
A Challenge

The tall duneswoman turned around ready to display the beauty in her grasp to her rival. But then her face paled. She had taken the flower from one of the honored guests!

Oblivious to the tall woman's angst, Aurora was entranced as she got a real look at the flower.

The petals were blue with the edges of the silk left white. It looked like a snowflake had descended into the young Duneswoman's hand.

'Stunning! Absolutely stunning!' Aurora's heart sank even further. She wished she had not looked at all. But how could she not? It was mesmerizing!

Seeing the sadness on the Empress's face, the duneswoman frowned.

Contritely, she held out the bloom. "Here, my lady. You may have it. It should have been yours anyway."

The Empress felt suddenly guilty. In her gloom, she had stolen the happiness of the other woman.

Aurora flashed a brilliant smile. "No, no! I cannot accept. You earned it fair and square. Thank you for your thoughtfulness."

However tempting the offer had been, it wouldn't have felt good to accept. Each time Aurora would have looked upon the gorgeous creation, her mind would have thought of the person who should be looking at it instead.

It was not worth it.

Returning to her seat, Aurora laid her head on her husband's shoulders. He rubbed her back gently.

"I'm fine," she assured him. "It has been a lovely day. No need to be sad over something I didn't earn."

"When we get home, I'll get you a whole room full of real flowers," Devrim kissed her forehead. "No, a palace full. I might fill the entire city with a sea of flowers."

Aurora laughed lightly. "Let's not be crazy. Junayd would be upset if his statue was obscured by anything prettier than he is."

"Valid point. He would probably turn it into a song too and we'd never hear the end of it…" Devrim shivered at the thought, making Aurora laugh further.

"Here they come!" Chieftain Orhan clapped loudly.

Lydia and Ender were making their way through the crowd. The movement was slow as each guest wanted to say something to the happy couple. By the time they reached the Chieftain and Empress, Brinn and Alvar had joined the company.

Everyone applauded as they neared. Ender gave a small bow and Lydia tried to curtsy in the court fashion. It wasn't quite right, but that somehow made it more endearing.

"Greetings to the beautiful bride and lucky groom!" Orhan raised a glass to the couple. "I must say, Lydia, you are even prettier than words can describe. Isn't she, Ender?"

"That she is and more!" Ender cooed at his blushing bride.

Lydia took the praise with bubbly grace. She was clearly over the moon excited, but trying to stay in control. "What do you think of the wedding, Your Majesty?" she whispered the title so that others could not hear.

"I think it was the most lovely wedding. I am so glad I was here!" Aurora meant what she said. It had been an enjoyable day.

"What flower did you catch?!" Lydia looked around on the cushions. "If you show me than I can tell you its meaning."

"Alas, I caught no flower. Maybe at the next wedding!" Aurora forced a smile. There was no reason to bring down the lovely bride.

Lydia brought her hands to her cheeks as her mouth dropped open.

"Oh no! This will not do!" The young woman tapped her fingers on her cheeks before her face lit up. "I know! Ender, dear, would you mind?" Lydia turned around.

Her groom knew exactly what to do. He took the large flower from the back of her hair and unwound it from her braids. He handed it to his beautiful bride without delay.

Lydia passed the bloom to the Empress with a knowing grin. "Here you go! This one is very special. It is the purest white, and it symbolizes love, of course. I would be most honored if you were to have it and tend for it. With you looking after it, I know the love will blossom."

Aurora wanted to refuse, but the bride had already forced the silk blossom into her hand. The Empress looked down.

The white flower was even more lovely up close. It sparkled in a way that reminded the Empress of a star in the sky or a patch of the purest snow.

If that were not enough, the bride's perfume had been absorbed by the soft petals, making it fragrantly lifelike. The artist who had made the flower was truly a master.

"It is breathtaking. Thank you," Aurora dipped her head.

Pleased with the Empress's reaction, Lydia nodded approvingly.

"Plant it wisely!" She giggled. Ender tugged at her hand. Another dance was about to start, and he wanted his wife for a partner.

"Forgive me, I am required!" Lydia waved before being swept up into a forming group of enthusiastic dancers.

The Empress watched the couple go, her own face reflecting their happiness. The Emperor wrapped his arm around Aurora.

"Just like me, you got the prettiest flower of all," Devrim pecked his wife on the cheek.

"I would argue your logic, but I'm too excited to be argumentative," Aurora laughed. "It really is lovely isn't it? I know the perfect place to…how did Lydia put it? Ah yes, I know the perfect place to plant it in my room when I get home."

"You are very attached to that already," Brinn crinkled her nose as she bent over to look at it. "I mean it is pretty, but there is no guarantee that it will make it through our journey. Best to set your expectations low."

Alvar elbowed Brinn and gave her a stern look.

"I mean of course I hope it makes it." The elven princess held out a flower of her own. It was red like its owner's hair. "I hope they both do!"

"Me too," Aurora smiled. "Thanks for looking out for me." Though the elf did not have deep feelings, she had seen how they affected the Empress. Brinn's gruff words were a warning because she cared about her friend.

"Another dance?" Alvar held out his hand toward his wife.

Brinn pursed her lips. "I do not think that will be happening, my dear."

"Tired already? Was your stamina taken with your magic?" Devrim was half-joking and half-curious.

"No, lover-boy...Well not enough that a few dances would tire some one like me. I meant I think we are needed elsewhere." Brinn tilted her head to their far right and slightly behind them.

How she had even seen the general standing there was a mystery to the rest. Brinn's years of being in the wilderness seemed to have given her an extra sense of what was going on around her at all times.

Nurlan caught the Empress's eye and gave a nod. The supplies were ready earlier than expected. That meant the group could get on the road while the sun was still above the horizon.

"I'll find our guide," Devrim had seen him among the dancers only a short while before, "if you don't mind saying the goodbyes for the both of us."

"Thank you, my love," Aurora squeezed the Emperor's arm before releasing him to his task. She turned around and dipped her head to Chieftain Orhan.

"Thank you for your hospitality and your generosity. The supplies and care you have given to my group are invaluable." She felt a little sad. "It is time for us to go though. I do not hope you will find us rude for leaving just as things were getting exciting."

"I knew the time was coming when Chief Zan left a little while ago." The leader indicated the empty cushion beside him. "I am glad you could join us at all. Do not feel bad about leaving. This feast will go on for days. Dunesmen know how to celebrate!" Orhan smiled so wide that his teeth nearly filled his face. It faded for a moment. "You are not taking Metehan with you?"

"No, Chieftain. Councilman Metehan is free to stay as long as he likes and then return with the injured soldiers to Valiant to report to the rest of the Council." Aurora had no intention of making Metehan leave his daughter's wedding.

His coming farther had never been part of the plan. The Empress and the others bid all their friends, both new and old, farewell before Devrim returned with Elxan.

The group made a quiet exit toward the waiting general. Nurlan greeted them with a bow. "We appreciate your patience," Aurora gave him a weary grin.

"I anticipated it, Your Majesty and came earlier than you were required. As such, you are right on time." The general kept a straight face, but his eyes were smiling.

"That is as close to a joke as I have ever seen you make at my expense!" Aurora pretended to be offended.

"Finally, my influence is working!" Brinn gently punched Nurlan in the arm. "Now call the Empress 'Rory' and we my work will be complete."

"I will never do that," Nurlan shook his head.

"Good, I like a challenge!" Brinn winked at Alvar, who sighed and shook his head.

"Follow me, Your Majesty," Nurlan pretended not to hear the elven princess, "The supplies and men are right this way..."