
I am very strong

Adam blinked a few times, the Evolution Tree's words slowly filling his mind with meaning. Adam didn't have the most ordinary relationship with his Evolution Tree, yet they were definitely not enemies, more like allies who argued quite often.

However, up until this point, the Evolution Tree had never directly said anything about Adam's power. 

The reaction was immediate, a bright flame appeared in his eyes - the desire to fight was at an all-time high, but even more, he wanted to see if he became as strong as the Evolution Tree said he was.

"You say stop whining and just kill them? Hah, that's probably the best advice I've ever gotten!"

Without hesitation, Adam dashed forward, a fiery explosion forming at his spot the moment his silhouette appeared in front of one of the two maidens.

The Soaring Martyr didn't expect Adam to be so fast, she swung her arms to fly back, but he was too swift.
