
Emerald (The arranged marriage)

Emerald Sky Everdin’s story is one filled with both love and tragedy. Let’s delve into the complexities of her life: Emerald’s love for Vladimir Blackhance spanned nearly a decade. Their families had a deep-rooted connection, with grandparents and parents who were lifelong best friends. However, their union was not solely based on romance; it was also a strategic move for the company they were associated with. Emerald’s parents tragically lost their lives in a car accident when she was just 17 years old. Despite this immense loss, she found solace in her marriage to Vlad. For her, it was the best day of her life—a moment of hope and new beginnings. But Vlad’s emotions were quite different. Filled with anger and devastation, he abandoned his bride. His promise to himself was one of suffering and regret, leaving Emerald to grapple with the aftermath of their union.

aliceviolet · Teenager
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6 Chs


"Wow, Auntie, your house is amazing and so spacious! Are we going to stay here, Mom?"

His son's eyes shone after he observed the entire villa.

"Yes, of course, cutie pie, do you like it?" her best friend responds.

"Yeah, I do!" her son exclaimed, dashing off inside with excitement.

"Ah, there you are, Sugarplum! Hehe, come here, boy!" Her best friend beloved Bichon Frise puppy approaches the child, exuding cuteness.

"Be careful Honey!" She reminded her son.

"Yes, Mom, he's adorable. Can we please adopt a puppy too? They're even cuter, like this little ball of fluff, hmm." "Whoops!" The dog's excited barking expresses its joy and excitement!

She exchanges a glance with her best friend and they both burst into laughter.

"Haha, I don't mind sharing my sugar pump with you, cutie pie."

"Really, Aunt Sara, can he come with us to the amusement park if we have some time?"

"A-ah Haha of course"

"Eme, I thought he had forgotten about that amusement park thing after he met my sugar plum, especially after he acted like nothing happened earlier," she whispered.

She simply shakes her head. Her son may appear nonchalant, acting as if nothing matters, yet his mind races with innate ability and talent. He possesses a brilliant mindset that allows for creative, flexible, and imaginative thinking, coupled with a sharp memory that seldom forgets promises.

"What do you think? Kids are smart and they don't easily forget promises. So, keep your promise," she said, raising her eyebrow.

"A-ah, hehe, I've already committed to paperwork this week; can we postpone it?" she asked, smiling sheepishly.

"Chat with the child, let's head inside as it's becoming quite warm now."

"Ah yes, of course. Hey, cutie pie, let's go inside, and I'll show you your room. I've cleaned it and designed it just like yours at home. You like blue, right?" she said, chatting away cheerfully without pause.

"No Aunt it's Cobalt blue" He corrected.

"Huh, what is cobalt blue? Does such a color exist?" asked Wonder.

The little boy slaps his forehead. "Auntie, are you really that old? There are seven colors in the rainbow, but the human eye can perceive around 10 million colors. This estimate comes from our ability to discern roughly 1,000 shades of light, and within that, we can detect 100 levels of red-green and 100 levels of yellow-blue. Multiplying these numbers together gives us the total number of colors we can see."

Sara gaped at her son. "H-how did you know that?! And did you just call me old? I'm only 28, young and fresh!"

"Still old and single," Sky responded nonchalantly.

"W-what the... Hey I am not!

"Oh, it doesn't matter that you're still single, come on sugar pump let's take a look at my new room," he says, as he strokes the fluffy fur of the Bichon Frise.

"Hey, where are you... come back here! I'm not old!" she exclaimed, stomping her foot in frustration.

"Ah, yeah, but still single..." they heard her son's reply from inside.

She laughed as she listened to their bickering. She was amused to hear her child identifying colors like an adult. It's no wonder his mind is like his; not bad at all.

"What are you laughing at, hmmp?"

"Haha, don't mind him, although that's true," she said, hugging her arms and retreating into the villa.

"Aahh, like mother, like son," she said, scrunching her nose.



They are sitting in the terrace garden, sipping her favorite grapefruit juice. Her son has fallen asleep in his room after their nearly 19-hour travel to get in here.

"Now that you are here, Eme, when will you start managing your company? You are aware that VSB Inc. is pursuing your father's company. Fortunately, they have given us a three-month grace period to settle the bank debt at 10% interest. Otherwise, VSB Inc. will assume control and establish new management under their name. All of your parents' hard-earned efforts in the company could be lost."

Clutching the glass tightly, she says, "I understand, but how can we possibly pay off all the debt within a three-month ultimatum?"

This is the sole legacy her parents left her, but due to greed and personal anger against her, her company might suffer.

"What he really wants is to acquire the company."

"I heard that VSB is looking to expand their business into clothing brands. They signed a contract with Purple String last month and began manufacturing the day before yesterday," she said, gazing at Emerald with sympathy.

"Oh, I didn't know he was now interested in clothing brands," she said, her eyebrows furrowing. She recalled that Nicole Resland had attempted to secure a contract with BLKH Company as an investor to expand her brand four years ago, but since Vlad assumed control of the company, he had declined.

Indeed, since he founded his company and acquired numerous bankrupt firms, it's remarkable how he managed to turn them around. Under his leadership, the company has thrived, achieving success both domestically and internationally within just five years.

She remained silent for a moment. It's not surprising that he achieved everything he wanted. He has always been a skilled businessman, adept in negotiations and fearless in taking risks.

"Hello, Earth to Emerald Sky, are you still with me?"

She blinked. "Ah, yes, of course."

"So, as I was saying, would you like to come with me tomorrow? I've scheduled the meeting for tomorrow because the stockholders want to withdraw their investment, those assholes ugly fats! Upon hearing that man's name, they scattered as if driven by fear itself!"

"Yes, it's time to confront them, as they wished to see how far things could go."

"Okay, get ready for the bottle, dears," she reminded. "Oh, by the way, when are you planning to move out of your parents' villa?"

"Aunt Rose has informed us that the villa will be ready by Tuesday, so we'll be staying there for at least a week."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Why not stay here until you return to New York? I would be happier with a little boy running around my house."

"We don't want to disturb your beautiful and peaceful place; besides, we wouldn't want you to stay single," she said, wiggling her eyebrow and smiling sheepishly.

"Aaghh not again!


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