now they would only hope that Ocean would fall into the trap.

"Here's to a world without travelers or time loops," Jolene pronounced as she raised her glass.

"Miss, what about the girl?" asked the second in command.

"By now it must be dead, in any case all the hindrances will be."

As they toasted to a selfish future disguised as a utopia, Evander lay locked in a windproof containment chamber, bound hand and leg with chains made of lead, which would prevent him from lightning his body and flying to escape.

In addition, other types of cables were connected to his veins, they wanted to extract blood from his body to continue recreating the poison it produced and thus reduce the non-community population.

Evander felt lost, if they got enough liters of blood it would be the end, with so much procedure he claimed to weaken but for some strange reason this did not happen, his energy continued to be the same, however he missed Ocean, he couldn't get the image out of his mind where she cried to see him go.

He struggled with all his might, causing injuries to his body from the movement he was making to free himself, however, his effort was in vain, the heavy material depleted his energy, he soon fell asleep.

"Miss Jolene, the boy that the walkers captured, what will we do with him?"

"We will make him pass into eternal life."

Milo was there, tied and blindfolded at the top of one of the columns in the room, listening to everything that was happening at that party.

"When we have the traveler, the same loop we've been in for years will be created, that's where we'll send this boy," she continued while taking a sip of her glass, "He'll be our guinea pig, with him we'll test if the passage is safe and then , all dead."

In turn, Ocean's team continued to run non-stop until Luna suggested they rest since the presence she felt had disappeared for a moment. They had been trying to reach the research center for about a day and a half, night was approaching so they needed to sleep.

Ronda and Ocean gave in, at the end of the day they were the ones who were trying hardest to keep the group safe so they soon fell asleep while Luna and Zev were still awake.

"When were you thinking of telling me that the presence is always near you?" Luna questioned with a low tone of voice.


"Somehow the voice we heard seems to be linked to you, I didn't want to say anything in front of them because of their reaction, they wouldn't take it well, mainly Ocean…"

Zev was confused but he remembered, in some dreams where he returned to his reality in the past sometimes he used to hear another voice, even in his thoughts he could hear it, he remembered but he was embarrassed to tell Luna that it was his conscience. He had so many doubts but in that dimension anything was possible.

*I think it's my conscience, I don't know if it can materialize as a person but I've heard that voice before, it asks me to do things I can't remember," he looked down at his hands, "in my dimension it would be the equivalent of having schizophrenia."

"In your dimension?" She asked with her eyes wide open.

Zev didn't remember that Luna didn't know he was the traveler but since he opened his mouth he had to take responsibility for his words.

"Luna, I'm the traveler but don't say anything, only Ocean and Evander know, for some reason they haven't told the others," he spoke even more softly.

Zev told her the story of how they found out and even though it sounded like a justification, he also explained that he didn't even know it was, she didn't judge him or blame him for it, she just accepted it and would keep the secret.

"I don't know much about the Community or about the reinforcements, I don't know many things but I'm sure that voice is not your conscience," she told him and then she fell asleep.

As the hours passed, Zev was able to fall asleep but within it the voice made an appearance again.

"You must be prepared, I know what you plan to do, I need to use your body," the voice stopped for a few seconds, "please release me…"

This time he heard her loud and clear, that voice was that of a woman with an angelic tone, which scared him enough, chilled him to the bone and he woke up suddenly.

His heart was beating at an accelerated rate higher than normal, sweat dripping down his hands from his forehead and his agitated breathing prevented him from seeing or thinking clearly. Around him the girls were still sleeping as if they didn't have to worry, he got up and walked close so as not to lose sight of them, he felt his body hot and cold at the same time as well as an enormous heaviness.

"Help... I don't feel well," he said, feeling his mouth dry.

His eyes slowly closed and before falling to the ground he saw a golden mane with blue touches in front of him.

"My conscience," he pronounced, stretching out his hand but fell to the ground unconscious.