
82. Goblin Chieftain

Shiro smiled faintly at the two Rajul Mustanie. Although at this time he felt very happy, but he was still a little ashamed to express his expression. Because the two artificial humans who are currently in front of him have exactly the same shape as his parent.

Shiro walked up to Ayah and Bunda and gave them the clothes he had bought before.

"Let's move." said Shiro, turning around and starting to walk away leaving Ayah and Bunda.

Ayah and Bunda wore the clothes and then walked after Shiro, followed by 10,000 Rajul Mustanie who simultaneously walked behind them.

Even though the number of Rajul Mustanie's troops is very large, their strength is still too weak to fight monsters with levels 10 and above. The greatest strength of them is only 837 CP, and most of them were created using Red crystal level 1 which only has a power of 167 CP. While the strength of Ayah and Bunda is slightly greater than Shiro's power who currently has a CP of 167,550 points.

Without saying a word, Shiro and the Rajul Mustanie walked through the depths of the forest. Besides, these artificial human troops are in a state of naked, making the atmosphere look very awkward.

Until a few moments later, they arrived at a village that looked no longer inhabited. The condition of the village looks very bad. Many of the residents' houses collapsed, some others were also seen scorched. In addition, the stench smells enveloped all corners of the village.

In the middle of the village there is smoke that still steaming a little. When Shiro approached the source of the smoke, seen a mound of corpses that had been burned.

"What is this creature, Goblin?" said Shiro softly, staring at the Goblin carcass that is among the mound of the corpses.

Shiro paused for a moment and looked around the area. He thought if among the ruins of the houses there is still something he could use.

"Order the Rajul Mustanies to search the houses and find something we can use." said Shiro, giving orders to Ayah. "Especially clothes. Tell them to find clothes to wear." he added.

"As per your command." replied Ayah, nodding.

Ayah turned and walked toward the Rajul Mustanie. While Shiro, who couldn't stand the stench of burning corpses, walked out of the village with Bunda.

Some time later...

Shiro is seen sitting under a shady tree accompanied by Bunda who sat beside him. Around him there were several dead monsters that he had just killed and were left scattered.

Although the Rahtawu forest has been explored by many alliances, in the vast forest there are still several types of monsters that roam around looking for prey.

Shiro looked at one of the carcasses and wondered, why the bodies of dead monsters did not immediately disappear just like in the game. He also felt strange because he got a drop of fresh meat, while the body of the monster that he had killed was still intact.

Even though this world looks so real, but Shiro feels that there are some things that feel very strange. Like the taste of beef which is supposed to taste good, instead it tastes very bland and tough. While monkey meat and so on which in the real world are extreme meats for consumption that even taste better than beef.

Shiro's daydream shattered as he saw a cloud of smoke coming from the North. He thought if the smoke came from the dead village he had visited earlier. But after he watched carefully, the smoke looked very thick, like smoke that coming out of a blazing fire that was still burning.

Shiro immediately stood up and rushed towards the puff of smoke. The closer he ran to the puff of smoke, the harder his sword creaked. "Goblin, huh?"

While continuing to run, Shiro ask Bunda to contact Ayah via telepathy so that he can hurried after them to head north.



Meanwhile at the source of the smoke that was seen by Shiro, there is a war between Senshi, NPC and Goblin who were attacking the village.

The Senshi that is guarding the village are members of Butterfly, Red Hawk and KuroNeko alliance. Because the members of the three alliances still had a relatively low level, they seemed to have difficulty getting rid of the Goblin troops led by several Goblin Chieftain.

"Damn it! Hina, open the portal to the capital. Now!" shouted one of the Senshi, leader of the Kuroneko alliance.


Name : Kuroi

Sex : Male

Age : 23

Class : Samurai

Level : 41

Title : Monster Hunter

Guild : Kuroneko, Leader


"But what about them?" Hina asked, uneasy.


Name : Hina

Sex : Female

Age : 21

Class : Wizard

Level : 34

Title : Frost Witch

Guild : Kuroneko, Captain


"Do you want to die here?! Hurry up!" Kuroi jerked.


Leoking99, who was aware of KuroNeko's plans to flee, rushed to defeat the Goblin Fighters that were surrounding him. "Hey! You can't run away from your duty!!" jolted Leoking99, scolding the leader of KuroNeko alliance.

"Shut up, punk!" Kuroi flinched.

Shortly before Hina could open a portal to the capital, she was attacked by Goblin Chieftain and made her fail to cast the spell.


Name : Goblin Chieftain

Monster Type : Goblin

Level : 70

Power : 100.000 CP

ATK : 25.000

DEF : 20.000

HP : 50.000

MP : 5.000

Speed : 24 Meter/Second

Skill :

-Goblin Slash

-Stone Crusher


-Super Self Healing

-Physical Resistance : 30%

Pet : "Ursus Ursidae Bear"

Note : The tribal chief of the Goblin tribe, classified as a Goblin who has intelligence equivalent to humans.

Goblin Slash deals 100% damage and has a 1 minute cooldown. Stone Crusher gives 100% damage and has a cooldown for 1 minute. Rage increases Attack points and Defense points by 100% for 1 minute. This skill has a 5 minute cooldown.

REWARD : Goblin's Blood, Ruby {Level 2}, Emerald {Level 2}, Topaz {Level 2}, Sapphire {Level 2}, 5 Red Crystal Essence {Level 7}, And 250 Gold Coin.


Goblins have passive skills to recover themselves named "Self Healing", "Super Self Healing", and "Super Duper Self Healing". Ability to regenerate HP and MP of "100 points/second", "500 points/second" and "1,000 points/second".

The Goblin's passive skill is active until the Goblin's HP and MP bar are back to full. Additionally, this passive skill has an activation delay of 5 minutes after the previous activation ends.

Although Hina managed to fend off the Goblin Chieftain's attack, the attack made Hina's wand flung to the side, and made her fall with fear.

The goblin looked at Hina passionately and slowly approached her.

"catch this, greeny!" Shiro shouted, throwing the Deadly Strike skill towards the Goblin Chieftain who approached Hina.

The mighty goblin fell and groaned in pain. The green creature tried to pull out the aura spear that pierced his body, but his efforts failed because his body is getting weaker.

Next Chapter: 83. Goblin Tribe

Sorry rarely updates. I will start writing again, because my condition has improved. thank you for waiting and be careful with the virus that is epidemic. Take care of yourself well.

Shiro_MSFAcreators' thoughts