
his life

"good morning class" a woman who mia guess to be their class teacher came in she was putting on a tight fitted dress and a classic heel mia had seen in some movies she wore a trendy eye glasses and her perfume was all over the classroom her accent was so exceptional and the first thing that come into mia mind was

"Is this how rich school teachers dress or maybe fashion was her second name" she keept staring at the woman in awe just suddenly she jerked out of her thought when she heard the woman voice echoing all over she introduced herself to them as miss park just then she welcome them to a new session and called mia out

"So everyone as u know we have a new comer in here and her name is Rowland mia "miss Park called out mia at first was surprise she was the only new comer even though she guessed so why is her surname Rowland instead of Harry she reluctantly stood up when Miss park called out again she walked to the front of the classroom and got to know everyone they were 15 in her class and the class was also spacious and beautiful just as miss mia invited her she went back to her sit and miss park told the class to wait for their next subject teacher she walked out of the class and the knocking of her heel could be heard on the hall way she went to her seat and there was whispering and mumuring

*Could she be Liam's younger sister

*Why is she having Same surname as the school prince

*Something is baffling with this new girl

*Can't believe Liam sister is in my class there were murmuring everywhere just then mia broke the silence .

"Am not Liam or whatever younger sister I don't even know the Liam you are talking about count me out of this our surname may only be the same" after this words the class went silent that even the sound of a falling pin could be heard a girl called Charlotte who was known to be the class trouble maker walked up to her and started questioning her

"So since ur own surname is Rowland let check if all Rowland are rich" she turned to the whole class laughing

"Is your father a business tycoon?" She smirk

"Or does he own a house in any part of the country" she said

" Don't u see her bag it's fake"the other girl Amira said and they all bursted out laughing mia was watching them in disappointed

" is this how rich kids behave" she thought about Liam and she concluded they are like that just then Charlotte stopped taunting her when she saw Liam and his friends walking down the hall way the fan girls, admirers and crushers all came out to look at him he was dazzling when mia saw he was the one she ran away so he should not see her . Liam was this cool guy handsome with a proud look he is an example of perfection every girl wanted him and because of that he turned a play boy he has three friends who were also similar to him the first is Henry the second Desmond and the third Louis their father were both business partner and family friends same as their mother the duo did everything in common and they are also the school prince everyone was into them and no one knew who they actually love. Everyone was trying to get their attention as Liam saw the class number and he knew no how that will be Mia's class number he quickly take a glimpse and all he saw was her bag and nothing more he went off and not long it was lunch mia had been sitting there waiting patiently for lunch she knew at least she would find somewhere to settle her head she went to the school library and took some book as she was about going to her sit she hit a girl and quickly apologize

"Ohh!! Am so sorry pardon me" she knew she hatd to act decent she is not but an opportune maid going to a rich kid school but instead of the beautiful and rich girl to go she help her pick up her book and even follow her to her table

"Hi my name is Emma nice meeting you" Emma said to her

"A beautiful name for a very beautiful girl" mia said to herself

"My name is also mia nice meeting you also" mia smiled at her and continue reading

"So I can see you are a new comer , welcome to our great citadel of learning can we be friends "Emma asked nervously she had once made friend with Amelia the most beautiful girl in school but not as beautiful as mia 😁 but when she saw Amelia was almost like a prostitute she ended her friendship with her and they because enemies now she had been watching mia she knew mia was more beautiful than Amelia so she wanted to make friends with her so as to make Amelia more pained but she did not know her friendship with mia will turn sister like

" Ohh yes I will gladly accept"mia said to her and they were both happy she was older in class than mia she is in same class with Liam and that was where the problem started the both finish reading and Emma took her to the school cafeteria to get doughnut and soda they ate and went to the cheer group to practice gymnastics mia ws so flexible that even their couch was amazed but Emma is only trying they practice and went to sit then Emma began to talk about Louis who is Liam's friend with time mia got to know Emma love for the play boy Louis. She also gotto know about Amelia the beautiful slut even though she had not seen her before they went to class and the bell ran they all went home

I will continue to update more with or without view and comment

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