
Emperor of the Zombie

Jimmy is a lazy boy who lived an ordinary and boring life before his life was turned upside down after he was hit by a car and fell into a long coma. Then he wakes up in a world where he doesn't know if it's the world he lives in or another world where there are zombies and supernatural forces. What will happen to Jimmy, this is what we will know in the chapters of this novel.

GIVO_MA · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 1:Chaos is the beginning

August 1, 2019

Insomnia and fatigue are the essence of my life. What can I do to get rid of this?

A question Jimmy asks every day upon waking up.

Once again, Jimmy wakes up, an 18-year-old young man who has lived with his grandfather since his father left him at the age of 5.

Jimmy, a lazy young man like any other in his prime, feels like an old man at this age, experiencing severe back pain and the insomnia that never leaves him, echoing the same words.

"Oh God, morning again. How long will the morning come?" He wakes up once more, opens his eyes, grabs his mobile phone, and looks at the time, 5:00 AM.

Insomnia and disturbances, why can't I sleep, why am I alone, unable to sleep?

Opening the door, he keeps the doorknob in his hand, throwing it away.

He pours coffee and grabs his mobile phone, scrolling through the news.

"Hahaha, what is this news? Zombies are here, and they are coming. Who wrote this news? Are we the ones, or is he the expert or a madman? What is this?"

He grabs his school bag as usual and leaves, closing the door to his house.

What beautiful weather! Today is unlike any other day. He passes by a shop and then arrives at his school. Entering through the door, he sees everyone, students around his age, bustling with energy, while he feels as if he's an exhausted elder.

Walking through corridors, he reaches his classroom, opens the door, and sits in front of a window. Soon, other girls and boys enter, everyone laughing, except him. Jimmy lacks the energy to do anything and has no friends.

He puts his head down on the table and dozes off. After a moment, a beautiful teacher enters the class, and all the students are fascinated by her attractive appearance.

"What do you find appealing about her?" Jimmy asks himself.

Unfortunately, it seems everyone shares a similar perspective. The bigger problem is that even girls compare themselves to her.

The school session ends, and Jimmy carries his bag on his shoulder. "Truly, this is a boring life. Oh God, answer my prayers and change my life."

He heads towards the store where he works part-time, despite hating it. He does it to pay off hospital bills and buy his daily necessities.

After finishing work, he stands at a traffic light, waiting for the green light. Suddenly, some troublemakers from his class come from behind. He notices a speeding car and looks up at the sky, lost in thought.

"Can something happen today?"

Suddenly, he feels his body starting to float.

"Why do I feel like I'm flying? What's happening? Did someone push me to do this?"

As he looks at them, a speeding car collides with him, and he finds himself on the ground.

"What is this warmth? No, I feel like I'm getting cold. I guess these are moments of death. My boring life, I think it's going to end soon."

His eyes start to close, and sounds fade away to a point where he can't hear anything.

He begins to question himself about what he did in his life, wondering if he achieved his goals.

The problem is that he didn't pay off the debt of his grandfather, who has been suffering since he was 5 years old and is still in the hospital. He hasn't even seen his father's face. He believes life wants to free him from this torment.

The last thing he remembers is the phrase, "This world doesn't go the way you want."

"Farewell, monotonous life."

1. Press his heart


2. Press his heart.

3. Press his heart.

"What is this? What does it mean to press his heart? Are they trying to make me live? This is really absurd," he thinks, and the sound disappears.

A small spark of light sneaks into his eyes. A panel appears in front of him with the question: "Do you want to live? You have five seconds to choose."

"What is this thing? Time is running out."



Jimmy chooses "Yes."

Is he still alive? A ringing in his head, but it stops, and he feels like he slept for the first time, free from insomnia.

He wakes up the next morning, unties himself from the hospital bed, opens the door, and is surprised by something unexpected.

"What is this? Where am I?" He looks at himself to see if he's really alive. What Jimmy sees is a nightmare. His heart starts pounding.

After seeing a hospital corridor filled with blood, a question arises in his mind: Did something happen after the speeding car hit me?

This is the first time I'm writing a novel. I want your opinion on this matter. With safety to the next chapter.

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