
Endless Rooms (Soul Land 3)

It was astonishing how one argument between Tang Wulin and Gu Yue could result in this. Now the both of them were stuck in what seemed to be an endless maze with yellow walls, all alone. Or are they really alone?... All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners, Tang Jia San Shao. The backrooms were created by an anonymous user on 4chan on May 12, 2019. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

daidalus · Bücher und Literatur
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24 Chs

8 Adults vs 1 Heaven-defying kid

Tang Wulin's arm grew back a few seconds after killing Jiang Niu.

This literally defies everything Long Bing thought she knew about Golden Dragons. Completely ignoring the restoration of limbs, the growth in Tang Wulin's cultivation was palpable, noticeable to even someone who wasn't a Soul Master.

If Long Bing had to guess, his cultivation probably grew from 45 to 48, and she was almost sure that broke some sort of world record for fastest cultivation growth in seconds.

Why? How? How was it possible for someone's cultivation to grow after taking a life?

That just shouldn't be possible. Yao Yang never demonstrated an ability close to that. As a matter of fact, that like seemed like something only evil Soul Master were capable of.

But that didn't make much sense either. As someone who knew full well the aura and presence of an evil Soul Master, she knew Tang Wulin couldn't be one of them. Not only did the kid act like the polar opposite of her father a couple of hours ago, his method of gaining strength, while similar, still had the differences that set it apart from the cultivation method of an evil Soul Master.

Discarding that theory, Long Bing continued to rack her brain for any ideas as to what this was. A Spirit Ring ability didn't make much sense. Tang Wulin hadn't even shown his rings when he killed Jiang Niu in cold blood.

"I think I've figured it out..." A low voice spoke up from next to her, bringing Long Bing's attention to Yao Yang, who looked absolutely terrified. She completely understood why. Tang Wulin was scary enough, but it had to have been way worse if you had a Dragon Martial Soul.

"Look at the light around us..." Yao Yang looked around while raising his hand, now getting the attention of the two women next to him.

"This is a domain. Tang Wulin's personal domain." Yao Yang announced, earning shocked looks. "And from what he's shown so far, the effects of the domain is him getting stronger each time he kills someone." Long Bing had a suspicion that it was a domain, but she just couldn't believe a Spirit Ancestor was capable of that.

"But... at his cultivation level...?" The girl next to Long Bing spoke up, voicing her thoughts for her.

"I know. I think it's obvious by now this kid is the furthest thing from normal."

However, Long Bing soon realized their conversation could no longer continue. Tang Wulin, who had been standing completely still for the last minute, seemingly on some sort of high from his power boost, finally started to move. His eyes looked around, eventually locking down on Yao Yang, seeing him as his next target.

Shit! Of course, he would target the one who can't even fight back!

Long Bing instantly got in front of her best friend defensively, a spear of ice forming in her hand.

A wall of fire converged to create a barrier between them and Tang Wulin, however, with his newfound strength, he didn't even care about it, opting to just dash right through it.

But that didn't mean Long Bing's allies were done. A figure appeared in front of Long Bing, traces of the space element around his body. Each of his hands held the exact same sword, raised in the air to block an incoming punch from Tang Wulin.

However, she, and probably everyone else, knew this wasn't going to be enough. So she joined in the defense, raising her own makeshift weapon. The same vines that imprisoned Tang Wulin earlier came back in waves, wrapping themselves on his reared fist to try and slow it down.

Tang Wulin was slowed down by 5%.

Thankfully, that didn't seem to deter any of them because a gust of wind came out of nowhere, attempting to push Tang Wulin away from Long Bing.

The Golden Dragon's eye twitched, his momentum slowing down by just a tiny bit. Their combined efforts seemed to finally have an effect, albeit barely.

Despite all of this, Tang Wulin still managed to throw his punch, breaking free from the vines as it collided with the three weapons blocking his way from his next prey. But with the fire being blasted at his back, the wind trying to push him away, and more vines that seemed to be coming out of nowhere, Tang Wulin was distracted enough for this to be an actual struggle.

The guy next to her screamed loudly as he put all his effort in, his hands shaking from the force Tang Wulin's punch was bringing. Long Bing was also putting in the same effort, ice coming off her body.

However, she had a little bit of a problem that arose whenever she started to get the upper hand against her opponent.

"This is a member... of the Shrek Seven Monsters...? Their standards must've dropped...!" Long Bing couldn't resist opening her mouth.

The result was instantaneous. Tang Wulin's punch suddenly grew a whole lot stronger, almost completely destroying the three weapons blocking his way.

"NOT HELPING, LONG BING!" The man next to her screamed in understandable anger. It really was a massive issue she needed to fix.

Seemingly done with this, Tang Wulin raised his newly regenerated arm, and Long Bing's eyes widened in alarm. They won't be able to handle two punches!

But before the attack could land, another golden-scaled arm grabbed Tang Wulin's.

"Yang? How?" Long Bing instantly called out in confusion, eyes widening as she saw her friend holding Tang Wulin back with all his might.

With the obvious bloodline suppression, he shouldn't even be able to do anything except bow to Tang Wulin. Yet he was somehow fighting back. With all his strength, no less!

