
Emperor Of The Court

I don't know what kind of hypnosis should I put to avoid spoilers. But All I can say is this a light-hearted story like my other book Don't expect drama or Yaoi haha Read it XD

IncubusIsLaifu · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 - When Darkness Comes, Light Will Appear Next.

(AN: Chapter one to ten is mostly 1st POV and time skips until MC reaches middle school. Hope you understand 🙂)

"Everything happens for a reason. Right? Young Blake?"

The words of the Goddess made the boy stunned for a moment, his eyes showed he was shocked but then, he nodded and answered.

"Un! My father said that everything happens for a reason!" After that, the young man showed an optimistic face, gazing at the loving smile of the goddess.

"By the way young Blake... What do you want when you grow up?" The Goddess asked as she sat beside him, letting the young man rest on her shoulders.

"I promised my father that I will become the best basketball player... But he won't see me accomplish it..." Said Blake with a depressing tone.

A soft smile formed on the lips of the Goddess and stroke the hair of the young man and said.

"You will be... Make your father proud" She halted for a moment and continued "Well? I think it's time for you to go... Someone is still waiting for you on the other side."

Hearing her words, Blake got shocked and moments later, his body started to become transparent while the figure of the Goddess faded.

"What happened? Ma'am?" Blake asked in panic and gazed one last time at the Goddess but what he received from her is a smile.

While even though no voice came out from her mouth, his ears heard something like "Make us... Proud... S--"

With that, Blake escaped from the dark place and felt that the surrounding was completely different.

- - - - -

"Thank goodness. You're finally awake!"

"A-aunt Alexandra?"

A woman cries out in happiness as she held Blake's hand, he answered in a shaky voice, showing that he is still unstable right now.

Placing his hand on her cheek, Alexandra's left eye dropped a tear, feeling happy that her nephew has finally woken up.

Blake is currently lying on the hospital bed while she is sitting beside him on a chair. Looking at her aunt that was about to cry. Blake made a smile that Alexandra did not expect to see because he just lost his father.

"Aunt Alexandra... I met someone in my dream. But, I don't know her name... She comforted me and told me I will be the greatest basketball player. She also told me that everything happened because there is a reason--"

Listening to her nephew's story, Alexandra made a sigh with a smile, Blake is only a five-year-old boy and lost both his mother and father. Yet, he showed that he is not sad, and also, she just nodded her head and listened to her nephew's story that came out from his mouth.

- - - - -

Two weeks have passed since then, the doctor confirmed that nothing is wrong with him. Though, they only let Blake see a video about his father getting buried.

But it was fine for the young man, Blake only cried for a while then became cheerful in a few days later.

The doctor praised because of how strong-willed the five-year-old is and even encourage him that they will watch his basketball games in the future.

Discharged, from the hospital, Blake and Alexandra immediately went to her house and eat for a while. Then, Alexandra called him to the living room and tell Blake something.

- - - - -

"Blake, I already spoke to your school teachers that we will move to Japan. Sorry if I just tell you right now... It may be cruel but I don't want you to say no at this."

My Aunt told me about moving to another country. Well, I don't have any problem with it because my aunt is taking care of me right now, I will surely follow her wherever she is going.

"Of course, Aunt Alexandra. I will follow you where ever you're going."

Showing a slight shock expression, Aunt Alexandra may be thinking that I will not agree. She made a smile and pulled me on her embrace. Letting me feel the softness to what I felt last time with the beautiful ma'am.

While still in her embrace, Aunt Alexandra talked in a faded tone before letting me go "We will leave next week. I will prepare our things right away to avoid any unnecessary problems. But first, I'll take a nap in my room. Wake me up if you need anything." Then, she let me go, making me feel something was gone and I don't know what it is.

Looking at Aunt Alexandra's retreating figure, I immediately went to my room and lock the door.

"Status open..."

I spoke and a transparent board appeared in front of me.

[Blake Garcia]

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Age: 5 Years old.

Lover/s: None

Sports: Basketball

Martial Arts: None

Innate Skills: Rapid Growth, Charm, Charismatic.

This appeared the next day when I met the beautiful ma'am. I don't know anything about it but when I woke up, I felt a painful headache, and things that I don't know about entered my mind.

There is also this shop and inventory that I can buy and put everything. Also, in my inventory, there is a ticket with 9999x beside it and the name of it is [Dimensional Training] and it says I can go in and out every time I want.

I want to tell Aunt Garcia about this but a part of me is saying don't or not yet... With that, I press the ticket and hope nothing will become wrong.