
Emperor Anew

Discover the realms of Soul and unveil their mystery, find more about alternate selves, and their effect on their counterparts in an Epic tale of revenge and mightiness. A sleepless night envelopes the ruins of a once majestic empire, where heroes graced the land with their formidable armies; trampling all under the sun and spreading justice to the land, heralding a glorious epoch. Arslan stood there watching the moon shining on the leftover of his ancestor's imperial capital. With a towering murderous intent, He roared towards the heavens. Accompany our protagonist as he investigates the fall of his father's empire, the murder of all his family members, and the betrayal of his close confidants. See for yourself how the dark forces with mystical powers interfere in all the events of this story, while heavens dictate men's fate, where the word 'soul' became the most prominent drive in history.

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3 Chs


Chapter 2: Awakening

Returning to the last minute before Arslan was teleported away by the Golden light and during the brief conversation between him and the General, Dragos felt that something was amiss, so he started closely observing the Golden Radiance expanding from the General's body bringing to his mind the tale of a terrifying legend. A legend about a self-sacrificing technique that only the royal bloodline of Ling dynasty could use. This technique burns the soul of the practitioner granting him a terrifying power rivaling that of a Soul King for a short period.

The terror of this technique was the main reason that his organization targeted the Ling Dynasty in such a discrete way, avoiding any direct confrontation between them and the Empire. Fearing that the ling descendants in a moment of desperation will use this technique as a last-ditch effort to bring their members down with them.

Remembering what his superior told him about that technique, and seeing the General's aging face coupled with the expanding golden light enveloping his body, Dragos's face started to contort in anger and fright as he knew that the General was using that forbidden technique to buy a surviving chance for the young Prince.

Remember that the General was one of the strongest four combatants in the ling dynasty only below the Emperor and Crown Prince with a cultivation base at the advanced stage of Soul General, meaning that the effect of his sacrificial technique will be very powerful.

"You old bastard even after being poisoned with the soul crippling powder you still have the power to perform the sacrificial technique? do you believe that I will allow you to do as you please?"

Feeling the threat of death looming above his head and taking all of the information he knew into consideration, it became obvious for Dragos that even with the help of the Almighty Spirit he summoned to oppress the General, only death will await him if his foe was allowed to complete this technique.

A ruthless expression appeared on Dragos's face, he bit his tongue and sprayed blood essence on the Evil Spirit while crazily channeling his soul energy into it, hoping to suppress the Golden radiance surrounding the General and trying to forcefully interrupt the sacrificial technique.

Feeling the mounting pressure on his soul, the General turned his head to look at Dragos and revealed a serene expression saying: "If it wasn't for you threatening me with the life of the queen, forcing me to consume the soul crippling powder, do you really believe you will still be here talking nonsense in front of me?".

Asking this the General's lips started to move gently as if to say something, when these movements entered Dragos's sight it seemed to stun him completely, causing a gap to appear in his concentration, giving the General the opportunity he needed to teleport the young Prince away.

Seeing the golden light bringing the Prince away Dragos woke up from his trance and started running towards the General with all his might causing the Evil Spirit to produce a bloody aura that hoped to devour all living beings.

Responding to Dragos's actions was an earth-shattering explosion resounding inside the capital, followed by a blinding golden sun that dispelled the darkness enveloping the mourning city, causing nearly half the buildings to crumble completely and leaving a deep bottomless pit in place of the Imperial Palace.

The golden sun illuminating the city persisted for more than 10 minutes before it started to lose its brilliance, during this brief period numerous dark soldiers were burned into cinders leaving nothing behind and the bizarre Dark-Flames spreading inside the capital were diminishing at an alarming speed, allowing the escaping survivors a moment to catch their breath and continue their escape.

When the remaining soldiers fighting inside the city saw this golden sun, tears started streaming down their cheeks as they knew that their General had fallen in battle sacrificing his life for the sake of their Dynasty.

Seeing the Golden sun was about to lose its brilliance completely one soldier started shouting with bloodshot eyes " You ingrates what are you crying for? our general has died with glory, so don't disgrace his death with your sorry states, you either fight to your death to commemorate his spirit or just stay here and become a plaything for those invading bastards"

Hearing him one young soldier shouted: " those who disgrace our general are p*****, long live the Ling Dynasty, Long live his Majesty".

Following this shout, he charged at an incoming dark soldier and tore his throat with his teeth, then he charged at horde enemy soldiers and donated his soul dragging all of them with him to hell.

Seeing the actions of this young soldier, the others started doing the same thing which caused a spectacular seen of stars appearing everywhere inside the capital to appear, accompanying the scene of the waning sun, it was as if these stars were bidding their farewell for the retreating sun; expressing their willingness to accompany it in its final journey towards its eternal destination.



Far away from all of this in a rocky mountain, a blinding glow suddenly appeared inside one of the caves illuminating it completely following the end of this glow was the appearance of a sleeping little boy who seemed to be in a nightmare with cold sweat trickling down his cheek.

After an indefinite period of time, the little boy's eyelashes started to tremble then he opened his eyes with difficulty revealing a pair of deep black eyes with a tinge of gold flashing inside their depth, while a mature voice resounded inside the cave saying

"What a pitiful state have my alternate self fallen into, what a disgrace for me the king of war to be thrown around like that... sigh, forget it I shall wait for this self of mine to awaken before doing anything"

Following the end of this sentence was the disappearance of the gold rays in the depths of the boy's eyes causing his eyes to regain its pure black color, then his eyes started closing again bringing him into a deep sleep.

second chapter hope you like it

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