
Endless Ascension [ Haitus ]

Warning: This is going to be quite a slow pace. Reinhard, A man who's life serving as simple tool found himself in an endless journey to ascension upon meeting his grandfather. First world: Mushoku Tensei

Try_hard · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 34 - Mana Core Lesson

Eris and Reinhard prepared to attack where the red haired dash towards him with swift diagonal swings that the blond haired easily evaded exploiting her overswing and didn't keep the weapon close to her body. Eris angered by his evasion and quickly tried to slash once again but quickly disarmed by Reinhard.

"Eris, your swing was nearly executed perfectly but remember to always keep your sword close to quickly black any attack. Reinhard could have easily attacked your body but decided not to. As for you, you're improving in perfectly blending the 3 sword style, However, the only thing you lack is more training."

Ghislaine criticized them for their swordplay while Eris was frustrated that she kept losing against him, Reinhard on the other hand nodded understanding that he needed to perfect his technique to reach the level of a Saint Rank, this is only in technique since his strength and overall power surpass it. He may have boundless talent doesn't mean that he is capable of instantly mastery every skill.

Talent needs diligence to show it's worth because if someone is talented yet doesn't have the mentally to continually refine their ability then it's all useless. They continued training with their sword style with Ghislaine still having the upper hand in techniques and clear understanding of wielding the sword while Reinhard only had started dedicating himself in the sword for exactly 4 years now.

The thing he lacks the most is experience in fighting new opponents that have different tactics in fighting. Reinhard is unfortunately unable to be an adventurer until he finishes his term in the boreas family.

"Now, the fight continues. Remember what I said even though our sword god style focuses on prioritizing offense over defense doesn't mean you should neglect ways to defend yourself. Plan ahead before swinging."

Eris nodded and continued to train against Reinhard who merely toying with her but kept hitting in spots that were her weak points. She seemed to start to pick up and evade the spot where he was hitting him. Reinhard smiled at her ability to adapt in a fight. She was natural when wielding the sword and only needed time until she reached the sword king.

The red haired woman found a blindspot and took it, slashing her blade at Reinhard face grinning at the chance but was easily parried by her sword and pointed his wooden sword close to Eris's face.

"That was close but still not enough."

"This is unfair! You must use that weird magic of yours! If you teach me then I can surely defeat you."

"Life is unfair, you have two choices, whine or fight. That's how life is. But how about this, I'll teach you another way to get stronger if you are able to answer a simple math question?"

Eris lit up when he said that he's going to teach her but frowned when they were caught and hated the subject of math. She had been trying to escape Rudeus' lesson but was always captured by Reinhard and forced to learn. She hated him for that. However, his previous words rang through her mind and didn't whine like she usually does.

"Alright, fine! Promise you'll teach me if I get it right!"

"Sure, I promise."

Reinhard tapped his chest, a gesture of promise like saying that shoot my heart if the vow is broken.

"Then, let's say I have 5 apples and I gave 2 to Rudeus. How many do I have?"

Eris began to wrack her head trying to find the answer while Ghislaine joined in and started counting that was adorable in Reinhard's mind. He was a bit surprised that she was really trying her best to get the answer.

"It's…4!? No, wait! It's 3!! I'm sure of it!"

She confidently answered that Rudeus was a bit surprised hearing her answers. Eris only lacks motivation to study which makes it easier if there's something that tempts her.

"Hahaha I guess I lost to you today. Great work, study harder because it'll come in handy in the future."

Reinhard chuckled, patting her head and saw a small blush forming on Eris face that slowly turned anger quickly tried to punch him only to wince, forgetting that his face was hard.

"D-Don't ever pat my head!"

"No promise. That aside, do you want to learn or not?"

"Hmm, I will!"

"Good, Ghislaine you can join as well. What I'm gonna teach you is something that I discovered from my dream."

"Your dream? Paul did mention that your crazy ideas came from that [ Shundō ] technique. I would be interested in learning that if you could teach me."

"Sure, I'll show you but for now let me teach you a way to use magic a lot easier. I am not going to teach you any spell since that's Rudy's job."

Honestly, Reinhard could just be the teacher in magic and didn't want to steal his brother's jobs. Though, he does help occasionally when his brother is struggling but normally focuses on training and perfecting his [ Sacred God Style ].

"This is something you should never share or it could become disastrous, Eris."

Reinhard gave her a warning that slight hint of killing intents which made her nod and sweat since he normally stoic or laid back expression.

"First of all, you may have heard what Mana is right? Well let me further explain it. Mana is essential to use Magic, it exists in the world and uses incantation to cast magic with the exception of me and Rudeus. "

While he explained gave a demonstration and cast electricity because he was far too familiar with it. This shocked Ghislaine seeing lightning at the palm of his disciples hand for the first time.

"Is this…Lightning?"

