
End of a life - Live again

Having perished in an unfair manner, he was born again in a new world with all of his memories. The reason for this new chance eluded him, but one thing was true: a second chance was granted to him. Determined to live this life to the fullest, he embarks on a new journey to make his life and the others around him the best it can be. I'm 15 chapters ahead on Patreon but all chapters will still be posted here, if you guys want to donate something I'll greatly appreciate it. Also, the public chapters release here earlier. [https://www.patreon.com/ghostclaw] Then, fanfiction. [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14253335/1/End-of-a-Life-Live-again] And finally, webnovel.

GhostClaw001 · Bücher und Literatur
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72 Chs

Chapter 13

Allen continued to practice in the couple of weeks after thinking about the usage of the four elements.

Just as how he managed to control the creation of fire, water and air, the same thing happened with earth.

"What would it even be called? Terrakinesis?" Allen wondered while creating a small pebble of dirt, compressing it enough that it becomes a small rock on top of his finger, then he shoots it towards the ground in the same way he shoot the ball of fire and the droplet of water the previous weeks.

The rock created a small crater on the ground, different from when he used the water droplet, it would leave a small hole on the ground.

Allen thought about their uses and how much damage they can do"aquakinesis its more for precise damage, meanwhile, terrakinesis its more for splash damage, if I were to compare each other, using water would be almost like a sniper and using earth like a shotgun" These thoughts were running through his head while he sat down in the same corner of the garden he used to practice pyrokinesis for the first time.

"Meanwhile fire and air are in another league, definitely made for making destructive damage"

He remembered the first time he shoot a fire ball towards the ground to test it. The impact made a small explosion, leaving behind a small fire that he promptly extinguished using aquakinesis.

"Should I call them by the suffix 'bending' instead of making it a Latin word then adding kinesis at the end?" He wondered "But I'm not actually bending anything like in that show, I'm creating it"

"Maybe I should try to find if they actually called like that, because I'm pretty sure I'm making up their names after pyrokinesis" Allen sighed, deciding to think about that another time, he continued with his practice, after he managed to get a level of understanding of the use of these four powers and his imaginary psychic muscle didn't hurt anymore, he thought about a new training method to do.

While it was easy for him to control his powers if he concentrated in only one, he hasn't tried to use two at the same time and that's what he was going to try right now.

Allen closed his eyes, bringing his emotions to the surface and he could feel his powers rising within him, then as he pointed both of his hands in front of him, he made his intention clear, to have fire in his left hand, and water in the right one.

A new sensation cruised through him, more prominent on his arms and all the way to his fingers, it was a new type of pain, just like how when you get used to a certain type of exercise, it doesn't hurt as much when you practice it a lot, but then change to a different type and all of a sudden it hurts just as much or even more than when you started it.

Sparks appeared on his left hand, while water droplets formed on his right one and as he continued to push his intention forward, it continued to hurt, not an unbearable pain, but more like a pain that gradually appears when you do a plank, the longer you stay there, the worse it will hurt.

The sparks created a small flame, the size of a fingertip and the same thing happened with the droplets of water, he continued to push his powers and intention further but the more he pushed the more it hurt.

The flame reached a size of about two fingers and the same thing with the water ball, when Allen couldn't endure anymore and let go of his powers, as if he just let himself plop on the ground after a tiring exercise that felt like hours when in reality it was only for a couple of seconds.

He breathed heavily as he endured the pain "Th- That… w- was harder than I thought, fuck" Allen let out in frustration, grabbing with his hand a bunch of grass which he tore off the ground.

As much as it was fun for him to practice his powers, it was also equally as fun because he managed to get it right almost on the first try whenever he tried something, so hitting a wall like this hurt his pride.

While he didn't want to let these thoughts plague his mind, every time he managed to do something he put his mind to it at the first try, he would always cheer for himself, and think that it was the obvious result.

Allen didn't like feeling this frustration inside of him so he stood up "Let's try it again, this time let's endure it a bit longer" He exclaimed to himself, a smirk appeared on his face as he put his arms forward, calling his powers again.


After a few weeks practice Allen could create a small fire ball coupled with a water ball, one on each hand, while the size differed from when he created them separately, it was still an achievement, one which took him longer than others.

He reached a conclusion that it was better for him to practice with the current size of the fire and water ball, and instead practice the amount of time he can keep the fire and water summoned at the same time.

Practice time went from days, to weeks, to months and after a while he stopped counting how long he practiced. While he would still try his best to not be found out, the workers around him could tell, and probably even the kids, the more time it passed the more reclusive he became.

Allen would only go out of his room to eat and practice until his body couldn't take it.

