
Endless Carnage: Ever-changing World!

In a world where humanity's understanding of reality is turned upside down, the year 2023 marks the beginning of a new era. As a result of a mysterious event, every person on the planet gains the ability to enhance their physical abilities, but at a cost. This newfound power is both a blessing and a curse as it holds the potential to change the course of humanity. With this new power, individuals must navigate the unknown and face the challenges that come with it. The question is not whether they have the power, but whether they have the courage to use it. For some, the temptation to become a powerhouse is too great to resist. They will push themselves to the limit, risking their lives to become the strongest they can be. Others, however, will be hesitant to use their powers, fearing the unknown and the potential consequences. As individuals face this new reality, they must make a choice: succumb to the fear and limitations of their past or rise above to conquer their fate and the unknown. Will they choose to become a slave to their weakness or stand on top of the world? The choice is yours. But be warned, the journey will not be easy. As individuals strive to become stronger, they may find themselves facing unexpected challenges, such as loneliness and isolation. The power may also come with a heavy price, as individuals may have to sacrifice a part of their humanity in order to fully embrace it. In the end, it is up to each individual to decide if the power is worth the price. The fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of those who possess this new power, and the choices they make will determine the course of the future.

ColdHeavens · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Dueling Fates

"With a loud boom, synchronization completed, and space-time stabilized.

"Get ready for the first season of Endless Carnage, Season 0: The Dueling Fates."

"Every living being, be it human, beast, tree, or plant, holds the potential to become a Supreme."

"Initializing Chaos Calendar, it's now the Year 10020, Month of Sanguine Princess. All systems are operational."






It's been 20 years since the Earth was devastated by a catastrophic disaster. Although humans have made some progress in recovering from it, the origin of the mysterious voice that echoed in their souls remains a mystery. With no follow-up announcements or changes, 20 years have flown by in the blink of an eye.

Contrary to popular depictions in novels and movies, the zombie apocalypse never took hold. Within just five years, all known zombies were eradicated. Meanwhile, the rampaging animals were tamed after just three years.

The general public found it hard to believe, but religious folks saw it as divine punishment. Scientists, on the other hand, believed that it was just one of many disasters that Earth would face as it advances towards becoming a type 1 civilization according to the Kardashev scale.

Earth's population, once numbering 8 billion, plummeted to 4 billion after the disaster 20 years ago. Sixty-five percent of the casualties were attributed to the catastrophe. Scientists worldwide are still working to uncover the root cause of the event.

The only clue they have is the widely-used Chaos Calendar, which indicates that it's now 10019, not 2043, even though 20 years have passed. No matter what they try, they can't change the date - it seems to be set in stone.


11:59 PM on the 31st of the Month of Ice Spring (formerly December), 10019.

After an eagerly anticipated wait, the cold-blooded voice once again echoed in the souls of all living beings on Earth.

"Synchronization completed and space-time stabilized.

"Get ready for the first season of Endless Carnage, Season 0: The Dueling Fates."

"Every living being, be it human, beast, tree, or plant, holds the potential to become a Supreme."

"Synchronizing the Chaos Calendar. It's now 12:00 AM, the first day of Year 10020, Month of Sanguine Princess. All systems are operational."

In 3, 2, 1... all living beings on the planet Earth will be transported to the Endless Carnage World, King's Continent.





The Burning Hoof Country, also known as The Kingdom of Heaven's Flame, is a small kingdom located in the eastern region of the expansive King's Continent.

Suddenly, a group of people from Earth, including a 17-year-old male, appeared in the center of a busy plaza. As they stepped into view, the bustling street fell silent, and all eyes were drawn to them.

"Another planet has been consumed again?!", cried a bystander in disbelief.

"Why so soon? According to the rules, the next planet was supposed to be devoured by this never-ending world in the next 5 years," commented another onlooker.

"What's happening? This is a strange phenomenon, and it has never occurred before for the past 100 millennia," said another person in the crowd.

Minutes passed, and a bystander among the crowd suddenly had an idea and whispered softly, "Isn't it recorded in the Book of Slaughter that this phenomenon happened eons ago?"

The voice was quiet, but it was still heard by everyone, who was still shocked and petrified.

"A change is coming," echoed the collective thoughts of the onlookers.


The sound of shattering glass echoed through the air, accompanied by a high-pitched screech. The barrier protecting the newcomers from Earth shatters into pieces, causing everyone to exclaim in surprise.

"Where are we?" they cry out.

"Welcome to the World of Endless Carnage, inhabitants of Earth!" A voice booms.

"You will be given seven days of protection from the natives of this world, but if you attack them without just cause, they will be free to counterattack or kill you. Be warned, death in this world means true death."

"Only strength is revered here," the voice continues. "You will be given a system to guide you and provide your character status, but keep in mind that it is only there to assist you."