
Endless Ascension [ Haitus ]

Warning: This is going to be quite a slow pace. Reinhard, A man who's life serving as simple tool found himself in an endless journey to ascension upon meeting his grandfather. First world: Mushoku Tensei

Try_hard · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 4 - First Step

I woke up dead of the night where I looked around to see if there was anyone awake and found everyone was sleeping soundly. I turned to see my brother sleeping soundly with a perverted smile which I ignored since I was planning on checking out my personal world of Empyrea. The first thing I did was close my eyes and began to imagine appearing in my personal world. Feeling the breeze on my face made me realize that I was no longer in my room and opened my eyes. Looking back, I did not see anything, there was bare earth all around, as if it were wastelands.

Remembering that I asked for complete control over this world, I began to imagine a picture of green meadows, forests, lakes and rivers. I also decided to create climatic zones, mild winters in the north, summer and a small desert in the south, spring and flowering meadows, fields and gardens in the east, golden autumn with its harvest in the west. In the middle, I began to imagine a Japanese-style palace.

I am into eastern culture despite living in a European country most of my life. I find their aesthetic to be more beautiful than a western castle. 

A palace appeared in front of me and I quickly felt at home. The palace had a huge dining room with traditional low tables. And a huge number of living quarters.

There were also 3 personal hot springs with automatic cleaning, in general the whole palace cleaned itself. The master bedroom had a large four-poster bed. In the living room there was a home theater for evening entertainment.

There was a huge training room with various equipment and its own giant arena with many barriers withstanding powerful blasts at the level of nuclear explosion. After going to the training room, I tried manipulating the time to see if I could dilute it since my control is like a dream where I can do whatever I want but nothing appears.

'Perhaps, I first need to learn some time law or magic to dilute it. My grandfather likely has a reason why he didn't give me power over time. I could only guess it has to do with my potential and growth.'

Though, it could be negative. I didn't see any problem since a place that was safe and could be used for training was enough. People who see this as nerf are people who always take shortcuts and could see the value of proper training and overcoming the shortcomings. 

Placing it aside, I'm eager to understand time when the opportunity arises since I recall future Rudeus was able to find a method to go back in time but that caused a lot and led to his death. Looking around the personal world where not a single life form could be found which made me want to start hoarding animals from the outside. 

It's ideal for me to find livestock and place it in this new world to sustain me. Though, I'm unsure who would take care of it unless I find servants to remain in this world to take care of it. I sat down on the balcony overlooking the beautiful scenery that I rarely appreciate since I was too busy doing my missions. 

"This world shall be known as Empyrea."

I declared that it seems to give life into my new world of Empyrea. Once I finished exploring the place, I decided to head outside before anyone noticed me missing. Closing my eyes and imagining being in my bed felt like being pulled, then soon opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my home then turned to the side and saw my brother once more. 

Then soon close my eyes to sleep since for the coming week I'll start training with my father to learn the way of the sword. My body is still that of a toddler therefore it will take some time to get used to. The next few days our father was showcasing some of his sword style. 

I recalled his all advanced level in all sword styles from Sword God, North god and Water God style. It shows how talented he was in sword but still limited and had attained what he was able to do. His understanding in the style is still meager and unable to reach the Saint level because he had yet to showcase the technique that showed he was a Saint level.  

Even with that, I can see my power show the step by step process of using the Sword God technique [ Longsword of Silence ] which was a quick draw diagonal slashing attack that cleanly sliced through the boulder in front of him. 

"Woah, papa is so cool!"

"Can we really do that? Dad sucks at explaining."

"Hahaha of course you two can! This way you can still fight even without magic. Now who's going to try first?"

"You go first, Nii-san. I might not be suited to swordsmanship."

I nodded and walked closer to my father who handed me the wooden sword that he used to slice through the boulder. To be honest the weight reminds me of a steel sword because it is proportional to my body. I've handled knives but rarely sword still I know the fundamentals when wielding a blade weapon.

"Just step then whoosh afterward zing!"

"Alright, Papa." 

Few days ago I concentrated on using magic to strengthen my body, eventually able to perform Touki or battle aura. I haven't found the opportunity to train in Empyrea since everyone would start looking for me, therefore I decided on using it when no one is around. I could go outside when I am permitted and take the time to train alone. 

Now I held my sword trying to grasp it taking deep breath shrouding the blade with Mana to sharpen it. Imagining the edges to be coated in thin layers of magic then tried grabbing my old technique. It's been 2 years and could be a bit rusty but I memorize everything that I only needed to reawaken my battle instinct. 

I could feel my father intently watching trying to see what I was about to do because in the blink of an eye I took my first step gathering most of my momentum into the blade, rotating my body to swing. I fell slicing through air that made me confused wondering if I did something wrong until part of the boulder seemed to fall off. 

"I did it! Papa, Rudy did you see it!"

