
Chapter One 1


Enisa sat down and took a good look at herself in the mirror, she thought she looked ugly."This is too much, I look like a decorated tree" she said taking some of the jewelries on her body off.

"No princess don't, you look beautuful ".Rani said coating her with more jewelries. Beautiful really, Enisa didn't think so. "I know you don't like any of this but remember, the honour of the kingdom lies in this party being perfect, and by perfect l mean you looking your best" .Rani said dressing her hair.

"That was just it,the party was her birthday,this meant alot of things,first something was sure to go wrong, nothing ever went right when it comes to her,she believed it was her destiny.

"This birthday party might not even take place Rani,l assure you lris and her mother are going to ruin this for me". "Says who, don't overthink it princess , just fit in and everything will be fine" Rani said putting the final touch on her hair. "Lovely, now for your gown"

Enisa frowned slightly" l don't think I have any dress good enough for the party" she said. "Oh,l forgot to tell you,the king ordered for a gown just for you ".Rani said ,she had already forgotten about it.

"I suppose it should have arrived from the knitter shop by now?, I will go and check , don't move l will be right back"she said leaving.

Enisa sat down quietly in her thought,she could here chariot of horses approaching the kingdom. The party must be a big one,she did't have a good feeling about it.she knew there was an agenda behind it,there was something her father wasn't telling her and she knew Vedica her step mother was behind it.

Rani ran through the halls searching for a package, which had the gown in it. She wondered where the knitter must have dropped it. For a maid Rani was quite bright, unlike other maids whose mistresses treated them like animals. She was loved and cared for by Enisa.she was quite lucky to be Enisa personal maid.

She had gotten worn out already"where is it" she asked herself ."Maybe the package hasn't arrived yet"she asked herself doubting. She had already turned around to leave,when something bright dazzled on the wall,it caught her attention,and she turned around,the sight of it all made her gasped Enisa gown,lris was wearing it.

"My lady" she said bowing down but lris ignored her. "I can see you where looking for something,l suppose I have it on me already"she said twirling for Rani to see.

Rani signed in disapproval,"my lady you do know that the gown is meant for princess Enisa,you shouldn't have it on you.

"How dare you challenge your future queen".Iris snapped at her angrily." I will make one thing clear, never should this repeat itself , you are nothing but a maid here,so act that way, understand ! ", She said but Rani was quite. " I said do you understand",she shouted stressing the word understand." Yes my lady,l understand" Rani said,left to her she knew she could do nothing,at least Enisa won't let her.

"Good,nice to see that you know your place around here." Iris said and walked away. All Rani could do was stare at the gown ,it was every word to describe perfect.

Rani went to Enisa's room,on entering she saw that Enisa was still where she left her." My lady..."l have told you to call me by my name" Enisa cut in. "Oh but...never mind,your wish is my command. Rani said.

"Okay, princess Enisa let get you dressed. "But where is the dress"Enisa asked with searching eyes. "Uh well the knitter seems to have delayed the delivery,we can't wait any longer the guest have started arriving,you need to get ready"Rani said darting her eyes, right now the last thing she wanted was any thing to ruin her mistress special day,she would do anything to help,even if f it meant lying.

Enisa stared at Rani, something within her told her there was something off,but she shrugged the feeling of "okay then ,Rani I trust you ,let get me ready."