
End is a start

Qura is a very developed planet nowadays. but before it was never seen like today this fast change is after passing through a black hole. In 2080 all people are just surviving their life. some changes have come in humans now they start again believing in god. But Some are doing black magic till now to destroy all faith of people. The king of black magic is Rav. Who has the power to saman any creature. But every place has some good people also there who are trying to save Qura. Our story is about the life of Vati who got her power when her mother is pregnant and Qura is passing through the black hole she got the power of beauty she can read and manipulate anyone's mind our story but due to some reason she is very tense these days so our story starts with she is sitting in a cafe and waiting for someone who is gonna tell who kill her mother

Kaalchakra · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Frist day at school 12:04

It was vati frist day at school she is so happy but she doesn't know her grandfather live her today but still she is so happy grand father kisss her forehead and leave her in class room and seem like vati is loosing eyes from her grandpaa

Now slowly slowing she is becoming younger in this school and she is a toper in her class vati is looking so beautiful now

In this school all childrens have different different powers but vati one help her the most here in the school they get to know how to control their powers and use there power to help thé peoples

There is a boy name dev he like vati most but hè afraid to say her