
Endless Legacy: The False Wizard

The protagonist named Markus wakes up from his nightmare and receives an invitation letter to take the entrance exam on a prestigious academy. He begins his adventure to find answers about his recent dreams.

Angery_boi · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Fourth Phase (2)

H-how..? How does he know about that..?

"Compared to the previous orbs, this one is quite different and unstable making it incompatible to other foreign magics."

Markus's statement made everyone astonished with few of them are starting to be convinced.

"And since it's incompatible with any foreign magic, it'll react violently and explode once it detects magic."

The proctor felt even more troubled as Markus explained deeper. Even Paul himself knows that the orb was unstable.

To think that not only sir Markus has innate talent and potential for magic, but is also capable of perceiving that far, he's truly worthy of this academy.

Paul thought so as he praises Markus for his talent and abilities. Meanwhile, the proctor feels he's on the verge of being cornered.

"How can you prove your claim, peasant? You lack evidence."

Upon the proctor's response to his explanation, Markus pauses for a brief moment to think.

"Participant number 1, could you step forward and try channeling your magic to this orb?"

Markus's request somehow intrigues the beastman and decides to respond back.

"Oh? Quite bold of you to have chosen me for you to order around, don't you think puny prey?"

This surprises the others because the beastman is known to be very arrogant and looks down on anyone that he deems unworthy of his attention. And yet the prideful beastman himself is approaching Markus.

Ah yikes, did I somehow offended him?

Wait no, it's different…

Markus can only watch as the beastman closes the distance between them until eventually they come face to face.

"Heh, you're quite big for a puny prey. Are you really a peasant? You have my permission to answer."

"Yes, but does that really matter right now?"

Markus is trying to be careful at selecting his words in order to somehow make the beastman aid him at proving his evidence.

"Very well, then I order you to tell me why are you bothering interfering into someone else's exam in an attempt to save them from failing knowing it would just put you in grave disadvantage?"

After being asked by the beastman, Markus's facial expression gradually became very serious. It's a question that he's been expecting to be asked for a while now.

"Ever since I applied to this exam, I've been targeted by these shitty nobles for the way I look and dress. On the third phase exam, no one dared to team up with me besides her."

Angelina is speechless as Markus points his finger at her before he continues.

"Ever since then, I've been struggling to survive the third phase with these hordes of relentless golems with her and made it with her. You tell me if there would be much difference if I decided not to help her now!"

As Markus finished his sentence, he lets out a powerful aura that intimidated everyone around him. Even the beastman in front of him was taken aback.

"Cease this nonsense! You will pay dearly for wasting time on this exam and the time you have wasted to provide evidence! Participant number 146, you are exp-"

Before the proctor could finish, another beastman interrupted and showed up. It was the same beastman that Markus encountered for accidentally spilling ink into his clothes. Participant number 127, 'The Crimson Tiger'.

"You said just now that you and that elf survived the hordes of golems in the third phase exam, right?"


"Then I would assume that these hordes of high class golems that were going after was both of you and at the same time, both of you are involved with the explosion?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but I'm definitely certain that the attacks caused by the golems that were hunting me down caused a lot of those."

Both beastmen and everyone were shocked by this information. This enraged the proctor causing him to lash out.

"Not only you interrupted the exam and made accusations about my exams being rigged, now you're falsifying the events from the third phase exam?! You shall face a grave punishment for this-"

Suddenly, the proctor was suddenly startled by a small explosion, unable to finish lashing out. Everyone was also startled. It is then revealed that the beastman tiger channeled his magic into the orb and caused a small explosion, injuring him a bit in the process.


Markus screams to her as she is near the orb.

"Hmph, looks like that puny mud face was right. The orb I used is completely different to this one."


To Markus's surprise, Angelina is completely unharmed only for him to realize that she was being protected by the magic barrier casted by the tiger beastman himself.

Everyone remained speechless about what they've just witnessed. Even the proctor has a hard time accepting it.

"You damn hooligan! You dare steal my debtor from me?!"

The beastman lion exclaimed.

"What a pity, it seems I'm the one who the mudface owes a favor now."

The two beastmen get into an argument while the proctor slowly breaks down from the situation.

Damn it.. damn it! This fucking peasant…! He shouldn't have been accepted to this exam. That lowly bastard ruined my every plan. What should I do? What should I do..?

While the proctor was thinking of a way to cover up his errors, magic chains appeared below the proctor and suddenly restrained him, rendering him immobilized.

"W-what is this..?!"

Three magic knights with their faces covered in veils suddenly appeared near the proctor. Their appearance shocked and frightened the proctor.


