
The End Before A Beggining

"Waaa Waa..." The one-year-old baby boy who was held in his mother's embrace started crying.

The mother opened her mouth and was about to say something but tears started falling down which stopped her.

After a hard internal battle, she managed to hold back her tears and started to say something, or rather, sing something.

"Let the gentle breeze brush upon your face~ Oh how drowsy you would be, go to sleep~ Fall asleep~" The mother, sung her chant; instead of speaking it.

"I love you so much, Daniel... My precious child..." She said this as tears started flowing uncontrollably down her face.

Afterwards, she looked up and turned towards the direction where a man who seemed about 50 years-old stood.

"You always did have to help me with everything... One last favour?" The woman squeezed out a smile as she reluctantly held out her baby towards the man.

"Yo-You don't have to do this..." The man who had choked on his own saliva while crying buckets said.

"I afraid I must. If only I had more time, I wanted to share so much with you and... and live together as a family! Alas, my time is up. Please, help me. For the last time."

The woman pleaded.

"No! No! No! You can't do this!" The man shouted out in frustration.

The woman looked at him, her eyes filled up with tears as she gave him the warmest smile he had ever seen.

"Thank you." She said.

The man clenched his teeth, tightened his fists and forced his legs to move forward and forced his arms to extend out.

With great struggle, he managed to finally take the baby into his embrace.

"I'm... I'm so... sorry... I'm so sorry!" The man started sobbing and weeping as he apologised profusely.

The woman smiled as she said, "I love you Dad."

"I love you too, Sarah... My precious, precious daughter." The man said in return.

The woman then turned her back, took out her wand and ran straight towards the centre of the battlefield without turning back.

She fought together with a middle-aged man who was valiantly fighting against a horde of monsters with his pair of swords.

At that moment, Daniel awoke and cried, he cried so loud that even in the midst of chaos and fighting. His voice could be clearly heard.

The man who carried him immediately ran away while the male and female pair slaughtered those who dared run their direction.

That was nine years ago and Daniel is now ten