
Chapter 1

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Amy, happy birthday to you" my parents sang. I groaned and turned over in bed.

"one more hour, go away!"

"come on E-Amy!" my mother said happily. "we have a surprise for you!"

"what!?" I jumped out of bed and ran over to my wardrobe. My parents grinned and went downstairs. I stood in front of my wardrobe as it pulled out a selection of outfits for me to choose. I have this whole system where my wardrobe just pulls out outfits in different colours and styles.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Amythest Mali Rosestar, daughter of Jade and Shaun Rosestar, famous musician and technician. I am 13 years old today. I have two little sisters called Elizabeth and Jane-Grey, who I call Lizzi and LJ. Lizzi is 6 and LJ is 7. I've always loved the Tudors, it's the only period of history I'm interested in. I named Lizzi and LJ because of my two favourite Tudor Queens. LJ stands for Lady Jane, as in Lady Jane Grey, and Lizzi is obviously after Queen Elizabeth, in fact Lizzi actually has long ginger hair and LJ has shoulder-length black hair. I've been locked in a mansion my whole life because of my Aunt Arabelle. I've heard a lot about Aunt Arabelle. My parents say she's crazy, and from what I've heard I guess she is. Aunt Arabelle tried to kidnap me when I was born. She snuck into the hospital and held me, then ran out of the hospital. My mother was unconscious, and my Dad was by her side. The doctors got me back. They caught her placing me in a cardboard box and putting it in her car. My mum was so worried that she wouldn't let me out of her sight for a month afterwards. So they locked me here, to keep me safe. I guess it hasn't been so bad, my dad taught me all about robotics and technology, and thanks to mother I can play every instrument. I spend most of my days either in the studio on the bottom floor, playing, singing and recording, or in my robotics lab underground, building and programming. Both are lots of fun. I also watch a lot of TV. I love one channel in particular. Disney Channel is a comedy channel with over 100 original movies and probably over 50 series. I especially love some of the original movies, Descendants, Camp Rock, and High School Musical.

Anyways, I threw on the same outfit I've worn on all by birthdays since I was 4 (mum bought one in every size), a rainbow tye dye t-shirt with a pink cardigan, red leggings and a pair of green and black sneakers. Then I ran downstairs to find mum and dad.

They were sat at the table looking quite serious. When I walked in, mother looked at me and asked me to sit down. She took a deep breath and then began talking.

"there's something we need to tell you".

"okay" I said calmly, although I was starting to feel a bit nervous. "what is it?"

"This will probably come as a bit of a shock. Just try to stay calm and not freak out".

"mum, nothing you say is going to make me freak out".

"you don't know what I'm going to say though. Okay, here goes" Mother took a deep breath and looked at me. "Honey, you have a sister".

I laughed.

"duh, I know that. I have two. Lizzi and LJ are out in the garden right now"

"No" Mother looked straight at me, which was a bit creepy. "You have a twin sister"

"WHAT?!" I shouted. I am almost ashamed to say that after that, I fainted.

I woke up a few minutes later after Dad tipped a bucket of water over me (my family may be famous but we're also a bit crazy). I coughed and sat up, before shouting at my parents.


"Now, honey I know your probably shocked right now, but can you please keep it down, for Liz and Jane's sake"

"Fine" I nodded, then got up and sat at the table again. "But explain. Now"

"Ok" Dad said quietly, sitting across from me. "So, basically, what me and your mother told you was technically true, except for one thing. There were two of you there that day. Your twin sister Emerald was left behind because your Aunt didn't know there were two of you. She took you and then heard your Grandmother talking about twins. So, Arabelle put you in the back of her car in a cardboard box, and then went back for Emerald. What she didn't know was that your Grandmother had heard her muttering about Emerald and followed her. Your Grandmother grabbed you and went back into the hospital. Then your Aunt ran into her and made a run for it. Your Grandmother came to me and your Mother told me to go and save you both. I stopped Arabelle and grabbed Emerald from her. Then Arabelle ran into the woods next to the hospital after shouting, I'll get you and your kids for this. That was when we added all the security features to our house. But Arabelle never gave up. When you were 1, she broke into the house and tried to find you and Emerald. We found her, and she said that as long as you two were together she would always find you. That was the night we moved house. We packed really quickly and left later that night. The first thing she did was change our surnames and . . . And put Emerald up for adoption"

"Why?" I asked quietly. "Why Emerald and not me, or both of us?"

"We couldn't bare to give away both of you, and we were struggling to decide who when Emerald was taken" Mother said, crying silently. "We don't know who it was, but it wasn't your Aunt. Someone had seen Emerald on the adoption sheet so they took her"

"That's terrible" I muttered weakly. "But, does that mean you could have given me up?"

My parents stared at each other sadly.

"We were only trying to protect you"

"I know" I smiled weakly again. "I understand, but, what happened to her?"

"That's sort of the surprise" dad said, after calming down. "We got an address 5 months ago saying where Emerald is"

"Omigosh really!"

"Yes!" Mother grinned and sat next to me. She reached out and grabbed my hands. "Honey, we know that you've always wanted to go to a real school, and we guessed you'd probably want to find Emerald after we told you, so we enrolled you in a boarding school"

"Omigosh really!!!!!" I squealed.

"Yes!" My mother squealed with me before calming down a bit. "It's called the Emilia Jane Academy for Young ladies. It's located in Emiliasville, a small village about 2 hours away"

"Oh, so it's quite far" I whispered. My mother smiled at me sadly.

"I know, but we'll come and visit and you'll come home once you find Emerald"

"That's great!" I said happily. "When do I start?"

"2 weeks"


For the rest of today I played with LJ and Lizzi and opened my presents. I got a book about the Tudors from Lizzie and LJ and I got a Disney Channel t-Shirt from my Grandma. But my best present was from my parents. They gave me a brand new violin with my name printed on the case, and when I opened it there was a picture of me and Emerald. I've got it on my wall now. I'm going to have to take it down when I pack for school. EEE. It feels amazing to write that. I'm going to school!! I can't wait! Only 2 weeks to go! I'm so excited! This is a new start. I'm gonna find Emerald and then I'm gonna introduce her to Lizzi and LJ. I can't wait to find out what she's like! Everything is going to be great!!