
End of Times: Copy/Paste System

One thing about life is that it is arbitrary. It changes purely on a whim, and no one really expects what would happen thereafter. Lying around doing nothing while expecting life to change, or in the contrary taking desperate measures to make sure that life stays as it is, are the same if you are unappreciative and ungrateful, overlooking what you have in the present to fantasize about what you aren't even sure what you are going to have in the future. This is taking life for granted at its finest, and that is a guaranteed one way ticket to a life full of regret. And Nolan Gimmeny is definitely going to win that trip. He is as unmoving as a boulder in a storm. He lies around all day in his bed, wishing for his boring life to change into an interesting one, which got him into reading novels. Little did he know his wish will come true... But you know what they say... be careful what you wish for, lest it come true. *** !! This is as gay as it can ever be. !! Cover is not mine, got it off pinterest (End of Days, Zombie Apocalypse, Dark Designs by Elfyau), and just added words (clearly, i am not great at designing). !! This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and incidents, are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.

romsszs · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

The world is near its end.

Turns out, it takes a worldwide-scale calamity to make each and every human being in the whole planet to unify- atleast in thoughts. Because no matter the language, humanity had realized with the destructive earthquake that had just happened that the world, as they knew it, was about to come to its end.

The calamity had brought upon destruction to their beloved planet. Several cities crumbled to dust, literally, as the skyscrapers that once stood had found themselves lying on the ground, or on top of other sky-high buildings that also fell under the same circumstance.

Many parts of the world experienced fissures. The ground had opened up spanning hundreds to thousands of kilometers long. It was 'I wish the ground would open up and eat me' kind of thing, but on a terrifying level, because the ground literally did open up, and it did not kill only a single person. Millions of people had perished as they fell through the long and wide cracks that formed right in their very position.

Humanity is on its knees, and no one knew why.

The halting of the earthquake brought upon a sliver of relief in the survivors' hearts. However, little did they know that this is only the beginning of the calamity- no. Apocalypse is the better term for it. And God forbid, no one was ready.


It had been half an hour since the earthquake had stopped, however, Nolan was still on the ground, sobbing his heart out, while his mind raced through different scenarios of what had happened to his dear parents. He was going crazy, and near breaking due to intense worry and anxiety.

Another half an hour had passed and Nolan had stopped bawling his heart out as his mind began to clear.

"S-System, what is the world's state right now?" Nolan asks to his System.

[The earthquake had devastating effects to Host's planet, Earth. A continent had split apart due to the strong shaking that had happened. Several cities and countries had fallen, and approximately 20% of the world's total population had perished due to the calamity.]

Nolan cursed in his heart. The earthquake that shook the entire world indeed had devastated Earth. However, he knew that this wasn't the end. He still does not know what kind of apocalypse is bound to happen, but he knew that things are about to get so much worse. And he also knew that he had to toughen up if he wants to survive.

A resolve grew in Nolan's heart. He wants to find his parents.

First things first, he had to come in terms with the situation, and see what he can do with the System that had assimilated with him.

"System, can you show me my status board, please?"


Name: Nolan Gimmeny

Age: 18

Title: None

Class: None

Traits: [Warm-Hearted] [Neet] [Gay]

Level: 1 (0/10)

HP: 90/100

MP: 1260/1260


STR - 10

CON - 10

AGI - 13

INT - 18

STA - 14

WIS - 14

Free Attribute Points - 10

Talents: None

Skills: None

Equipped Items: None]

'Oh?' Nolan was pleasantly surprised about how detailed the system was... atleast by the amount of information that it showed. Although he can't help but be confused.

And what's up with that trait?

Although yeah, he was indeed warm-hearted, no kidding, he really was a very warm person. He was open-minded to anything, understanding of other's circumstances, very friendly, kind, affectionate and caring, and so on... BUT HE DEFINITELY WAS NOT A NEET! He was just resting after his graduation from the Senior High School! He was just... tired and bored of life, and just want to read stuff and... and... okay, he's a neet.

