
End is a start

Qura is a very developed planet nowadays. but before it was never seen like today this fast change is after passing through a black hole. In 2080 all people are just surviving their life. some changes have come in humans now they start again believing in god. But Some are doing black magic till now to destroy all faith of people. The king of black magic is Rav. Who has the power to saman any creature. But every place has some good people also there who are trying to save Qura. Our story is about the life of Vati who got her power when her mother is pregnant and Qura is passing through the black hole she got the power of beauty she can read and manipulate anyone's mind our story but due to some reason she is very tense these days so our story starts with she is sitting in a cafe and waiting for someone who is gonna tell who kill her mother

Kaalchakra · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Murder Mystery 6:03

Vati stop her grandpa and say y are you taking too much time I m coming here to know the name of my mom's killer,tell me that pls

then grandpaa say when you are 4-year-old and your mother and you enjoyed spending their days together doing all sorts of activities and telling each other stories.

One fateful day, an alien ship appeared in the sky, and before they knew it, the aliens had arrived on there house. Vati and her mother were both terrified and tried to hide from the creatures. But it was too late. The aliens found them and killed the girl's mother. She died in the arms of her daughter, in a desperate attempt to protect her.

The girl was left alone and scared. Fortunately, her grandfather come in there house that day and he start take caring and his stories of courage and bravery. He told her about heroes and gods who had faced their fears and triumphed against all odds, and it inspired her to be strong in the face of such tragedy.

Slowly but surely, the girl began to heal. She turned to nature and found solace, growing up to be a strong and alluring young . Each day brought her new strength, and every night, her grandfather reminded her of her lost love.

Although the girl will never forget what happened, she has come to believe that, with courage and faith, she can create a better future than the one she lost.

The girl will never forget her mother, but with each passing day, she knows that her story is not only one of tragedy but also of strength and hope.

Now Vati is 6 years old and her grand father is going to find a another planet with some other people

now he admit vati to a school