
Endearing Little Promises

She's Lou Nylei Damandre- a cute, caring yet tsunderic kind of 15-year old girl who have been mature and aware of her surroundings despite her appearance. Like any other girls, she promised to capture his crush's heart, Lei Roland De Guzman, an 18-year old rich guy, and marry him in the future. Yet, her hopes suddenly vanished when a disorder challenged her fate as Leiro's lover. And the worst part is that Lou has to accept a decision she wouldn't want to happen, just for the sake of her wish. Will our cute little Lou handle this situation at a very young age? Will she still be able to keep her promise between Leiro and her? Together, we'll find it out...

Yhel_Writes · Teenager
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36 Chs

*Chapter 33: A Glimpse of Her

Leiro's PoV


I quickly got up from my bed as I chased my breath. I was a little tearful at that incident yet I sighed in relief as I found out that everything was just a dream.

Hey... Here I am again. Still having the same dream every now and then- a dream of a woman that cannot be erased in my mind. And that scenario that we are two in the same room, I feel like my heart is tightened- is it because of everything the doctor told me is true or I just can't keep our promises to each other?

I slowly scratched my head when I suddenly saw Lily looking at me- she was probably surprised by my shout earlier so she woke up ... My, I'm such trash. I even disturbed my sister just because I had that dream over and over again.

"Brother Lei? Are you okay?" Lily asked me softly as she slowly got out of her bed.

She slowly turned on the lamp in a drawer near our bed as she sat down next to me.

"S-Sorry Lily... I disturb your sleep. Don't worry, I am fine. It's just-"

"Isn't that the woman again, brother Lei?" Lily asked me a straightforward question as she tried to fix her hair.

I just smiled and quickly took a hairbrush from her drawer. I looked at the clock and saw that it was six o'clock in the morning, though it's Sunday yet we don't have any class today.

"Do you mind if I brush your hair Lily?" I smiled at her while she was still busy fixing her hair.

"No brother. Please do."

While I was still busy combing Lily's hair, I still couldn't get that dream out of my mind. I mean, it's already three years since I've always dreamed of that woman ...

Also, the doctor said that Lily also knows about what happened on my past, although I don't think she remembered about it since she developed amnesia five months after that incident, so I guess it's up to me how to remember the events again after I woke up three years ago.

I really wished my memories would come back right away- I mean, it's been three years since that happened, and I somehow felt guilty that I had forgotten a promise to the two of us by the woman in my dream. I want to find the truth- that girl's existence, our promises, and all of my past...


"Here you go now Lily. It's all straight as it is." I smiled at Lily as I placed the hairbrush back in her drawer. Lily just smiled at me when we suddenly went down to the first floor of our mansion- Lily headed to our mailbox to see if there was a letter there while I went to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast.

"Hmm ... Let's see. Bacon strips and fried eggs might be a good choice." I smiled to myself as I grabbed a pack of raw bacon strips and two eggs from the fridge when I noticed that it was about to run out of stock

Well, I guess I have no choice but to go shopping for today.

Oh yes, Lily and I are the only two living in this mansion. Both of our parents are away from work, but they don't forget the two of us by giving us money every week for our needs. They also visited here once a week, every Sunday I guess, to check if we were okay.

But, this day seems different...


Suddenly I saw Lily pouted into our kitchen, with a mail in her hand.

"Oh, Lily, what happened? It's seems like your face can't be drawn for now." I said jokingly as Lily frowned even more.

"Cursed you brother! But, well... Mama and papa won't be coming today since they have an urgent meeting." Lily said to me as she sat down in our dining chair.

"So? What's the problem there? You don't have to be pissed about it." I smiled at him as I started to fry the bacon strips.

"Eh, I feel like their job is more important than ours. Hey, tell me brother, do you think mama and papa still love us?" I suddenly stopped when I heard that. But instead of getting emotional, I just smiled and tried to change Lily's mood.

"Well, think about it, Lily. If mama and papa don't love us, then what else are they working for, right? And, mama and papa wouldn't do something if it wasn't for us. They may be far from us but I know that's for our future. " I smiled at her as if I'm proud of myself- wow, I really said that?

Well, Lily just smiled as she just stared at me while I'm cooking breakfast for the two of us, when I suddenly remembered about the contents of our fridge.

"Oh yes, Lily? I have planned to go shopping after we eat since our fridge's resources were about to run out, and I'm actually craving for something this lunch so I'll also buy ingredients for it. Do you mind if you come with me?"