And yeah, [Gay] sounds about right. Because as much as most men got shit personality, they're... men.

"Hey, System. Could you explain to me how the Status Board works?"


The Status Board displays information about the host that have significant effects to his development, especially in the apocalypse.

To briefly explain, Titles are acquired when the host has managed to do achievements that are important enough to be recognized by the System. Titles have different effects, which could be, but are not limited to, an increase in Attributes and acquisition of Skills and Traits.

Class are Jobs, like those light novels, mangas and animes that host had watched before. Classes are initially given to the host when he reaches [Level: 5]. There are several criteria that are considered in the acquiring a class, which are calculated during the host's experiences prior being bestowed a Class. Classes grants host perks such as, but not limited to, increase in Attributes and acquisition class-exclusive skills and positive Traits. Some Classes brings also detriments such as, but not limited to, decrease in attributes, and negative Traits. This is done to balance out a Class that would have been unbalanced otherwise.

Traits encompasses the host's personality, moral inclination, values, and attitudes. Some traits may be included for the host's copy/pasting convenience.

Levels are the over-all state of the Host, and the result of the host's experiences. Increase in levels grant host +1 per Attribute, and 3 Free Attribute Points.

Before the System continues, does the host have any question regarding the aforementioned?]

The System was considerate enough to ask Nolan for queries that he may have about the previously mentioned items, and so that he may not be overwhelmed by the copious amounts of information that the System pours onto him.

"Yeah, I do, actually, thank you for asking. Not to be boastful or anything but, when I was at school, I used to earn a lot of achievements and recognition. I was wondering why these did not show up in the Titles part, or even the Traits part, even as purely cosmetic?"

When Nolan was in school, he often participated in several inter-school competitions such as Math, Journalism, Programming, and Robotics Contests and some other extra-curricular activities, all of which he had won first place every time he joined. He had garnered numerous medals and certificates, also for always being first of his class, and school. He was also in the debate and journalism team from the beginning to the end of his high school days.

To put it in a nutshell, Nolan was smart... terrifyingly so.

[There are two reasons for the host's question. One being that Titles acquired through pre-apocalypse achievements, do not have any additional effects on the host, like post-apocalypse, and post-system-assimilation Titles do. This also applies to Skills, Talents, Traits, and Equipped Items. The Traits shown in the Status Board are exceptions because they are the System's gifts to host for the convenience of copy/pasting as the System had mentioned earlier, while the [Gay] trait is added because the System deemed it to be of host's pleasure.

The first reason brings the System to the second reason, which is the reason why the host had won is because he had sufficient capabilities, knowledge, ability, and intelligence to do so, and these factors have already been quantified in the INT stat, which will be explained later further.]

He was particularly confused about the Talent and Skill part, because surely he had some talent and skill, he was smart, after all, however the System's explanation had given him enlightenment.

"That Gay trait is certainly unnecessary, but thank you. I greatly appreciate the gifts. I can see how much fun it is to copy and paste the Gay trait to someone that pissed me off," Oh, if only the people that will offend Nolan in the future can hear this, they would've had second thoughts. Nolan just needs to find a [Homophobic] to complete it. Oh, how fun! "Could you please continue with the explanation?"



HP or Health Points are the host's current state. When taking damage, HP is reduced. Upon reaching 0, the host will die. Diseases also take part in the reduction of HP. HP is calculated using the CON Attribute, multiplied by 10

MP or Mana Points are the host's current ability to use skills. When using a skill, MP is reduced depending of the value needed to use the skill. Upon reaching 0, the host will enter into a Mana Fatigued state, which lowers his Mana Regeneration by half, until he has recovered an eighth of his total MP. MP is calculated using the INT Attribute, multiplied by the WIS, and the halved STR.

Attributes are quantified attributes of the host, hence the name. An average human has 10 points for each attribute, and the maximum for a human to achieve in their own leagues is 15.

Strength Attribute is the quantified amount of the host's physical strength and the ability to exert force.

Constitution Attribute is the quantified amount of the host's ability to withstand pressure, strain, or pain.

