
Endless Legacy: The False Wizard

The protagonist named Markus wakes up from his nightmare and receives an invitation letter to take the entrance exam on a prestigious academy. He begins his adventure to find answers about his recent dreams.

Angery_boi · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Trial Examination

Well maybe he found out my name by reading the invitation he suddenly stole from me just now. It ticks me off so much the fact that little shit gouged out almost all my money. Well, he did become helpful for me somehow so I'll let that slide. I'll just hope I pass this entrance exam and don't cross paths with that guy again.

I decided to build up some courage to go to the gate entrance. And as I'm about to enter, the guard immediately stopped me.

"Hold on kiddo. Only nobles and royals are allowed to enter, but you don't seem to look like either one of them let alone dressed up like one. Which noble family do you belong from? And what's with that weird black marking covering your forehead along with your eyes?"

I felt intimidated as I'm confronted by a guard dressed in a fancy uniform. But my anxiousness rose when he suspected that I'm not a noble or a royal. However, I have this invitation with me that I can show the guard hoping I can enter. So I decided to reply confidently.

"Sorry, I don't belong to any noble family."

"Then too bad kid, you can't enter unless you are-"

I interrupted the guard by handing him the invitation letter. The guard was speechless after he saw the letter.

"Better not pull tricks on me kiddo or pay the consequences."

The guard takes the letter from him and opens it and takes a brief look at it. The guard is stunned as he recognizes the letter. He then goes to the person wearing a luxurious suit nearby. They talked for a moment before the guard went back to Markus and gave back his letter.

"You may enter."

The guard then steps out from his way allowing Markus to pass the gate.

What the hell was that? Things happened so quickly. Looks like this letter is quite something huh? I proceeded to enter the gate and as I finally got in, I was met by a young pretty guy with a fancy suit.

"Greetings participant, I'm an assistant of this academy. Would you be kind enough to show me your letter?"

Without hesitation, I showed the letter to that guy.

"Then please pour as much mana as you can into that letter."

I nodded and tried channeling my mana into the letter. I was amazed as I succeeded.

Then the assistant touches the stamps on the letter. I didn't know why he did that but in an instant, a magic circle appeared on the ground around us. The assistant in front of me was shocked. And before I know it, we're at another place.

Markus was stunned as he was met with extravagant and luxurious surroundings. The assistant who had a hard time grasping the situation, was dumbfounded by the outcome.

This guy… who's neither a noble or a royal and possibly a peasant based on how he's dressed, managed to activate my teleportation spell successfully with his magical energy. A feat almost very few nobles and royals that are talented enough to activate my teleportation spell successfully without fail. To think that someone like him exists in this world…

"Sir, would you be kind enough to tell me your name?"

"Oh, my name is Markus."

"Sir Markus, may I see your letter again?"

"Sure, here you go."

After I handed the letter to him, I turned my attention back to my surroundings. Everything here keeps getting my attention and I couldn't help but feel amazed.

This magic stamp functions similarly to flames. Just like flames, these stamps will respond by changing into a certain color depending on how much mana was poured into the stamps. It will respond in different colors such as red, orange, yellow, cyan and blue. Red is the lowest while blue is the highest. Since this person Markus managed to accomplish something that many couldn't, his stamp color should be cyan or even possibly blue-


The assistant was shocked when he saw the color of Markus's stamps. The stamp responded in a color that wasn't mentioned by the servant. The color of the stamp that was shown was purple. His reaction was immediately noticed by Markus.

That guy… for some reason I find his reaction concerning. Just what the hell is he doing with that letter anyways?

"Here you go sir."

The assistant suddenly handed me back the letter and after that I was told to follow him quickly. I had no choice but to pick up the pace since the servant runs fast. After some time of following the servant, he then stopped in front of a huge fancy door with another 2 fancy guards standing on both sides.

"This way, Sir Markus."

I nodded and headed towards the door with the assistant. However, the guard's expression doesn't seem happy to see me.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The guard confronted the assistant in disbelief.

"Please, let us enter if you may. I have to assist a participant."

The guards couldn't help but burst in laughter at the assistant's reply.

"That peasant? A participant? Don't give me that. Do you actually think a mere peasant is capable of passing this entrance exam? And what's with his face?"

The guards continued laughing at the servant not taking him seriously.

Ahh, I forgot I have this mark on my face that people can make fun of.

The guards suddenly stopped laughing as soon as the assistant showed them the letter. The guards were left shocked and speechless when they saw the letter.

"Is.. this for real..?"

"That's right. He's more than meets the eye."

As the guard asked for confirmation, the assistant replied with such confidence leaving the guards no choice but to open the doors for them.

"Let us go, shall we?"

I nodded with a bit of discouragement about my appearance and followed the servant inside. As soon as we entered, I couldn't help but be astonished by the room. The room was surprisingly huge, but the room is a bit dark and the features aren't as dazzling as the outside. Besides that, I saw countless pretty girls and handsome guys wearing fancy and expensive clothes and it made me feel down a bit for some reason.

The atmosphere of the room became tense as everyone gave Markus with unwelcoming glare worsening the discouragement Markus has.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

Seriously? It's the same question those fancy guards asked the servant. So they really do dislike peasants like me huh? Looks like it can't be helped but to follow that annoying cloak guy's advice.

"Please wait here."

The assistant walked up towards the front as I nodded again. As I stand here and wait, I could sense everyone's hostility and ill intention towards me. I'll have to keep my composure to endure it until the assistant returns.

"Since you're neither a noble or a royal, expect them to have their eyes on you wanting you to fail by any means."


"Why do you think that there's no lower class such as peasant and commoner that has been recorded passing that academy? While the upper class people like nobles and royals are the only ones recorded passing the exam?"

"Well, I'm not sure about that. But all I remember is gramps used to tell me that nobles and royals can use advanced magic spells at a young age thanks to their wealth that allows them to get their own tutor and teach them while learning knowledge that most people don't even know. Which is why nobles and royals can pass the entrance without difficulty because they were taught about it already."

"You really didn't get the answer I desire but, your answer should suffice. I'll make it straight to avoid wasting time. Let's just say there's someone like you, a lower class person who happens to be more talented than the rest of the upper class and has the highest chance of acing the entrance exam. But in the end, everyone from the upper class passed the entrance exam but him. Do you have any idea why?"


"Then, you'll have your answer the moment you decide to stand on the same ground as the upper class."

After remembering the conversation I had with that cloak guy earlier, it seems like I have the answer now. Standing here, I have finally realized. The moment these people set their eyes on me… is the moment I realized that my trial had already begun.