"No brother, honestly, I also want to come with you all the time. Well, not to mention it's boring here inside the house when I'm not with you, but because I wanted you, so... Take me with you!" I can see the sparkles in Lily's eyes- one sign that she wanted to come along. Well, she also has a point. It's so boring here at home when we're not together...


Well, here we are. After Lily and I ate our breakfast, we decided to go to Robinson's Place Pavia- it's a bit far from our mansion but there's so much to see there so it's worth it.

While we waited for a jeep, Lily tried not to focus on the sun's heat as she asked me some questions.

"Brother, what are we going to buy, by the way? Can I have a look?" Lily asked as she tried to reach for the paper.

"Sure... Here. We're going to buy a lot now so ..." I said as I handed her the paper. She kept on reading it, and I also kept on giggling.

"Well, it looks like it's going to be heavy... You'll take care of those heavy ones okay? I'll carry the light ones..." Lily said jokingly to me as I secretly laughed. Well, I wouldn't expect nothing less from a twelve-year old-

"What are you mumbling about, brother? Are you okay?" Lily suddenly asked me when I tried not to let her notice the headache because she might worry about me again.

"I'm okay Lily, don't worry. Oh, there's the jeep now." I suddenly grabbed Lily's hand as the two of us happily went inside the jeep.

"Two students, sir driver. Robinson's Pavia." Lily smiled at me as she handed the money to the driver of the jeep. When the jeep started moving, Lily suddenly leaned on my shoulder.

"Lily... Sit properly, will you? It's embarrassing." I tried to whisper to Lily but she ignored me.

I smacked my face slightly when I felt a familiar face sitting next to the driver. I can feel that she's looking at me, but maybe because of Lily's clinging to me. Well, not to mention that almost everyone inside the jeep is busy with their lives, but this one is different ...


Minutes passed, we arrived at Robinson's Place Pavia. It's Sunday today so there are so many people here. It seems that they also have plans to go here so I just let it go. Well, who am I to judge, by the way?

As my command, Lily and I headed inside the Robinson's Place. When we got inside, We were surprised that there are a lot of people inside than on the outside, and a lot of shops to scan on. In other words, this place is so busy yet very lively.

Lily quickly pointed on a grocery shop near us- well, it's just a few meters away from us, so we hurriedly walked to that shop as Lily tried to scan for vegetables we need.

"Brother, these are the carrots. We only need three, don't we?" Lily smiled at me as she placed the carrots in our shopping basket.

"Hey, Lily, the cabbage... I don't think you brought any cabbage." I smiled at her as she scratched her head again.

"Ayt, I forgot brother. Hehe..." I just smiled when she suddenly returned to the cabbage container.

"Just slow down Lily and you might slip!" I softly shouted at Lily once again.

"Oops, sorry brother!"

My, she's really like that as always... But I don't hate it though since she's my little sister. Hmm... how about I should brought her a surprise present later? I have my eyes on that limited-edition sandals somewhere here so she might loved it.


After a few minutes, Lily and I happily went out from the mall and waited for a taxi back to our house. I know a lot of jeeps will pass by now but I'll just choose a taxi for Lily because I'm going somewhere for a while.

"Just take care of yourself brother okay? My, how unfair of your of leaving me with these groceries- it's really heavy, you know?!" Lily grumpily said to me as I just helped the taxi driver put our purchases in the trunk of the taxi.

"I'm really sorry Lily... I'm just going somewhere now... Don't worry." I just smiled at her as I felt that's she relieved to hear that. Well, she may be angry about today but I know she knew what I'm trying to do.

"Well now. I'll be going now. Just be careful with your journey brother okay? And don't do anything stupid!" She slowly entered the taxi while I slowly closed the door for her. After leaving, I immediately got into a jeep.

"Just one student sir driver. I'll just go down to the stoplight." I smiled at the driver as he started driving his jeep.

To be honest, I just wanted to go to a long bridge located in Taytay Diversion- well, it's nothing important though, it's just that the sunset is beautiful there, the type you'll really-

Without hesitation, I felt my chest trembled when there was a jeep suddenly passed through from behind us. I didn't feel scared on the jeep itself- but to a woman I saw riding there... Wait, is she-

I don't know what's happening to me, but there's only one solution for me to know about it...

That I could have the chance to talk to that woman ...