Agility Attribute is the quantified amount of the host's ability to move. This encompasses his Speed, Dexterity, Reaction Time, and also rate of attacks.

Intelligence Attribute is the quantified amount of the host's intellectual capabilities.

Stamina Attribute is the quantified amount of the host's ability to maintain strain in the body.

Wisdom Attribute is the quantified amount of the host's ability to utilize and apply his Intelligence to tangible or intangible means.

The Free Attribute Points are excess points of which host have the liberty to distribute to the existing Attributes.

Talents are the host's inclination of excelling in something. Outcome is determined by the Talent's effects.

Skills are actions, whether passive or active, that the host is capable of performing.

Lastly, Equipped Items is the section where the equipment or items that the host choose to equip is shown.

Does the host have further questions?]

"I do not, thank you so much for explaining that to me. I would like to go ahead and distribute my free attribute points first."

[Certainly... Displaying Status Board:

Name: Nolan Gimmeny

Age: 18

Title: None

Class: None

Traits: [Warm-Hearted] [Neet] [Gay] [Polite]

Level: 1 (0/10)


STR - 10

CON - 10

AGI - 13

INT - 18

STA - 14

WIS - 14

Free Attribute Points - 10

Talents: None

Skills: None

Equipped Items: None]

Nolan was pleasantly surprised with the new addition in his Trait.

"May I ask, where did I get the Polite trait from?"


"Oh, okay. Thank you very much, I guess."

'How should I distribute the free points?'

Nolan contemplated as to how he should allot his free attribute points. All that he knows is that, one way or another, this will allow him to get stronger. He just doesn't know which direction will he go with it.

[If host would like, The System may distribute the points on his behalf,] The System offers.

Thinking that it might be the best course of action, Nolan agrees to the System's proposition.

[Certainly. Distributing the points.

Name: Nolan Gimmeny

Age: 18

Title: None

Class: None

Traits: [Warm-Hearted] [Neet] [Gay] [Polite]

Level: 1 (0/10)


STR - 10 -> 12

CON - 10 -> 12

AGI - 13 -> 16

INT - 18

STA - 14 -> 17

WIS - 14

Free Attribute Points - 10 -> 0

Talents: None

Skills: None

Equipped Items: None]

The System had added 2 points each to Strength, and Constitution, while putting the remaining 3 points each to Stamina and Agility.

"Could you explain why you had distributed the points the way you did?" Nolan was not at all doubtful of the reasoning behind the distribution of points. He was just genuinely curious as to why the System had done them this way.

[The world has fallen into chaos, and apocalypse is within you. This is the time where you need all the speed and Stamina you can get. Without Skills, the host is severely disadvantaged when fighting the zombies and monsters that are to appear. The System had distributed your free attribute points with this into consideration. Also, when push comes to a shove, the host needs to bridge the disadvantage even just a bit, therefore Four points were divided into the Strength and Constitution Attribute.]

'Oh, so its a zombie apocalypse?'

The System had revealed what kind of apocalypse had befallen on Earth. Nolan had some inkling as to what it might be, and even though he was right, he still doesn't feel good about it.

Nolan felt like he was right in allowing the System to deal with the free attribute points for him. The System made good points and important considerations that are purely to his benefit. Nolan had obviously not experienced an apocalypse before, other than the novels that he read, and so he does not think he could've made those points by himself.

"I see. Thank you so much for that."


Nolan looked around his room for things that he could use his System for. His room is pretty barren, as he never liked to have a lot of things to begin with even though he had a huge room, as much as he is rich, so there were not a lot of useful things. However, this did not stop him from using [Observe] on a some items.

[Item - Bed (F)

Trait - Soft (F)

Effect - None]

[Item - Boxers (E)

Trait - Soft (E), Comfortable (E)

Effect - None]

[Item - Mahogany Bed-side Table (B)

Trait - Durable (A), Compact, (C)

Effect - None]


The A-grade Trait catches his attention. This has got to be good, right?


A bit of information dump... bit too much, I guess? I still hope you enjoyed the chapter, though.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading!