

Ena is an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life. At least, that's what she wanted. Since birth, Ena has been cursed to a life of constantly being harassed, bullied ridiculed, and cursed to death frequently by people because of one reason, She is the reincarnation of the devil. Hogosha, her brother does everything in his capabilities to take care of, love, and raise her so that she doesn't grow up to be the all-destroyer. Inspiration taken from: Chainsaw Man Yogen No Nayuta (Especially so.) DOOM

Truly_Wicked · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chap 1 - Page 1: Cosmart, The Mart for All!

Hiding behind a shelf of family-sized chip bags, Ena peeks around the corner, and another child peeks out and gives a thumbs up.

Questioning whether or not she should do this, she makes the "OK." symbol and quickly crosses her legs and puts her hands together, chanting in an incomprehensible tongue.

She bites her finger hard enough to draw blood, raising it over her mouth and sticking her tongue out as the blood drips onto it, Ena shuts her mouth and chants a word in an incomprehensible language 5 times over and claps.

The person at the counter notices Ena hiding and grabs a broom, walking up to her and hitting her with it.

"Git, Git! We do not need the devil itself here!" Quickly getting up and booking it out

The other children scurry out and go around the back, Ena notices and follow them.

"Did you do it?"

Ena frantically nods, "Great now we just need to wait for sundown. If this works demon-girl, we may stop bothering you."

Ena sighs a breath of relief until she realizes she has a curfew of 7:00 PM.

Waving her hands, she tries to tell them through sign language that she can't wait for sundown.

Ena bounces up and down as they try to decipher what she means.

"You gotta go to the bathroom?"

Ena nods no and instead tries to use her fingers.

"Uhhh... You gotta... go somewhere?"

She nods yes while forming a seven with her fingers.

"Oh! You gotta go somewhere at 7:00!" They decipher the meaning of her frantic antics.

"Easy solution; Don't go." One responds, "No one's gonna care if you're late ONCE. plus you don't have anyone to care. Everybody already hates you.".

That statement crushes Ena's heart, although she knew it was true all along.

"C'mon man, that was just unnecessary." One responds, "Shut up, it's the truth!".



---- 7:00 PM

Ena begins to panic, wondering what her brother will say to her for being late.



---- 3:30 AM

"Alright, they're closing! We can do it now!" One says, Ena, who was half-asleep frantically sits up, taking the chalk and drawing the circle around them.

Ena bites her finger again, dripping the blood onto her tongue and then the ground, chanting as the circle lights up.

Suddenly, there's a bright flash of light, and before they know it they are inside of the mart in the middle of the night.

The group of boys freaks out, grabbing as much food and stuff as they can, and shoving it into their bags. Ena just watches, waiting for the signal to take them out before she notices something in the corner of her eye.

Ultra-spicy Crunchy Cheeters! Drooling, she walks up to them and takes a bag, opening it and reaching in, taking out a cheeter. Biting into it, her eyes go wide, it feels like her mouth is on fire.

She shoves more into her face and begins sweating profusely, the ultra-spicy crunchy cheeters live up to their name.

One boy walks up to the cash register, unaware of how to open it they just begin smashing it before realizing they just tripped an alarm.

They panic, finishing up their petty shop-lifting and shaking Ena, trying to get her to snap out of her ultra-spicy crunchy cheeters frenzy.

Police sirens near, as they begin to panic more, but Ena just won't snap out of her cheeters frenzy. One boy takes the bag of cheeters away, she finally snaps back to reality but it's too late, the police are already there and Ena doesn't have enough to do the teleportation ritual again.

The children hide as the police enter, Ena begins to panic, waving air onto her face, trying to cool herself down after the spicy cheeter frenzy.



Hogosha sits at the table, waiting for Ena to come home, he was worried enough when she hadn't come home an hour after he told her to, but it's been 8 hours since he told her to come home and yet she still isn't back.

A sudden knock scares Hogosha, he rushes to the door and opens it, his heart dropping when he sees Ena with two police officers.

"May we come in?" The police officers ask, "U-Uh, yeah.. Yeah, come on in." he steps aside and lets them in, closing the door behind them.

"Now, your girl here-" The police officer is cut off, "Ena, she's my sister." Hogosha corrects, "Well, you SISTER here broke into the towns Cosmart with a few boys, they tried to shoplift and steal from the cash register. Traces of magic were found and your sister here was the only one with the capability to use magic." The officer explains, reaching into their wallet.

"Your sister here is the one that broke the boys into the town Cosmart, now, magic users are more prone to a more troubled childhood as they have power not everyone has, and because of that the law dictates that we are supposed to be lighter on magic users below the age of 16. But that is not an excuse for what your sister did, she got off with a slap on the wrist this time, but you must see that this doesn't happen again." The officer says, pulling out a card.

"This is a website of things you can try to straighten troubled magic users out, camps, counseling... If you can think of it, it's here. I am aware of the rumor spreading around that your sister is the reincarnation of the devil, that is why if this happens again, we won't be so light again." The officer finishes, handing him the card. "Now if you'll excuse us, we must get going. I insist you take a look at the website." The officer says, walking out the door with the other one following behind.

Once they walk out the door, Hogosha locks it and Ena looks down at the ground with her hands behind her back. Hogosha sits down at the table, processing what just happened.

Standing back up, Hogosha walks up to Ena and pulls her ear. "O-Oww!" She whimpers, Hogosha quickly changes to a warm embrace. "Do you know how worried I was? I waited 8 hours for you to come home, and then I hear that you helped some boys shop-lift? Never. Never ever do that again." Ena, shocked by the sudden hug, processes what is happening for a second and hugs back.

Ena tears up, she suddenly breaks out into tears, hugging harder. "T-They said they'd stop bullying me if I helped I helped them!" She shakingly says, sniffing.

We do a minor amount of tomfoolery.

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