
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

CHAPTER 15 :The War Is Coming

As the first rays of the morning sun painted the chamber in soft, golden hues, Captain Amon and Prince Persian lay entwined in each other's arms.

The night's tender moments had left an indelible mark on their hearts, and the dawn seemed to greet them with a sense of serenity and promise.

Persian stirred, his eyes fluttering open to the warm embrace of the morning. A soft smile played on his lips as he met Amon's gaze, the lingering intimacy of the night still palpable between them.

Amon's heart quickened, and he felt a rush of shyness and hesitation as he gazed into Persian's eyes, now softened by the morning light. He found himself at a loss for words, his usually confident demeanor giving way to vulnerability."Good morning,"

Persian whispered, his voice a gentle caress that seemed to erase Amon's uncertainty.Amon swallowed hard, his cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and longing.

"Good morning," he replied, his voice barely more than a breath, his gaze dropping momentarily to the tangle of sheets beneath them.

The world outside the chamber remained distant, and in that fleeting moment, it felt as if time had paused to allow them the sweetness of their connection. Persian's fingers brushed against Amon's cheek, a silent invitation to draw nearer.

Amon moved closer and closer clearly enchanted by Persian's gorgeous features.

Persian also did same. Their lips drew nearer and nearer by the second but before they could kiss, Amon sprang from the bed in hesitation.

"it's morning and the birds are chirping and I think it's bad if we spend our mornings inside".

Persian laughed noticing how shy Amon had gotten....

persian got up and walked towards Amon.

" umm, my prince what are you doing?" question Amon.

Persian smirked and continued walking Amon.

Amon felt his heart racing like crazy like it was almost popping out of his chest.

But before Amon's mind could process any dirty thoughts, persian hugged him.

Amon stood there completely frozen.

"Thank you, Amon," Persian whispered, his voice filled with profound gratitude. "I saw such unexplainable things when I couldn't wake up for days. It was your comforting presence that kept me grounded."

Amon felt a blush creep onto his cheeks, and he couldn't help but feel a bit shy under Persian's heartfelt gratitude. He had always been the one providing strength and reassurance, and now, receiving such a warm embrace and kind words was both unexpected and touching.

"You don't need to thank me, Persian," Amon replied softly, his voice slightly shy, his heart fluttering with a mix of emotions. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what we face."

Persian and Amon again found themselves in an unbreakable stare.

And the stare sent them down a Lane they recognized very well.....

Now their lips were inches away.

but before both could melt into a kiss.....

A loud bang was heard on the door.....

"Prince Persian...I'm so sorry waking you up but your uncle the royal doctor is in and the queen desires your presence"

"thank you...tell ma that, I will be right down" answered Persian.

Amon and persian had to break apart but they kept smiling at each other as they both got ready.....


The door creak opened "oh,persian....I have been expecting you"

Persian sat down and the royal doctor began to check his vitals.

"you done" asked persian...

"yes, I think" answered the royal doctor...

"can I ask you a question?"

Persian smiled "let me guess, what happened before I blacked out"

The royal doctor intertwined his hands listening attentively.....

"well, I don't know uncle but my magic has been kinda wonky lately. I had a terrible nightmare, woke up to wash my face and then I had something like a vision or a revelation or I don't know"

"you had a vision, what did you see?" asked the royal doctor clearly concerned..

Prince persian sighed "I'm sorry...I have tried but I just can't remember....its like it's lost in memory"....

The royal doctor paced to and fro " this is more serious than I thought"

"what do you mean more serious" asked persian.

The royal doctor sighed " Magic can be very dangerous...in the wrong hands...but it can be world ending in the hands of the naive and the untrained....."

Persian squinted "what do you mean by naive and untrained"

"Magic is created or given to serve it's wielders or host....but the more, the wielder ignores the fact of having magic or doesn't care about possessing magic. Magic tends to do more than serve it's wielder....it becomes the wielder by manipulating the wielder in ways not yet known to man"....

Persian's heart raced anxiously " so what do I do now"

"you have two options, it's either you seal away the magic permanently or you choose to wield it"

Persian sighed " but I do not wanna seal away neither do I want to wield it"

"you have to choose persian, magic is an art that existed way before you and me.

And trust me when I tell you that Magic can be very scary and possessing it doesn't make you an exception...it is as dangerous to the wielder as it is to the opponent"....

Persian couldn't help but worry , he was possessing the very thing that could be his end " may I ask you a question, how do you know so much about Magic"

The royal doctor stuttered " well, I am a doctor and trust me some emergencies defy the laws of physics. plus I was a bit fascinated about magic so I learnt about it. that is how I know that what you possess if not sealed away can cause massive damages....Damage beyond repair"

Prince persian walked out the door "give me some time to think about it"

"Elyss, have you seen prince persian anywhere?" asked Amon.