"Yup, learning chantless magic is a lot harder but does not limit the elements that you could cast. My method would allow you to use magic without chanting but would be limited to one element and if lucky would gain three elements. The elements you've gained are based on many things but one of them is the compatibility of the element to your body. Though, the exception is me and my brother."

"What is it that you two are always an exception?"

Eris exclaimed, annoyed at the two who proceeded to look at each sharing the same thought.

""Because we're built different""

Eris was annoyed at them and wanted to smash their heads together. Frankly, the reason Rudeus was able to cast more than one element is that his Mana core was clump of pure Mana rather than just singular Mana. It meant that his talent isn't found in the whole continent. These are all in affinity with Rudeus and are in line with every element.

"Jokes aside, My method is the creation of Mana core. I believe Ghislaine had seen Mana Crystal in wands and staff before?"

"That's right, it's a magic item that allows magicians to use more Mana and cast stronger spells much easier."

"This method is similar to that where you would form your own Mana core. The Mana cores are capable of using magic without chanting and improve the quality of Mana as well as increase their capacity. "

Eris intently listened, wanting to beat him as soon as possible while Ghislaine curious at the method that his disciples had created.

"I believe that Mana Core is classified into six colors: black, red, orange, yellow, silver, and white. One's mana color starts off as black, due to the body's blood and other impurities mixed with the mana particles as they form together into a mana core. Each stage of the mana core colors is split into three shades, dark, solid, and light), except silver which is split into initial, mid and high and white core which does not have stages. In general, the lighter the mana core color, the purer one's mana core was. Therefore there was more power one could have access to. I am only in the Orange Solid State but this equals at least a Saint Rank."

Though, the ranking of Mana core compared to the seven ranking are vague and couldn't completely judge someone's strength. However, Reinhard believed that the quality of his current Mana could at least be near the top tier Saint rank.

"So then teach me how to form this Mana core!"

"It's a lot harder than you think. It took at least more than a year to form mine. First of all, you need to be patient and follow my instructions."

Reinhard gave them the simple instructions sitting down in a meditative state where he was between the two of them placing his hand on their back.

"Now similar to your training with Rudy, try to sense the mana in the surrounding. Just relax and empty your mind. Try to imagine something comforting."

"...Something comforting?"

Eris muttered, closing her eyes following his instruction and trying her best to recall the thing that made her comfortable. She couldn't remember anything that truly made her feel relaxed and at peace because everything was forced into her. The expectation and burden of being the only granddaughter even though she was spoiled felt like there was something missing.

At that moment, she remembered Reinhard smiling at her. The one who was reassuring and made her feel in a strange way. Eris felt her emotion slowly become unrestrained and more relaxed than before. Meanwhile, Ghislaine is already an expert in controlling her mind that it didn't take her a long time to process it.

Reinahrd proceeded to pour his Mana into their body and guided it into their abdomen. This would make things a lot easier for them to form a Mana core for at least half a year because of Reinhard's Mana core quality and quantity.

"Now, if you are able to sense Mana rather than making a smell , try gathering them in one spot. Preferably at the abdomen."

They followed the route that he had given damn, letting it gather into their abdomen where it was rapidly whirling and forming a circular shape. Eris saw a reddish amber that seemed to make her feel an immense warmth while Ghislaine felt the breezy wind.

"Huh? Why is this so hard!? I was just sensing those light things!"

"Focus, that's why I said it's difficult because you're temper. Try your best to control it because one slipped up would lose your concentration."

Eris grumbled but listened to his instructions trying her best to focus on sensing the mana. She was aligned with the fire element while Ghislaine was perfect for wind because it would increase her speed even further.

"Now you have to continue this process until the two of you manage to awaken a Mana core. There are only a few people that I know successfully created a Mana core, me, Rudy, our hometown friend Slyphitte or Sylphy and finally my teacher Roxy but I'm not sure if she was successful."

After a while they ended their session with Eris felt mentally exhausted but her sense in Mana had greatly improved and the flow of Touki thickens than before.

"Continue to repeat the process until you feel like something is about to click then I recommend telling me beforehand."

"Why would we need to do that?"

"Because creating a Mana core could cause an explosion but don't worry you won't harm besides the things in the surrounding."

Reinhard explained since he is still unsure if sharing the two types of Mana user which were Augmentor and Conjurer. He was both while Rudeus, Roxy and Sylphy was a conjurer while Eris and Ghislaine if they formed a Mana core would likely become augmentors. There were only a few people that he had seen with Mana core therefore couldn't conclude if they were going to have the two types of Mana user.

After a while, they continue training for the entire day and Rudeus continues his lesson teaching Eris while Reinhard helps teach Ghislaine. The entire day, Eris was still impatient throughout it all and tried to start another tantrum but Reinhard kept her at bay.