He continued to do so until he manged to create both powers at the same time, making the fire and water a bit bigger each time until it reached the size of his fist, the only size he could do at the moment.

"Y- Yes! Hahaha" A loud voice left Allen's mouth as he managed to do what he worked months to achieve.

The other kids snapped their necks at top speed, wondering what he did this time but not wanting to get involved with him, they quickly went back to their game.

"Should I try now with air and earth?" He wondered for a while in his mind, looking at the bright blue sky on top of him.

"No, I kind of just want to rest now" And he slept on the ground, feeling the breeze brush past him, resting after a work well done.

He dreamed about himself, ridding waves of air while he shoot fire and water from each hand, beating up people from his previous life.


Allen woke up, letting an almost audible yawn while he stretched both of his arms in different directions.

After doing his usual routine of making the bed using telekinesis and changing clothes, he went out, maintaining his powers activated on the sole of his shoes, making his steps silent. He's been working on the usage of his powers, and even if the power he uses is something he is already used to, keeping it up for a whole day can work as training as well. It's something he discovered after trying to get create fire and water on each hand, while individually it was easy, at the same time increased the difficulty more than double.

Keeping his powers to make his steps silent while useless in the orphanage, it could work one day towards something different, if he had to sneak around trying to catch people.

A small chuckle left his mouth just thinking about catching people by surprise.

Throughout the day Allen would activate his powers to make him faster but instead of running he would just walk a bit more, training both speed and sneak at the same time.

"It honestly feels like I'm a ninja sneaking around" He thought while going to the dinning room to eat his breakfast.


Allen went out to the garden after finishing his breakfast, this time to just enjoy the breeze. There wasn't much he could do in an orphanage in the 1980s but read and practice his powers, and maybe draw, it's something he liked to do before he reincarnated but hasn't done it since coming to this world, not because he doesn't want to, but more so because it's a bit hard to ask for paper and pencil when it's obvious that the orphanage is struggling.

He lay down on the ground and put both of his hands on top of his chest, thinking back on the last couple of years he has been alive.

School wasn't that difficult as he imagined, and he was almost out of primary education at twelve years old, the reason was a bit dumb, and is that he was born on September twentieth, being born after the month of July made him be a year older in school since they didn't want him to start younger fearing that he would not understand the contents of the classes.

"It would've been better if I started a year earlier instead of a year later" He whined in his mind about it.

It was the middle of July, on his previous life his birthday would've already happened, and he could have finished primary school earlier.

Then as he was thinking about his previous life, his birthday from the past and the current one, Ms Sarah called for him.

"Allen, someone is looking for you" She told him, looking around in the garden, a tired tone was audible in her tone of voice.

"I'm coming Ms Sarah" He stood up and went back inside the orphanage, wondering who could be looking for him, since he doesn't really have friends at school and no one actually comes to adopt.

After reaching the entrance of the orphanage he saw an old lady wearing a deep green dress with a neat combed back hair, not even one hair out of place.

"Allen, this is professor McGonagall, according to her your parents registered to a school before they passed away?" Looking for confirmation on the story, Ms Sarah looked back to McGonagall.

"That is quite right Ms Sarah, I've come for confirmation from Mr Li-"

"Oh! Sorry for the interruption professor, but Allen doesn't like being called by his last name"

McGonagall raised one eyebrow, as if interrupting her was an offense of maximum gravity

"I understand, but he will need to get used to people refer to him as such in our school"

"I would like to speak with him alone if that were possible Ms Sarah" McGonagall expressed.

"Oh, I don't think that's gonna be possible, you see, since its about his future, we can't let him take the decision alone"

"… It's okay Ms Sarah, since my 'parents' enrolled me in that school, it must be good, isn't?" Allen looked back to professor McGonagall, his heart almost leaving his chest at the speed it was going.

Professor McGonagall. Harry Potter. Magic. Memories came rushing in from his past, when he saw 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' for the first time on the cinema, or when his Dad bought him as his first book from the series 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince'.

The shock was too much for him, but he still tried his best to guide both Ms Sarah and professor McGonagall to his room so they could talk in private.

"Now, Ms Sarah, I would greatly appreciate if could wait here while I talk with Mr Li-" And Ms Sarah looked back and shook her head "Mr Allen here" She corrected herself at the last second.

Ms Sarah sighed and crouched down to eye level to Allen "Are you sure you are alright with that?" She asked him.

"Y- Yes Ms Sarah I think I want to know more about my parents" A nervous voice left his mouth but Ms Sarah decided to trust him.

"Alright, I'll be here if you need me for something"

And as Ms Sarah finished talking, both Allen and professor McGonagall entered the room, leaving the door ajar.