
Elysium City: The Reborn Luna

At the age of forty-two, Summer Dawson met a brutal end; she was also forced to witness her son’s brutal murder. But fate has a twist in store for her. She is given a second chance in the form of Angel Salvino, America’s head Alpha. He brings Summer back to life but this time she is reborn as a younger and stunning lady. Summer is on a mission to annihilate those responsible for her tragedy and cleanse the city of Elysium of its power-hungry evildoer. In this electrifying tale, Summer joins forces with Angel Salvino to exact her revenge and battle the city's malevolent forces. Yet, as they delve deeper, Summer finds herself drawn to Angel, despite the mysteries he guards. Join Summer as she goes on a quest for revenge, and finds out the secrets Elysium city holds. How will her journey fare with the head Alpha backing her up and what is the truth behind his possessiveness over her? Will Summer be able to take her revenge, or fail miserably and fall at the hands of evil? Disclaimer: I do not own the cover illustration. Credit goes to the respected owner.

JulietRose · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

"I call on Selena, the goddess of the moon

Patron of the creatures of the moon

Guardian to all who seek light in the dark

And, the mother to the witches

I beg you to lend me your divine powers

This is my humble offering for your kindness to your daughter."

Beatrice kicked the man who was kneeling in front of her, and he fell in front of Diana. The man's mouth was covered with plaster, and he was trying to scream, but it only came out muffled, his hands were also tied behind his back with a rope making it unable for him to struggle.

Diana lifted her and made a gesture with her index finger for him to come and a whoosh of air pushed him towards her, Diana grabbed hold of his hair tightly and pulled back, tilting his head and he was gazing at her with fear and tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Why are you crying so much?" Diana used her other hand and wiped the tears on his cheeks and tsked. "You are doing an honorable thing for the goddess, you should be proud of yourself."

The man screamed at her, but it came out muffled, and then, he tilted his head back and headbutted Diana, and she staggered back, almost falling to the ground

"Whoa!!" Beatrice exclaimed and burst into laughter. "See… that's what you get for talking too much, you should have just killed the asshole in one clean slice."

Diana scoffed and reached out to feel her forehead. It was swollen, and she bet it was bruised. She stood up straight and confidently walked up to the man who was looking at her with extreme fear.

"I hope you enjoy your sacrifice, mother." Diana held his head and forcefully snapped his head to the side, cracking his skull.

"That's so sexy, Diana." Beatrice complimented in a sultry tone, as we walked up slowly towards Diana and at closing the gap between the both of them, she hugged Diana from the back and rested her head on Diana's shoulder.

"You see how much better it is to just take what you want, can you feel the pleasure that goes through your veins from the sheer power you have?" Beatrice whispered into her shoulder, Diana's breath rose slowly in excitement as she visualized the pleasure that had gone through her after she just snapped the man's head, Beatrice smiled at her.

"Shall we begin the spell now, best friend?"


Summer jolted up from bed, screaming and sobbing and not even up to a minute, her door flung open and Angel ran in. He made his way hastily to her and pulled her into his embrace, Summer sobbed on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay, it was just a dream." Angel soothed, he had been so scared when he had heard Summers scream that had been heard throughout the mansion. Angel thought something had happened to her and his heart had nearly flown out of his chest.

Angel stroked Summer's head, a soothing gesture to calm her down.l

"Shh… it's okay love, you're fine." Summer shook her head in disagreement and pulled away.

"No, Angel, it's not okay. There was so much blood and these terrifying shadow-like creatures were going into people, and they turned dark and evil, they were attacking each other and…"

"Slow down, Summer," Angel said, stopping her from rambling. "Can you tell me about your nightmare, slower?" He urged, softly. Summer took in a deep breath and out, before nodding.

"It started with this lady, she had tanned skin and braided her hair, it was Viking style braids, and she had turquoise eyes" Angel frowned, that was weird. It wasn't normal to describe someone you saw in a dream, nevertheless a stranger down to their eyes.

Angel nodded and was paying more attention now. "And, so what happened?"

"She was chanting these words, I think Latin and a dead man was by her feet and his blood had been drained into a silver bowl"

Angel's body immediately went tense at Summer's words. A silver bowl was used by witches, warlocks, and their types to offer blood sacrifices to an entity. Did Summer have powers?

"Then, everything changed, and these black shadow creatures were numerous, they got into people's bodies and everyone was attacking and killing each other." Summer resumed, sobbing again, Angel sighed and patted her head.

"Don't worry, love, it was just a dream." Angel lied, although he knew this was serious… the girl had described a grim reaper in her dreams and the silver bowl, Angel didn't want to scare her now but confirm exactly what she was first before taking any steps.

Summer frowned at him and sniffed. "Why are you lying to me? I know you are lying to me, I can feel it in my bones."

Angel gulped, what the heck was going on with Summer? Had her death and resurrection awakened something in her?

Summer grabbed hold of his hand. "I can feel it, Angel, something bad is about to happen, and I saw you also, one of the shadows got into you." The both of them held a long stare before Angel finally gave in and nodded. There was no need to hide it from her when she could feel when he was lying.