"Montero Vorurteil, you are under arrest for using your power and authority for your personal agendas and abusing the power you possess to oppress those below you. This action is absolutely unacceptable in the eyes of the 'Novaria Royal Family', therefore you will face severe punishment for your crimes and your authority as a proctor will now be stripped away from you."

Upon hearing this, the former proctor Montero despairs and enters the state of refusal. Everyone was shocked by this with some starting to revolt against the former proctor for his actions.

"No.. I can't accept this! You can't do this to me-"

Montero along with the other 2 magic knights disappeared, leaving only 1 magic knight left.

"Wait, if Montero's gone then who will finish overseeing this exam? This exam must be completed properly."

Paul asked the magic knight worriedly. Even though he expected that this would come one day, he didn't expect it to be this sooner. This sudden turn of events completely shocked him.

The magic knight then opens a letter and reads it in front of him.

"Paul Tempest, you are granted the position of proctor by the Principal of the 'Novaria Royal Magic Academy'. You are now ordered to complete the entrance exam and I will be your temporary assistant."

Everyone was completely shocked as Paul was promoted as the new proctor. Paul, on the other hand, has difficulty processing everything. But he has no choice but to do what he was ordered.


After answering, Paul takes a quick pause before he continues the exam.

"The fourth phase exam shall now continue under my supervision, your new proctor. You may now go back to your original position."

"You owe me one now, mudface. Remember that."

After the tiger beastman reminds Markus, both beastmen and Markus return to their position.

"Participant number 145, please proceed."


The voice of his tone and the enthusiasm in Paul's words, is completely different as a proctor compared to the former proctor Montero. Even Angelina noticed the sudden change of the atmosphere. Markus also feels that things are about to change.

Thanks to this guy, I'm sure now things will be a lot easier for me to deal with.

Markus feels reassured as he is no longer at disadvantage while he continues observing Angelina.

As soon as the new orb appeared, Angelina began channeling her magic into the orb. This time, she is a lot more determined to pass the test. Even Markus could tell that she was more eager than before.

Not only that her execution of the technique improved greatly, but also her focus. Keep it up, Angelina. You're doing great.

In less than a minute, Angelina's orb had completely turned into a floating light particle, similarly to the elf nobleman with the difference that Angelina's light particle has more luminosity.

Most spectators were impressed by her display of magic skills. While Reyham, the elf nobleman did not share the same sentiment.

"Participant number 145, you have passed. Please step forth, participant number 146."

Alright, it's finally my turn. It is time.

Markus clenches his fist with resolve as he marches forward. As he finally got into the table, Angelina called out to his name, turning his attention to her.


"Please, give it all your best!"

Her voice was undoubtedly soft yet they were filled with encompassing support and encouragement that reached Markus.

Of course, Markus was encouraged by this and smiled at her. This made his resolve and determination even stronger.

"I will pass this at all costs!"

As he declares so, he wastes no second and begins channeling his magic into the orb. Every participant who passed the exam could only watch in astonishment about the magic power he displayed thus far.

Each individual with magic is capable of producing an aura. The density of an aura that the person is emitting mirrors their sheer magical power. This is a common knowledge for everyone within the kingdom of Novaria.

Commonly as well, one's aura reflects their sheer strength as well. Which is why everyone was shocked when someone like Markus is producing an aura that is equal to or more than that of a beastman. Reyham was very displeased by this as he watched Markus from afar.

That lowly ugly peasant…. Why does he possess that much of mana?! Not to mention, didn't he exhausted nearly all his mana earlier? Yet now…

No matter… I doubt you'd have any mana left to pass this through with sheer power like a dumb brute.

Reyham grins with confidence knowing that Markus doesn't have enough strength left to make it through the exam.


As Markus declared so, everyone became puzzled. The orb doesn't seem to have changed at all. In fact, it looks the same when Paul replaced it. This made Reyham burst out of laughter.

"Hahahahahaha, ridiculous peasant. So you've finally decided to give up huh? Serves you right you earth louse-"

"Let me have a closer look."

Paul takes a look closer to examine the orb closely. But in fact, he already knows that Markus's alterification has been successful. Thanks to his eyes, he's able to perceive how the alteration was executed on the orb despite its unchanged appearance. In other words, he's merely acting as a witness to prove to everyone that he passed the alteration phase. But he was even more surprised by the fact that it remained unchanged because of how stable it was.

"Markus was it, can you show the orb to everyone?"

"Oh, sure."

Markus does what he's instructed and faces towards everyone.

"What now?"

"Make it a bit unstable."


Markus without hesitation, reduced his magical control over the orb causing it to be very wobbly. Everyone was astonished by it and convinced that he succeeded.

