
Chapter 9 & 10


What is keeping me from saying a big yes to a life time of bliss with Tony? He is my Mr perfect and having him in my life makes me happy.

Having a man who is in the same line with me, schooled abroad and went to Harvard business school. A handsome and well to do man with a business orientation. Tony loves me and do not depend on me for money, if not that he has some issue with his bank Tony will never ask me for a dime. He will not collect money from me at all.

"Yes…yes I will marry you".

He gasped out in relieved before sliding the ring into my finger.

"uuhmmm….baby you almost got me scared with your silent. It took you time to decide if to say yes. Don't you trust me…don't you love me baby?

I smiled and replied while looking straight into his eyes.

"I love and trust you Tony. The proposal came like a surprise to me, I wasn't really expecting it and I just imagined how sweet and lovely it will be to spend the rest of my life with a man that I truly adores. We will have many years of laughter, raising two or three kids, touring round the world and having each other at all time to hold. Is a dream come true for me.

Tony took my hands into his and said.

"You don't have to be afraid of anything baby. I'm here for you and I will be the man that you have always wanted. From the first time I set my eyes on you I just knew that you will be my wife. For me it was love at first sight and I wanted to marry you right away without any delay. I have mingled with different types of ladies…both white, brown and black. When I was in abroad I use to date white chicks who wanted to pressurize me into marriage but I did not see my wife in them. None of the ladies I moved with ever got my interest like you did on the first day we spoke. And I have always wanted you right from the first day till now and I know forever with you will be very interesting…

Those words coming from him makes me feel very special and happy. All I wanted was Tony. I'm glad I left Israel because he would have bring bad luck to me. I could not have been able to be with a man like Tony if Israel was still in the picture.

Diane will be jealous when I tell her that Tony proposed and we are getting married right away. She shouldn't have left Jack, a handsome and famous Jack that ladies trips for. Diane will regret leaving such a man for a poor guy. I hope she is not thinking of moving with Israel, a common church rat with no name. If she ever does that it will be her greatest mistake. She will live to regret ever making such a decision. I will be here when she will cry to me and I will remind her about all the advice I gave her which she did not take serious.

I know Diane will not settle for less. She is too classy to do such. I am smart, beautiful, intelligent, rich and very outspoken. I went

for somebody of my caliber and that was Tony who fit in perfectly well into my life.

Few days later I spoke with Diane, telling her the latest news. I was going to be Tony's wife. She was happy for me and congratulated me. She wanted to come over but I told her thatTony did not want elaborate wedding. He just wanted everything to be done fast. Some of my family members will not be able to attend because is a court wedding. Only few people will come and witness that day then reception follows after. My colleagues in Jalingo and many of Tony's friends and well-wishers will be around at the reception which will be outstanding.

After speaking with Diane Istarted making arrangement for my upcoming wedding.

Tony came with the news that he has been able to sort things out with his bank and he retrieved his card. He will be taking care of all the expenses, he said I shouldn't bother paying anything at all.

Tony said he wanted to prove to me that he has his own money and was not with me for any material reasons. He promised to treat me well and we will go to Paris for ourbhoneymoon. I was so happy that I started jumping excitedly. He surprised me with those news and I was happy marrying the man that completes me. I was very happy to be posted to Jalingo. Tony makes everyday beautiful here.

I was getting set for my big day, I ordered a normal wedding gownonline. Since is a court wedding I don't want to go on somethingthat is too glamour. Tony even got me one beautiful shoe and I loved it because it was his first gift to me.

A week to the wedding, Tony called me with a strange number one evening, he was in trouble. He said that he was robbed, some armed men attacked him and took all the money he withdraw for the wedding, they also collected his car, his phone and his bankcard.

My heart almost popped out of me at the news. I asked him if he was okay and he said that they beat him up and left him.

I wanted to drive down to where he was but he said I should not bother to come because it was risky and we don't know who our enemy might be. Which is true. He was right, our enemy may be very close than we thought.


After a day passed Tony came with a plaster on his hand and face. I felt pity for him. He said he withdraw over a million he wanted to use for the wedding expenses and it was as if the robbers were tracing him because he can't fathom how they got to know of the money.

I told him not to worry about the money or the car. All that matters was that he was alive and our wedding must hold. Nothing will stop it.

He said they also took his bank card and drained off his money that evening even before he can call his account officer to block the card everything was gone. He has not even pay for his wedding suit and shoes.

It was a sad time for us. Tony sat on the ground crying like a child. I went to him consoling him that he shouldn't worry that everything will be fine. I promised to take over the wedding expenses, to pay for all his wedding outfits and everything we will be needing. After saying that he felt at ease and thanked me for always been supportive.

I was happy to bring back smile to his saddened face and that was how I took over all the expenses needed for the wedding..

We got married and we had our reception. People came to celebrate with us. There was enough food and be drink and enough music to dance to. We used the expensive restaurant that we usually go to. We used their reception and a plate of food and drink there was very high in price but Tony insisted that we use there because they give quality and he was right. All that matters is quality and not quantity. Marriage is a life time thing and is better to be done well and beautifully.

And with all the people that came I covered all the million bills which made me to rundown a bit but I didn't give it much thought. I'm married and Tony is my dream come true.

Tony will recover all that he loosed within a year and life will be back to normal again. Tony was happy ashedrinksanddancesowell that day. He forgot all his troubles and kept ordering for different things for his friend that came to merry with us.

Every one thought he was the one spending the money because that was how he makes it seem. They don't know that it was all my money which was not a big deal.

Everybody that came were eating and drinking to their satisfaction and I feel good that I was able to cover Tony's shame and not make it appear it was all my money that was been poured in.

I heard Tony saying to his friends.

"Eat… drink anything you want. I am capable. I got the money and I'm ready to spend it all because is my day. Yes… I married my woman and my everything I feel so happy. Enjoy yourselves forget about the bills and have anything you want. I have all the bills covered.

I was smiling as he called me his "everything". He came to whisper to my ear that he needed some cash, I opened my bag and handed him enough without counting.

I'm happy because I hav become Tony's wife and I will make him so proud for choosing me among many other ladies that he told me he turned down.

I married my prince charming and I know our life will be like a fairytale.

To Be Continued