"That's enough, Tang Wulin." Yao Yang ordered Tang Wulin without an ounce of fear in his eyes or tone, ignoring Long Bing. His hand, and Tang Wulin's, were both shaking, each one trying to overpower the other. But Yao Yang wasn't letting up, despite their obvious strength gap.

His words didn't seem to ring through Tang Wulin at all, the kid just continued to growl and glare at all of them.

"Do you think your school would be okay with you doing this?" Yao Yang asked with serious eyes, his words carrying more power and weight than his fist. "More importantly, do you think Gu Yue would be okay with this?"

The powerful force that was trying to break Long Bing's spear seemed to weaken just a little bit.

As if seeing his opportunity, Yao Yang continued to speak. "I know that you, not this monster that we're fighting, you, are feeling regret for killing Jiang Niu like that."

Tang Wulin's face softened up slightly.

"And I'm well aware it was our incompetence that made you lose your lover. But, now that I've done some thinking, I've realized that there are still ways for you to get her back. So, please... The backrooms are bad enough. Your rampaging is just going to make it worse."

Long Bing was reminded of why despite the fact that she was the leader, Yao Yang was always the one doing the talking between them.

Due to her upbringing, she was extremely introverted, cold, and overall just not the nicest person in Shrek Academy, which made it impossible for her to even have a conversation with anyone until she crossed paths with Wu Zhangkong. Even then, the most she managed to do was learn how to give people orders without sounding like an asshole. She still didn't know how to be a charismatic leader.

But that was where Yao Yang came into the picture. He was outgoing, nice, and charismatic, and no one in their group disliked him. Whenever there was an issue they couldn't handle with their bare hands, he was always the one taking the reigns for her, knowing that she couldn't handle a situation like that.

This was a prime example of that.

Over the past hour, it's been made clear that Tang Wulin was way too strong to be beaten by them. Yao Yang must've realized that and did the only option they had left. Talking him down.

And it was working.

With her thoughts collected, Long Bing turned to the other girl in the room, the one who said she could create illusions. She took the hint pretty quickly, walking toward Tang Wulin, slow and careful. The guy who was blasting fire at Tang Wulin earlier joined her as well to defend her just in case Tang Wulin was still violent.

At this point, Tang Wulin's fists had lost most of their weight and power, his face had gone blank. He didn't look vicious and enraged, nor did he look depressed, just emotionless. Like he seemed to be thinking of what to do.

Since he seemed a lot less volatile now, the girl grew more confident in her steps, getting right next to Tang Wulin a couple of seconds later. Long Bing watched as the other guy also came around, a fire-shaped sword forming in his hand. It was always good to be safe she guessed.

The illusion girl gently placed her hand on the kid's head, four soul rings appearing beneath her feet. Since she looked like she was nearing her thirties, four rings didn't seem that impressive. But it didn't matter. As long as she could give Tang Wulin the illusion Long Bing knew he needed to see right now.

However, while Tang Wulin didn't seem to care about the girl, he did not like the other guy that was pointing a sword right at his neck.

He would then voice that opinion by taking his hand off Yao Yang before he could react, turning to the one pointing a sword at him, and plunging his hands straight through his chest, not unlike what he did to Jiang Niu.

Multiple cries were afterward. Pained cries from him, angry cries from the faraway onlookers, shocked cries from the man next to Long Bing, and Yao Yang looked at Tang Wulin with shock and disappointment clear in his eyes.

To her credit, the illusion girl didn't take her hand away from Tang Wulin's head, despite the terrified look on her face.

Long Bing considered trying to subdue Tang Wulin's arms in order to make sure nothing like that happens to the girl. But soon realized that would only succeed in making him furious again. All she could hope for was that the girl didn't accidentally piss him off to the point of no return.

The fire sword on Tang Wulin's neck evaporated into nothing in the air, the man once holding it tightly falling to the ground next to the kid, for sure dead.

Long Bing felt Tang Wulin's rise in cultivation, the same golden light that appeared earlier reappearing once more as his domain took effect. She didn't know exactly, but Tang Wulin was probably now at rank fifty. Probably the peak his cultivation will reach unless he can get out or find a Soul Beast.

They all sat and watched in tense silence as the girl closed her eyes, Tang Wulin standing completely still.

This was their last chance. If this didn't work, Long Bing was going to order everyone to retreat. They've already lost two capable allies to Tang Wulin, they couldn't risk anymore.

M.E.G could deal with Tang Wulin.

Fortunately, that didn't seem like it would be the case. Because it seemed like the girl had done her magic perfectly, even though they never saw anything themselves. It must've been a mental illusion.

The bright red color in Tang Wulin's eyes faded back into the regular black Long Bing missed, the tail behind his back fading into nothingness, and his height noticeably shortening.

The transformation back to his base, normal form finished, and Tang Wulin's now pacified black eyes looked at Long Bing for a moment, his mouth slightly open. Unlike earlier, when he looked vicious, angry, and ready to murder everyone, he looked completely exhausted and tame now.

Right before Long Bing could say something to him, Tang Wulin's eyes suddenly closed, and his body fell to the ground unconscious.