"I think your resurrection has done something to you, and you might have powers." Summer gasped and let go of his hand abruptly. Angel looked at his hand that she had been holding, he wished she had never pulled away, but he tried not to let his mind go to the thought of it.

"That's crazy." Summer laughed, nervously. "That can't happen, I'm just normal Summer Dawson and I.i."

"You aren't the normal Summer any longer." Angel reminded, cutting in her nervous speech. Summer looked up at him with wide eyes. "You died, Summer, and normal people don't die and come back to life."

"Jesus did." Summer joked, Angel chuckled and shook his head.

"The bottom line is you're not a normal human any longer, and it isn't quite surprising if you have powers. Other people like you that managed to escape the afterlife ended up getting powers and being sick and vile people that killed many humans." Angel explained, Summer tried to comprehend everything that he had told her.

There was a chance that she had abilities that made her part of the supernatural world, and until they confirmed that… She was in the dark.

"Do you have any idea about the things I saw?" Summer asked, curiously.

"The silver bowl you saw is an ancient sacrifice bowl that was used by witches to offer sacrifices to entities they served."

Summer's eyes widened. "So, that man was given as a sacrifice to…" Angel nodded, it was all making sense now. Summer sighed. "I think I should have felt more scared at seeing the man dead, but what scared me more was seeing you lose control. I don't ever want that to happen."

Angel looked at her perplexed, did she even realize what she was saying to him? Summer looked at him and Angel looked away, coughing awkwardly. He didn't want her to catch him staring at her and make everything feel weird.

After he had composed himself, Angel turned back to face her. "Tell me, What happened at Lucien's house? By the time you came back home, I was busy tending to other issues and so, I couldn't see you."

More like he left the house purposely because he didn't want to smell another man's scent on her body if not his wolf will go on a rampage and mark her, it was hard being the mate of someone that had just lost a child and was nowhere ready for a relationship.

All she was after was revenge, and although she slightly felt attracted and safe around Angel, her bloodlust for Lucien blinded her from feeling the mate bond.

"Lucien took me to his balcony where we ate, drank wine, and he told me his story." Summer informed Angel ignored the jealousy that was pulling in his stomach and smiled at her.

"Tell me, What did he tell you?" Summer sighed.

"He talked about how he was a slave in the middle of nowhere, and he was treated very badly and his Sire saved him. His master acted like a father who took him to murder and drains people of blood." Summer pointed out, rolling her eyes, remembering his words. Angel chuckled.

"Then his sire was murdered by his coven members, and he took his revenge by burning them, end of the story."

"Well, that's utter bullshit except for the killing aspect." Summer's eyes widened at his words, wait, does that mean that Lucien lied to her?!..

"Lucien was the young master of a rich family, and he was given everything by his parents, but he wasn't satisfied. He wanted power and at an inn, that was where he met his sire and the man liked how ambitious he was and took him under his wings, he changed him to a vampire and his first test was to kill his parents."

Summer gasped in shock, as Angel told the real story about Lucien.

"Lucien bit both his parent's necks and drained them of all their blood and went as far as killing everyone in the mansion, from adults to children, and that was when his sire knew he had gotten trouble for himself. His sire noticed that Lucien's powers grew and arranged his other coven members to kill him and put him in a wooden coffin, but Lucien had a little bird that did Lucien's bidding and told on his sire."

"So, he killed them all?" Summer asked, still finding it hard to believe it.

Angel smirked. "Lucien managed to get a witch, and they managed to ambush his sire and cursed him to not wake from his slumber, and he went on a rampage killing everyone that planned against him, and he occupied the position as coven leader."

Summer shook her head in confusion. "Wait, if you knew all this, why didn't one of you do something?"

"Lucien called a truce when he noticed that vampires had been slipping out and asking for help, he blamed it on bloodlust and the laws state that he can be pardoned for bloodlust as a new vampire, and he will be put under house arrest for five years till his bloodlust was controlled."

Summer was appalled by this information, So killing countless humans was easily pardoned by the supernatural? Angel noticed her expression and shook his head.

"It was back then, but the laws don't allow that loophole now. The thing is we can't charge him for his sins now, because he has won the trust of vampires all over the country, and trust me, you won't want to witness a war between supernaturals.

Summer shivered at the thought and how many humans that will be entangled in their war, it would be a bloody sight.

"Lucien is a fucking monster." Summer hissed, Angel nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, he is."

Angel stood up from her bed. "Go to sleep, and we'll talk about this in the morning."

He turned around to leave, but Summer without thinking grabbed hold of his hand. Angel looked back at her.

"Please, spend the night here with me. I'm scared," Summer said, above a whisper.

Angel gulped. This was his chance to get closer to Summer. What would happen if he just took the opportunity that was in front of him?

Hey guys, let me know what you think about this chapter, and add it to your library! Your support means a lot to me and I hope you all have a great day

JulietRosecreators' thoughts