
Emerald (The arranged marriage)

Emerald Sky Everdin’s story is one filled with both love and tragedy. Let’s delve into the complexities of her life: Emerald’s love for Vladimir Blackhance spanned nearly a decade. Their families had a deep-rooted connection, with grandparents and parents who were lifelong best friends. However, their union was not solely based on romance; it was also a strategic move for the company they were associated with. Emerald’s parents tragically lost their lives in a car accident when she was just 17 years old. Despite this immense loss, she found solace in her marriage to Vlad. For her, it was the best day of her life—a moment of hope and new beginnings. But Vlad’s emotions were quite different. Filled with anger and devastation, he abandoned his bride. His promise to himself was one of suffering and regret, leaving Emerald to grapple with the aftermath of their union.

aliceviolet · Teenager
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6 Chs


It has been 3 years past, but still fresh in her mind. It felt like yesterday.

Looking at the beautiful scenery outside, a greened land around her gave her a peaceful mind. She opened her arms and took a deep breath. She stayed like that for a couple of minutes.

no! I don't love you, you're just a piece of trash pwe! You're so disgusting! You are only my wife in this fucking piece of paper and you will never be a real Mrs. Blackhance! 

He threw the paper in my face and walked out of anger. She picked up the marriage certificate trying not to cry in front of their visitors and keep up her smile. Those empathic looks that she received made her shiver.

If only she didn't want to hear that hurtful word again. But it's already engraved on her memory. "hayyst"

"Mommy" The smile spread on her face. She looked back at the staircase when she heard the tiny footsteps going down.

"Oh Sky my baby please be careful" She took her steps before the stairs waiting for the child.

"Good morning sweetheart" 

"Morning Mom" Greet her back yawning.

"Oh Mom please stop pinching my nose" Oh her baby is already grown up. He doesn't want her sweet gesture anymore. 

Actually, her child doesn't want people touching him or ruffling his hair. But every time people see him smiling his cute two dimples showed up. They can't stop pinching his cheek.

"Yea... yeah... why you woke so early?

'Nah I used comfort room and you weren't beside me". She smiled hearing her child. He claimed his already a big boy but whenever he woke up without me by his side. He keeps wailing and sulking.

"I'm sorry I just took your aunts calls"

"Hmmp that retarded aunt" crossing his arms.

She laughed out loud. Sometimes she's questioning herself if he is really a four-year-old boy. At his age, he already speaks fluently and maturely. Looking at her son's features, her son had the same aura as that man. The intimidating eyes and a quiet one. Her son is so much like him.

Spacing out for a minute. The memory of the past came back.

"Mom... mommy are you alright?

Huh ah yeah... blinking her eyes twice to keep the tears from coming out.

"Hmm" Her son nods his head and snuggles in her arms.

"What do you want for breakfast?

"Pancakes" "Alright pancakes then". She put her son on a kitchen table. She took the pan, fresh eggs and flour.

"Son, do you want to take a vacation in the Philippines?

"Really Mom!.. can we.. can we! asked exclaiming and his eyes brightened

"Yup so start packing your things" 

"Are we really going back to your birth origin Mom? No one knows what is in his mind that makes him excited. 

"Yeah Sara already brought tickets for both of us and since am needed in the company"

"Oh Mom what's the matter? Is it Grandpa's company's running well?

"Nothing much sweety don't mind it" Giving an assuring smile but the kid's eyebrow furrowed. He minds it all since he accidentally heard her mom's conversation with Sara about her mom company's bankruptcy. He saw her mom's crying silently. 

The company was important for her since it's her mother's inherited from his grandparents and he didn't want to see her mother crying. If he could find he's father, he can help her mother. 

Thanks to her retarded godmother of his. He learned his father existing. He accidentally heard their conversation. His father is a powerful man in the country. A successful conglomerate businessman. 

He once asked her mother about his father whereabouts and her mom said his dead before he gave birth to him and she avoiding any questions related to his father. 

"Here you go, pancakes and your favorite pouch eggs"

"Thank you Mommy you are the best! Love you!

"Oh you're so sweet, Love you more" Hugging her child. She doesn't want to lose her child. If she had an option to not come back she would. 

It has been almost four years. Her child is the only family that she has. She's trying to move on and have a new happy life with her child.

She hugged him tightly. No matter what happens, she will make sure no one will hurt her child and come back here as soon as she settles everything. Closing her fist.

Ring.. ring..

"Mom your phone is ringing"

"Ah yeah that's probably Aunt Sara". Finish your food I'll just answer this.

"Hmm yes Mom" 

"Hello Eme you need to come back as soon as possible" Sara stated seriously.

"Why something wrong" Furrowed her brows. 

"I change your flight for earliest flight tomorrow. The VSB Corp. is trying to take the Everdin clothing line Corp. with the banks. I know that the company is important to you and thousands of employees depend on it.

She took a deep breath. How can she forget, that a lot of people are serving their company for too long and they have families too because of her selfishness the company is gradually losing. Closing her eyes while grinding her teeth.

"Yeah well start packing now"

"Eme... I know this is hard for you, but our employees have families too. They keep questioning your competency to run the company"

"I'm sorry Sara I was too selfish" 

"Oh no you're not darling, but don't you think it's time to face him and the child... He's too quiet to ask about his father but look, he got into a fight with his classmates because they keep bullying him without a father"

She swallowed hard. Looking at her child happily eating his breakfast. 

"You know that I don't want him to know about Sky right" keep her distance from her child. She doesn't want Sky to hear them talking about his father.

"But Eme don't you think it was unfair for Sky?

"No you don't know Sara, what if that man neglected him!? I don't want to see my child hurt! 

"And what if he would? Eme, sometimes we need to face our fear. And what if he accepts him? The child deserves to know the truth!

"Do you still love him? She suddenly asked.

"NO! she answered with resentment. 

A minute of silence. "Hmmm... I will fetch you tomorrow"

"Yeah thanks, regards to the girls"

"Sure, bye" She put down her phone and approached her child. 

"That was Aunt Sara Mom? "Yeah, we need to pack your things, we're taking the earliest flight tomorrow.

"Oh yeah! I'm so excited Mommy! I want to go to the beaches there like we always do here.

"Of course sweety, there are a lot of beautiful beaches and we can always visit your grandparent's Villas too. Ruffling his hair.

AliceViolet04. Edited! It takes so long to come back with my loves. Was so busy with work and school! Happy reading! Ciao

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