Elyss replied "no, the last I saw him was in the morning"

Amon thanked Elyss....

"where are you persian"

persian was sitting in his fragrance filled garden when he heard a voice

"I thought I might find you here....my prince"

Persian sighed "Amon, I wanna ask you something....give me your honest answer", Amon nodded.

" you see I have....a friend who possesses a very deadly....ummm...something.

And he has two options to his availability, it's either he destroys this deadly....something so as to not put anyone in danger or...."

"or" interrupted Amon...

"or...he learns to control it, you know tame it but my friend is still scared...very scared"


"taming or controlling that deadly something could still put people in potential danger. what if one day , he loses control...what then"

Amon sighed "I have a best friend....from where I come from. And do you know what I love about her...."


"her ability to risk it....life isn't all cupcakes and rainbows...your friend yes...it is scary but your friend has to take the risk...it is what keeps life interesting"

persian sighed "but this not a matter of risking....this isn't a game. People can die"

Amon smiled "but you are right....people can be in potential danger so I think it's best if he destroyed it"

That was the answer persian wanted to hear but something felt wrong within him...

"but if you are actually talking about you then....it's different"

Persian sat straight "how is it different"....

" I know....I don't really know you because I just came here. if we are talking about you here, then I think you need to control it" said Amon....

"why?" asked persian....

"because you are persian and you might not see it but to me, you are the strongest person I know....and I know and believe that you can handle anything as long as you put your mind to it"

Persian smiled but it faded within seconds " but then what about the people....I could be a major threat to their lives....I could be their impending doom"

Amon licked his dry lips " you know....decisions made by kings to rule his people are always in favour of the people or so he thinks.... but sometimes those decisions can do more harm than good, so tell me does the king keeps lamenting and crying over that one mistake or does he suck it up and find a better solution to fix everything...

"yes, maybe it's a little dangerous, maybe, you are a little scared but what if controlling that deadly something is the way to save your people. Give yourself a chance to see what everybody sees in you. To see what I see in you "

Those words hit persian so hard....it wasn't what he wanted to hear but he found solace and shelter in those words....he felt full...

Persian hugged Amon "thank you so much, Amon....I love you"

Persian then ran off....Amon was sat there a bit stunned by those words " I mean...yeah, we are friends but .....I don't think it's really necessary "...

The royal doctor was headed towards his carriage to leave for another emergency " thank you so much for coming" said the queen...

"anything form my sister in law" replied the royal doctor....

The carriage was about to gallop off when persian stopped it...

"wait, wait....wait a minute" he said panting for air...

"uncle, I am ready...I have decided to be the very best me I can and that involves my magic" said persian....

The royal doctor smiled and hugged persian "you did good, kid, but prepare yourself because the journey to mastery won't be easy....I will see you soon"

Persian got down and waved at the carriage until it was out of sight....


Nightfall wore the sky with a dark twinkling garment....

King kastron was painting in his chambers as usual.....when he sensed someone...

"so when are you gonna stop hiding" asked kastron....

The dark figure replied "when I kill you..."

Kastron paused a second and then continued with his painting....

"you know the war is coming and I just can't help but dream about it day and night....and do you know how my dreams end.....with your head in my hands"

kastron laughed "that's why they are dreams"

"laugh all you want, ron. because the war is coming and it is no joke...and trust me when I tell you I will not lose"

kastron smiled "so you came all the way from your wherever to tell me that I'm going to lose the war...you are so egotistical. you have brainwashed everyone with your lies and I can't blame them for believing you because"

"you made it so easy to believe" said the shadow

"that is why I have put up walls, to protect us from the likes of you.you are clearly the one with no heart but everyone thinks I'm the monster....You want a war that has no roots of rivalry"

"you speak of rivalry, ron, aren't the brutal murdering of my people enough rivalry" said the shadow in a tone of pain....

kastron stopped painting "tell me what do you want to gain in bringing such a war....in causing havoc"

The shadow giggled "it is not what I wish to gain but what you'll lose....I want you to feel exactly how I felt when you took everything away from me" said the shadow...

kastron sighed "I know it doesn't really matter how many times I say it but I will continue to say...you are to blame as much as I was....I never killed her and you know it..."

The shadow shot a sword out in anger but kastron dodged "liar!!!!!"

Kastron smiled "if it is war you want, then so be it....but remember that I am the last person on earth you wanna war with"

The shadow cackled " and I am the very last person you want to underestimate"

"I promise you kastron, I promise you that I will not rest until I have your soul to torture" said the shadow....

kastron replied "the world would be a better place without a psycho like you..."

The shadow smiled "remember kastron....I have eyes everywhere" saying this he vanished into thin air.

king kastron knew that the shadow had something planned and it wasn't going to be good.

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