
Elora hates me

a story about a young teenage girl who was assigned to turn an arrogant and bullying boy to be humble, will she succeed? let's find out

Authoress_Bella · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter twenty-three

Narrator pov

Elora came out from her room all dressed up for school and she saw Kevin and Marvin having their breakfast, they turned their gaze to her immediately after they noticed her presence.

"hey Elora, how was your night?". Kevin asked smiling and smiling back at him.

"fine, yours".

"it was fine".he replied and turned back to his food, Marvin and Elora stared awkwardly at each other until nanny came over.

"Good morning, nanny". Elora greeted.

"Morning dear, hope you slept well?".

"yes, nanny"

"Good, come have your breakfast".

"No nanny, I don't have an appetite, I will have something in school.. see you all later". she rushed to the door not waiting to hear another word from them, they sighed.

"you should better apologize to her in school today, or else I will report you to grandfather". Kevin threatens.

"Are you threatening me?"Marvin asked.

"yes and I promise you, you won't like it at all". he replied unfriendly and Marvin sighed.

Some minutes later, Elora arrived at the school gate and greeted Mr duke before heading inside, just then she heard a familiar voice called out to her name from behind and she turned in that direction to see Marvin standing a little far from her, she wondered why he calls out to her. she stood still as Marvin walk closer to her with no expression on his face.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Marvin asked staring straight into her eyes and he could see the surprised look on her face.

"I don't want to talk to you, Marvin," she said boldly staring deep into his eyes and then letting out a faint smile as she caught sight of Nathan walking into the school gate, Marvin wondered what could be making her smile like that. "Nathan?" she called out his name and ran towards him. Marvin sighed angrily and walked away.

"hey, Elora".he smiled at her.

"What happened to you? I didn't see you yesterday," she asked and this time they were walking to class.

"um yeah, I went out with my mom to visit my sick grandmother," he said and Elora was surprised.

"What? Is she getting better now?

"not really, you know she is old now and she decided to call all her children and grandchildren together, say a word of prayers to all of us, and then she kicked the bucket". he said smiling and Elora gasped.

"oh my gosh! I am so sorry about your grandma's death".

"no is okay, she is old now, and I know she is resting, but I am a little bit sad because I wanted her to see my girlfriend before she died". he said smiling and Elora giggled.

"Really? How can you still make jokes about this kind of thing".

"but I am serious though"They chuckle and leave for class........ A few hours later, the teacher was lecturing them about science, Elora wasn't comfortable because her tummy was grumbling and having a stomach bite, only Marvin and Nathan noticed it.

"gosh, please not now". she said quietly whining in pain.

" Are you okay?". Nathan asked.

"mm". she replied quietly.

"What a girl". Marvin scoffs and then stands up with his bag, walks to Elora sit grabs her hand, and pulls her up. "you are coming with me". he said with all seriousness, and dragging her out, everyone was surprised including the teacher, no one dared to question him. Elora was struggling with him.

" what are you doing, Marvin, let me go". she cried out still struggling with him and they arrived at the gym, he sat her down on the chair and brought out a sandwich and can of juice, and placed it in front of her, staring confusedly at the food and gulped.

"Eat, I can't stand your grumbling stomach". he said and brought out his phone. Elora stares at the food for a while and then turns her gaze to him.

" I didn't tell you I was hungry, and you have no right to drag me out of the class like that during teaching..if you have no respect for anyone, at least respect the teacher, that was rude of you". she scolds and then pushes the food forward. "I am not eating this food until you go back to the teacher and apologize to her for being rude". she added and folded her hands across her chest., and felt the sharp pain that shot through her stomach.

" So you rather starve yourself, do you know you can get an ulcer because of your stubbornness towards food?".

"I don't care, is my body, let me bear the pain myself.. by the way, when does my health become your concern?" she stood up to leave and suddenly stopped as she felt dizzy

"you need to eat though, if I were you, I won't think twice before devouring this food". he said trying to be persuasive.

" Thanks for your concern". she said coldly and turns to leave then Marvin's words stopped her.

"Fine, I will do it". he said and stood up, Elora stared surprisingly at him and was speechless, for the very first time since he had known him, he agreed to his demands.

"Are you serious?" she asked and Marvin walked away and she followed him behind, they got to class, and the teacher stopped his lessons and turned to them including the students.

"Mrs. Piper, I am sorry for leaving your class like that without getting permission from you". he said politely, the teacher's wide mouth in surprise including the students, followed by Elora who took a record of his words.

" d- d- d- did you j- just apologize to me?". Mrs. Piper asked sputtering.

"yes, so am I forgiven?" he asked and Mrs piper gulped severally by nodding her head and all the class gaps. "thank you" he added and then the lunch bell rang and Mrs piper left the class with tears in her eyes and the class became rowdy with Marvin topic of apologizing for the first time, suddenly there was a loud thud, everyone turns to the direction including Marvin who just walked away from the class and they notice it was Elora that passed out.

" Elora!" Nathan called surprisedly and rushed to her, he tried to carry her up but Marvin was quick to carry her in his arms and was headed to the school clinic, everyone was surprised and Nathan ran after him. Elora was brought into the school clinic and the doctor started to attend to her. Marvin and Nathan waited outside and quickly Nathan grabbed onto Marvin's collar. "what did you do to her, tell me?". he yelled and stared angrily at him, Marvin scoffed and pushed him off.

" Are you crazy, how dare you touch me with those filthy hands of yours" he retorts.

"oh spare me that trash, you and I know how cold and mean you are to her and everyone around you, so don't you dare play pretense here, you did something to her, that's why she fainted, I swear to God, if anything happens to her, I will make life hell for you, Marvin, so, don't dare me ". he warned both staring deeply into each other eyes, then the doctor came and stopped them.

"Woah, this place is not a wrestling ground, so, don't!". the doctor said and they turned their gaze to him.

"How is she, doctor?" Nathan asked.

"She is not fine, she passed out because there is no food in her stomach". he said and Nathan angrily at Marvin.

"Really? Being unfair to her isn't enough, now you have to starve her too". he said angrily.

"Hey, this isn't the right time to be shifting blame, what she needs now is food, once she wakes up, she needs to eat". the doctor said.

"okay doctor, I will get her food, I will be right back". Nathan said and stared hard at Marvin for a while before he left.

"This is usual of you, Marvin, since I have known you, I have never seen you rush a student into this place or feel concerned about him or her, so tell me, who is she to you?".the doctor asked staring straight into his eyes.

"No one, just make sure she has her meal when she wakes up". he said and walked away, the doctor stared after him and then went inside.

A few minutes later, Elora woke up and noticed someone by her side.

"Elora". Nathan called happily." Are you okay?".

"yeah". she replied weakly and managed to sit upright on the bed, then Nathan set a mini stool in front of her and arranged the food he brought for her on it.

" you need to eat, doctor said you passed out because you had nothing to eat, so, you need to eat to gain your strength back". he said and she smiled.

"but this is too much, how on earth am I going to finish everything?".

"Just try and eat first, you don't need to finish everything, just make sure you are full". he replied. " Do you want me to feed you?" he asked smiling and Elora rolled her head.

"Don't worry, I can eat myself".

"Okay, so, enjoy," he said and Elora nodded and started eating.