
Howl are you today?

Haven was finding wolves easy, now that he was level 5. He had hunted for a while and got bored of grinding them for experience.

The wolves appeared to be moving slowly in his eyes. None were able to get past his guard anymore unless catching him by surprise. Finding no challenge in taking them on any more, he headed towards the plains where the bigger, more tougher wolves resided.

The Dire wolves.

Wolves that ere the size of trucks and cars were howling away as player and what even appeared to NPCs forming groups to fight them off.

Parties upon parties were casting spells, shielding each other from damage and even barking out orders to-

"Get in position! Theses wolves are cunning, they'll take you apart before you know it!" Shouted a Guardian with a big shield. To his front, two massive wolves were slamming their paws onto his tower shield, threatening to break it.

His party members were in a slight state of panic. The warrior to his left was trying his best to land some hits off on the wolves but they proved a bit too nimble for him.

The mage and the cleric were having a bit more luck.

"Fireball!" She casted, watching as the spell flew true to her aim, catching the bigger of the two wolves across its flank.

It yelped in pain and backed off, easing the pressure of the guardian.

The cleric, witnessing this, casted a heal spell onto the guardian, replenishing his health and even his stamina by a slight amount.

The guardian barked out an order to his party members then activated a special skill.

"Rumble!" He shouted, stomping his foot against the ground. The wolves lost their footing from the minor quake the shook them off their feet.

The warrior, the mage and the archer took this chance to finish off the closest Dire Wolf before it could regain its footing.

The other wolf, seeing its companion perish grew enraged and jumped towards the archer. Its bound contained a terrifying force and the archer was sure that the wolf would kill him in a single hit.


Before it could claw him to death, the Guardian jumped in the way and smacked the Dire Wolf with his shield, causing it to tumble off away to the side.

The warrior rushed in and activated one of his skills,

"Triple cut!" He screamed out, slicing his glowing sword in the direction of the Dire wolf.


It's head rolled off its shoulders and died, transforming into glowing motes of light.

Unfortunately, not every party was having as much ease with fighting the wolves as this particular one was.

"Shit, shit! Arnold!" A girl screamed and she witnessed her friend being bitten by a Dire wolf. It had snuck up behind them and chomped him to death.

Many other similar situations were happening throughout the Dire Plains. Haven, witnessing this merely grinned and charged in.

His first target was a lone Direwolf that was scratching its claws on a tree. It's size was about twice that of Haven's but he showed no fear.

It heard him coming and snarled in his direction. Deciding to meet him halfway, It bounded towards him and jumped in with a leaping strike.

It wanted to chomp him to death!

Haven, anticipating this, ducked under the strike and tried to retaliate, slicing his sword towards its flank. Unfortunately, the wolf, either lucky or smart, twisted its body in the air which cause Haven's strike to barely graze its side.

[-220, Dire Wolf]


"Haha, finally. I can see what this body can do." Haven shouted out loud.

Rushing in, Haven activated one of his skills.

[Cross Slash!]

The wolf, seeing through Haven's intention, leapt back, causing his skill to miss. Taking the chance, with Haven being off balance, it attacked.

[-500, Haven]

"Ow!" Haven shouted out, jumping back to provide himself some distance. Seeing that the wolf had no intention of following up on the attack, he glanced at his health.

[Health: 4,700/5,200]

"Damn! I was cocky." He cursed to himself. A Dire Wolf was significantly smarter than a regular forest wolf. They were much faster and much stronger as well. Haven would have to anticipate its movements to even begin to properly fight one.

Readying his blade, he waited for it to charge. The Dire Wolf, not disappointing him, jumped in for another attack. Haven, instead of jumping back, jumped into the attack to deflect it.

Succeeding that, he spun an entire 270 degrees to build momentum for his own.

[Horizontal Strike]

[-1,200, Dire Wolf]

"Yes! I did it." Haven grinned, his eyes, never straying from the wolf. It cried out in pain and jumped back. The Dire wolf was enraged. Here was a level 5 Player that had managed to do this much damage to it.

Thinking this, It howled into the air, stunning Haven due to how loud it was. Seizing its chance, it rushed towards him, chomping towards his neck.

Haven, stunned, barely had time to react and activated his ability, bringing his blade onto the Wolf's neck in a stroke of pure luck.

[Cross Slash!]


[-5,600, Dire Wolf]

Haven was pushed down by the Wolf's weight as it's momentum bled into him. It choked on its own blood, due to the gash in its neck. Kicking the Wolf off him, he inspected what was happening to it.

[-10, Dire Wolf]

[-10, Dire Wolf]

[-10, Dire Wolf]

"Its bleeding? Interesting." Haven mumbled, readying his sword just in case the wolf wanted to do another charge.

Haven needn't have worried however as a moment later, it died, transforming into motes of light.

[You have slain an enemy]

[You have leveled up!]

"Man, it's getting so much harder to gain experience now." Haven complained. Sighing, he distributed his stats and ran towards the next wolf.


[Name: Haven, Level: 6, Race: Werepire, Class: Warrior, Title: One of a Kind]

[Health: 5,200/5,200, Blood rage: 100/100,]

[Strength: 54, Dexterity: 52, Vitality: 52, Intelligence: 1, Luck: 1, Spirit: 1]

[Points: 0]