Acting like a child, I turned to look at my father who was speechless, unable to believe what he just witnessed. He kept looking at the boulder then to me trying to see if everything was real but how much he tried this was reality. 

"...Damn I don't know what to say besides that I am certain you are going to be a saint emperor in the future!!"

He was extremely proud to see that his son would be able to attain something that only few hope to achieve. I was merely acting on my instinct but never expected that my boundless talent to be this powerful. If I guess it is true then I might be able to learn any technique upon seeing them. Though, they would be far from being masters, still able to execute them enough to a beginner's level. 

"Wow, Nii-san, how did you use dad technique in your first try?"

"I don't know, Rudy it just felt like my body moved on its own."

"Alright alright, Rudy it's your turn. Don't worry if you don't get it in your first try and just try your best, okay?"

"Yeah, Rudy, no need to compare yourself to me. Just be yourself and that's enough."

Both of us encourage him since I know he'll eventually grow some inferior complex with me which I don't want. He doesn't have my cheat and experience. If our circumstances were the same then perhaps our talent would be as well. 

Gaining the courage tried executing the technique that obviously failed since he doesn't have the talent for swordsmanship as I do. Rudeus was displeased since he couldn't do it but I tried to encourage him. 

"There always next time, Rudy. Just keep trying! Right, Papa!?"

"Yeah, I was around 5 when I started training and took 2 years to execute the [ Longsword of Silence ] and I'm already considered to be quite talented!"

"Okay, Dad. I'll just do my best in magic instead. Maybe, I'm not suited to swordsmanship."

"Alright but at least train with us until you grasp a bit of it."

My dad was determined to share his skill with us and can see his reason for it. At least this will sharpen our battle instinct and not leave us vulnerable like normal mages. Afterwards, Paul began to show more of his skill to me from North god style to Water God style. I absorbed his teaching like a sponge where only my body was lacking for me to be considered an Intermediate or even advanced level swordsman.   

I tighten the grip of my sword as I continuously swing trying to let my body recall my fighting experience from my previous life. My father watched both of us and our mother soon came out to watch since it appears that she just finished doing the chore around the house. I was concentrating on my own training where my sword swung the air without any enemy before me. 

I've tried using a shadow boxing style of training where I was fighting someone to test my skill. I executed the technique beautifully yet lacked the power and momentum that appeared like a random swing but it was precise to my targets vital organs. Though, my mind is occupied by my training and was able to discern my parents' conversation.

"-Really!? Reinhard did that!? I may not be a swordswoman but I know that it's technique can take a year or so to be executed!?"

"I'm also having a hard time believing it but I saw it! Even Rudy saw how Rein just performed the [ Longsword of Silence ]."

"Does that mean our son's future could be the ranks of a saint or even a King!?"

"No, it may sound crazy but maybe an emperor or even a God rank. Give him a few years then I can see him becoming one of the Seven Great Power." 

"What about Rudy? Is he also talented with the sword?"

"Afraid not but he seems to have the same level of potential as I do. Still it's hard to say since they just started training. Though, perhaps he could become a saint or even a King in magic."

"It seems so amazing that we both have such talented and mature children!"

"Hahaha wanna make another?"

Deciding to stop eavesdropping since I don't want to hear their conversation and could haunt me for life. For now, I started to understand the sword style and advanced each movement I executed. I was performing Sword God style since this was the kind of Technique that had been taught to me. It was a quick and precise movement that had little defense which would leave me vulnerable.  

There's many styles and principles that I've encountered when we were being trained using some of them to revise some of the movements. I continuously train the basics by memorizing it until my body can't move anymore. 

"Alright, that's enough for today! For now, let's have some lunch." 

"Haa….su..ha...sure thing, Papa! Just…ha…let…me catch…my Breath."

"Rein, are you alright? You look like you've overdone it."

"Haa…Yeah… I'm fine, rudy….thanks for…asking…"

"You shouldn't have pushed yourself and taken it slow and steady. Alright, let me help you." 

My father helped me stand up after my body gave out and the muscle was shredded, that started to heal itself to become stronger muscles. He took me inside our home before wiping off the sweat in our body before heading towards the table and laid my head on the table since my body was sore from all the exercise.

"Rein, next don't try pushing yourself or I will get mad."

I awkwardly smiled while my mother scolded me. It was my fault for being too engrossed in training that I forgot that I was just a toddler that was nearly 3 year old. 

"Sorry, mama, I will try not to."

"Try? When did he get his stubbornness I wonder?"

"Hehehe, Rein you should do as your mother said or both of will get a scolded"


"Anyway, I've cooked your favorite food to celebrate your training!"

Upon hearing her words the life in my eyes brightened since it was my favorite meal after living in this world for nearly 3 years. I was complaining with the stale breath and unseasoned meals since I lived off ration when on mission and lucky enough to eat a burger. 

"Nii-San really likes Beef stew."

"Hahahaha well this will help you grow some muscle! Now let's dig in!"