"Participant number 146, you passed. Congratulations to you everyone! You have passed the fourth phase exam-"

All of a sudden, a beam came right towards Markus but managed to dodge in time. Instead, it grazes the orb causing it to burst violently, splattering onto everyone nearby. The person who attacked was no other than Reyham.

"So it's not fake, huh?"

Reyham's display of behavior infuriated Paul. But for some reason, his course of actions are limited for some reason and decides to respond calmly as much as he can.

"What is this insolence you're displaying, you spoiled brat?"

Paul spoke with a cold tone with a cold gaze at Reyham. The elf nobleman got intimidated while also feeling unhappy and infuriated about this.

"Oh, so what are you going to do? Expel me?! You're just a replacement, you damn assistant! The former proctor stated it himself back then before the first phase exam that once the fourth exam is complete then the exam will conclude. And since I already passed the fourth phase exam, I'm liberated from failing and you can't do a single thing about it, you damn lowly assistant. Right?"

Reyham boastfully declared so in an irritating tone while trying to provoke him by calling him 'assistant'. Everyone around him wasn't very pleased by his attitude. But no one dared to stand up against him due to his unmatched magical power.

Paul was not having it of course, but he cannot afford to rise up to Reyham's provocation either. After all, he has something else in mind too. Instead he counters back calmly.

"It's true that passing the fourth phase exam will provide you protection from failing, but it seems you misunderstood its purpose."


"You see, while passing the fourth phase exam guarantees protection from failing or eliminating, it doesn't guarantee your acceptance in the academy."

"And what about it-"

"Let me finish speaking, you stupid fuck!"

Paul vulgarly shuts Reyham which surprises everyone. After all, he was known for his modest and elegance.


Reyham looks at him with great contempt as he lets him continue speaking.

"As I was saying, the purpose of this protection is to prevent the defeated ones from being eliminated in this upcoming phase. Especially if these individuals proved worthy to be accepted in this academy."

Everyone was surprised when they heard about the upcoming phase. Of course, Markus wasn't surprised since he had already anticipated it thanks to the mysterious merchant's info.

I knew it, there's still one more to complete. Yet it surprises me that everyone here was surprised as if they didn't know about it.

Markus thought to himself as he awaits for the new proctor's words.

"You can brag about your protection from failing, but your acceptance in this academy is never guaranteed, especially if ever I found you unworthy. So, I think it'll be better for you to keep your nasty behavior in check if you want to be accepted."

This infuriated Reyham even more as he never felt this level of humiliation in his life. He couldn't accept this and wouldn't dare tolerating this. He attempted to regain his composure as he was on the brink of losing it.

"You're quite the bias, don't you think, you damn newbie proctor? You're overly favored by that ugly peasant while you're picking on me right? This is a very unacceptable act in this prestigious academy, right-?"

"Stop messing around, you elf-basard!"

Reyham was immediately interrupted by Markus's exclaim before getting by a trident, grazing his left face. Everyone was caught off guard by it but no one else got hit besides the elf himself.

"Bias, you say? You and that damn proctor have continuously sabotaged me since the beginning and yet no one gave a damn because you're all 'nobles', right? Now that you can't do your shitty actions because an actual proctor is present, you're complaining like a spoiled child, right? In other words, you've got no right to say that!"

Every participant remained silent as they realized they've been turning a blind eye on the unfairness that is happening throughout the exam until now. Reyham on the other hand, paid no heed and briefly looked at his injured face before looking at Markus furiously enraged.

"You lowly peasant!"

Reyham furiously charged at him launching an attack with a sword and Markus did the same with a trident. Their feelings for one another are mutual. Their confrontation however was abrupted by the proctor Paul himself.

"That is enough!"

They were quickly restrained by Paul's magic chains enveloping their arms and legs hindering their movement.

"Since all of you are this impatient, we'll now proceed to the final phase."

After that, he glanced at his assistant, nodding as a signal. The assistant nodded back as he understood what to do. Without further ado, the assistant raised both of his hands up and activated a large scale teleportation magic.

Markus who's observing while restrained, was surprised and impressed at the same time that there's another person besides Paul that can cast a large-scale teleportation magic.

"Even though it's not as impressive as Paul, it's still impressive."

Markus remarked before being transported into another place. Surprisingly, they were teleported outside the palace. This place somehow resembled a colosseum. Specifically, they have been transported into a battleground. It was surprisingly large for a battleground.

I see now. So this is the final phase, huh?

Markus thought so as he anticipated how the final phase would unfold. Meanwhile Reyham gazes at him with great contempt as both of them remain restrained by the chains.