
Chapter 15 & 16


We have had this same conversation uncountable times, my company was already on my neck concerning the loan but anytime I raise the topic with Tony he will dismiss it with the excuse that he was not running away and he will pay up.

Today again, I took the topic to him.

"Everyday I'm getting emails concerning the loan. I'm being reminded everyday in the office that my days are counting. Honey, please you need to start paying up. You sold my car because you wanted to support your business and pay up the loan but here you are giving me excuses everyday. This business of yours that has refused to mature or grow for over two years now what is going on and what kind of business is it?

I asked Tony impatiently. I was getting fed up with the so called business that I'm yet to see a turn up.

"Is a road construction, building materials and textile. I'm dealing in different thing so that it will yield plenty profits. The truth is I had a ship wreck. My ten containers went into the sea. Darling…I couldn't even tell you about it. I know you believed so much in me and had shown a great support to me and my business, I wanted to have only good news for you baby. It was after selling your car I try to start all over again. I bore the lost and pain alone and it was that period I became very violent too. But now, things are turning up and all I asked is time. Time for my business to mature and I will pay off every debt. I will pay the loan and surprise you with the car of your dream. Please darling, I promise.

I gasped out and nodded silently

Few days later I started getting several debit from my account.

I ran to my bag to check for my bank ATM but it wasn't there.

Another debit follows then another and it kept coming.

I grabbed my phone, I try to call my account officer to block the card.

Every second that passes I was getting a debit alert.

The person was determined in withdrawing all my money in my bank account.

I succeeded in reaching my account officer.

I told him to block the card that someone stole it and has been making withdrawer.

He quickly did that but by the time the account officer will be done with blocking the card the thief has withdrawed almost half of the money in my account.

My heart was beating, I was panicking as I pace up and down the room.

I have never misplaced my bank card before, how did the thief had access to both my card and my pin number.

I had two bank card, one was my salary account which had enough money and that was the exact card that was stolen from my bag.

The card was in my hand bag who could have removed it.

I had so many questions crowding me up.

I decided to call Tony and told him what was going on.

" Oh my God. Are you sure? Did you misplaced your card? Have you called your bank? Oh baby I'm sorry. This is bad. How could you be so careless with such? The card probably fell off from you without you knowing. I was at work when you called but I'm driving home right away. Sorry darling… don't be sad over that. I'm working hard to give you the very best. Let the person take the money all that matters is that I got you and you got me. I'm coming home to you baby….

Tony was very helpful and made me feel relieved.

I was sure that the card did not fell off, it was secured right in my purse which was in my hand bag. How did it disappear into a thief hand and how did the person get to know my pin number.

But as Tony said I should let it go. The money is gone and can't be retrieved. He asked me to focus on the joy in my womb and forget about the lost money.

I did, although it wasn't easy. As I try to crack the puzzle. Only Tony had access to my hand bag and bank cards but he is my husband and can't possibly do such.

I have to let it go and requested for another bank card from my bank.

I was at work one day and my boss called me. He was not sounding happy with the delay of paying back the loan.

I signed an agreement but time to start paying has gone by and nothing was done.

He said if after a month and there is no sign of payment he will ask them to freeze my two accounts and so many other things will be carried out because the loan was in my name and it was over due.

He said that I have to find a way to pay the loan or face the consequences.

It was a threat he was determined to carry out.

My job that put food on the table was also in the line.

What I'm I supposed to do? I cried within me.

I begged my boss for more time but he said he has given me enough and can only give a grace of another month but after that I should start up with the payment or face the law.

I already knew what Tony will say if I tell him. It will be another bunch of business excuse.

After the encounter with the thief that stole my card and made a huge withdrawer I don't have enough money again to start paying up the loan.

The time was going and it was almost another month and no good news from Tony.

He goes for shopping and buy expensive things for himself and few for me.

I asked him to gather up all the money he was spending unnecessarily and start the loan payment but Tony has a mind of his own.

A week to the month my boss gave me for the loan payment, I withdraw enough money to buy things for the house and also medicine for my condition because there was no more foodstuffs and Tony is mostly away.

I returned back and I was in the kitchen when Tony came in with another designer bag which has men's shoes and perfume.

I was too tired to talk.

Since shopping is more important than the debt we had at hand then

whatever happens, me and him will have to suffer for it.

I have talked and already gotten tired. I wish I can start paying up because I don't want to lose my job but I don't even have enough money and if my car was available I could have plan of selling it to pay some of the loan but Tony sold it off for his business.

I don't even know where to get money or what to do.

While I was worried sick and panicking Tony did not show any signs of worry at all.

I even suggest we sell off his car to pay part of the money but he got angry with me for throwing such suggestion and expensive jokes at him.

Tony will be making business calls all the time in the house and yet I'm not seeing the result of the calls.

My pregnancy was forming but I don't want to have my child in poverty which is what will happen if the loan is not paid soon.

I have fears, doubt and worries yet I feel helpless.

I was sitting with Tony in the sitting room one Saturday watching TV when the door was suddenly kicked open.

I was startled and turned to see who barged into the house and there stood Halima.

Yes, it was Halima, my former maid. She was obviously angry over something.

Halima dressed in a denim blue Jean trouser which has alot if rough tear on it.

She was wearing expensive shoe and carrying a very expensive designer hand bag.

The brazilian human hair on her head was worth overe a hundred thousand naira and her top and wrist watch was not left out in a great fashion sense.

I was busy costing her attire and wondering were she got all the money.

Tony stood and gave her a pleading look which I understand clearly but Halima has a business for the day and wasn't going to change her mind Just like that.

I was shocked yet I try to maintain a calm posture.

I remained seated and wait for whatever drama she came in with to start.

I wanted Tony to do something or ask her what she was doing in our house after the last war she caused that made me to suffer a miscarriage but Tony did nothing.

I did not expect her near my house ever again but here she was catwalking as if she was the main madam of the house who is on a mission.

I'm pretending to be calm but I'm really boiling inside if me.

Instead of Tony to do something and push her out, he was speechless and giving her a pleading look.

What sort nonsense is this?

Despite how angry and confused I was, all I did is to watch and wait.

Let the drama begin.

I want to know what Halima was up to and why Tony was acting like a coward.


I watched in silence as Halima walked all round the house.

"You thought I was joking with you right? I told you what I'm capable off and you took it like a pinch of salt. I'm here now Tony and I'm not going back.

"We can go outside and talk please.

Tony said taking few steps towards her.

"Ooh you want to talk now right? Because you don't want your so called wife to know. I'm done talking to you Tony.

I was not going to sit and pretend anymore.

I spoke up.

"What is the meaning of this nonsense. Tony what is she doing here? What is all this rubbish?

I asked boiling angrily.

Tony turned to me and gave me a pleading look to calm down but I was curious to know what is really going on and why Halima was under my roof.

Halima came closer to me and said.

"You have to be quiet and calm down because I'm not leaving soon until what I came for is done. I will start with the good news of being pregnant for your supposed husband who is my fiance, partner in crime and lover even before he met you….yes, I am also pregnant for him. Tony belongs to me and not you and is time to take back my man. Funny enough his name is not Tony, his real name is Murphy. But is a good thing that I also got used to calling him Tony.

I gave a sarcastic laughter at what I just heard. It was impossible and I know Halima was just blabling. She was talking thrash.

I turned and looked at Tony but he remain standing looking at Halima.

Halima walked to a sit and sat down with her legs crossed. She turned to Tony and began to talk again.

"Tony, I told you that if I don't get that money I will come out clean, I warned you not to mess with me. I told you if I don't get the required amount I demanded hell will break loose. You thought is a joke. I needed your presence, your care especially now that I'm carrying your child but you will rather be with your foolish wife. Well, no more games. I'm done playing. You have enough money to take care of me and our baby. Get your things let's Leave right now and don't try my patience otherwise I will spill more out.

Tony became confuse. He walks up and down the house.

He suddenly turned to Halima.

" I give you everything you need. The things you asked for and even more than you asked. I don't expect all this betrayal from you. We had a plan….so why are you here doing this to me?

I clabbed my hands and exclaim in shock.

"Is this a drama or for real? Hope I'm not day dreaming…?

None of them even acted as if I existed.

Doctor had warned me to be careful because of my condition.

I try to pretend I'm Calm but deep down the hot spirit in me wanted to explode.

"You bridged the plan by getting her pregnant again. You bridged the plan we had by spending more time with her and less with me. Time was ruining out and all you want me to do is to wait like a cat. No I'm done waiting. I requested for a certain amount recently and you did nothing about it. You took me for granted and thought I'm a fool like Avala. No Tony, you can't ride somebody like me. You can deceive her all you want but I can never be deceived.

Tony stood watching her with confusion I'm his eyes.

Halima turned to me and said

" I thought you are a Lagos babe but you are not wise at all. You deserve whatever you got. I have never seen somebody as dumb as you are madam Avala. You wanted Tony because you thought he has all you required in a man. You wanted him because he told you he graduated from Havard business school and had PhD… you thought you have caught your prince charming. I'm doing this because I need my Murphy back, my child needs a father and I can't bear him staying with you anymore. The game is up my dear and I will spill the truth so that we can all rest in peace. Tony was only a common driver when you met him. The house he once took you to back then was his boss house who traveled to London with his family. Your Tony resigned from his driver job after meeting you and decided to marry you for your money. There was never any robbery attack or accident of any sort it was all part of the game. Your Tony is a hustling man who has not even cross the border before. No PhD, never a graduate of Havard or has anything to his name. Your Tony is smart in his tricks. The registrar he used for your wedding is also not the real wedding registrar. He coned you and I am not Sorry because we joined hands in achieving that. You asked for whatever you got Avala. You are supposed to be smart as a Lagos girl and search out who Tony really is but instead you take in everything he said and swallowed it down like water, all in the name of some stupid love. Hahahaha…is a pity but is time to get back to my Murphy and I don't need you or anybody to stand on my way. You can't hold him down with your stupid pregnancy anymore because I'm equally pregnant for him and…

I turned to Tony expecting him to deny all Halima's accusations but he stood, relaxing with his head bent and did not say a word.

I screamed so loud, the whole house began to turn upside down

I rushed to Halima like a breeze and landed her a hot slap on her face.

She retaliated and slapped me back.

A fight broke out and I fought like a tiger.

I forgot that I was pregnant and started fighting like a mad woman.

Tony did not seperated us.

He went inside the room while me and Halima fight. Tony was busy packing out his things to the car.

I pinned Halima to the ground, pounced on her and start punching her with all my might.

She was trying to get free but I sat on her, beating her without care.

She gave me a serious bite and pushed me over.

We fought and even broke the television and the house was turned upside down still Tony did not bother to seperate us.

He was busy with whatever he was doing.

Halima hit me hard with a bottle from the table.

I fell to the ground and try to get back at her but Tony suddenly appeared and gave me a hard push

I was bleeding and later passed out on the ground.



Let's have pity for Ava for once now

To Be Continued