

.Evandale Ellis, The rare beautiful girl whom everyone desires. The ocean eyes of hers captivates anyone who makes eye contact with her. She is a confident being who hates being a werewolf.Arwen Gray,her now pretending fiancee still loves her. He is obsessed with her. He will not let anyone take her away from him. So,when a bewitching mysterious werewolf named Lorenzo Venus comes in their life,what will happen in each of their lives? What storms will destroy each other? Will they fall in love? Will they despise each other?

o_12 · Fantasie
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22 Chs


Evandale Ellis's Pov-

"Evandale meet your new friend,Arwen Gray."

"Arwen meet Evandale Ellis."

"But mom I don't want to be friends with a baby who is a girl. I just want to play with Autumn and the other boys."Arwen whined.

"I don't want to play with you too. I just want my brother Autumn."I whined back. Arwen started crying. Our mothers picked us up and tried to make us stop crying.

"Arwen,it was very wrong of you to say you don't want to be friends with a girl. I am a girl too and you are my friend. So, why not her? And for the record girls are stronger than boys. You have seen mommie,right? Also Evandale is a lot fun to play. She even beats her brother in every game they plays. So, would you like to try being friends with her? If you don't like playing with her then we can go back home?Hmm?" Arwen's mother said patting his Arwen's hair. Arwen sniffled and wiped his tears with his hand. He nodded. His mother put him down.

"Evandale please play nice. He is as sweet as your brother,Autumn." Mom said softly pushing me to Arwen. I looked at him. He was looking down playing with his fingers. He is such a boy. I am not a baby. I am a big girl. He is a baby.

"How old are you?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest trying to look cool.

"I am four."He said still looking down.

"I am also four. I am not a baby. I am a big girl." I said proudly.

He looked up at me. Our eyes met for the first time. His eyes are so beautiful. The color is so pretty. I gasped.

"You are pretty."We both said at the same time. Our eyes wide. After a few seconds we both started to laugh. Arwen came closer and said,"I am sorry for my behaviour earlier. Would you like to be friends?"

"Yes I would be happy to have a beautiful friend. "I said grinning. He grinned back.

I woke up hearing my alarm clock. It was a beautiful dream. I picked up my phone from the bedside table. School does not start within two hours. Why am I up so early again? I don't feel sleepy anymore too. I sat up realizing I have fallen sleep with my laptop on my lap and my waist feels numb. I groaned. Placing my laptop on the bed, I stood up carefully. I need to walk. I tried to stretch trying to make the uncomfortable feeling go away.

After stretching I look around my room and realize what a mess I have made. I need to clean up. Good enough. I have got whole two hours for nothing. So,I can just tidy up for the sake of hygiene.

"Okay Evandale,let's get to work!" I encouraged myself and jumped in cleaning.

After an hour,my room was nicely cleaned. It was neat and my mind feels refreshed. I need to shower as my body doesn't feel as much as refreshed as my mind does. I picked up some clean clothes from my closet to wear to school and placed it on the bed. I can't change in bathroom. I feel weird.

Finishing all the showering and clothing up,I went downstairs to find myself something to eat. Surprisingly,I found Autumn and Arwen both chatting and eating at the kitchen counter. I opened the fridge which gained their attention to me. "Good morning my beautiful Evans."Autumn greeted standing up from his seat and hugging me. "Good morning my beautiful brother."I greeted hugging him back. He chuckled and pecked my forehead. I pulled myself away from him softly. "Let me get an apple and then we can go back to hugging."I said finding myself an apple from the fridge. Closing the fridge I looked at my brother waiting patiently beside me. I held his hand and walked over to the kitchen counter. I sat myself down. Autumn kept standing behind me and hugged me from behind. I smiled.

"Aren't you going to finish your breakfast,Autumn?" I asked smiling.

"It can wait." He said squeezing me in his bear hug.

"It is gonna get all mushy. Finish your breakfast and then we can walk together to school." I said touching his arm.

"Okay two minutes more and I will let go. I just missed you so much.I haven't seen you in a week"He said softly.

I realize I have been avoiding breakfasts or any dining in together with my family. I haven't talked to my brother for almost a week. I have been avoiding him at school too. I feel guilty now.

"I know.I missed you too. I am sorry. I was busy with something. I will make it up to you."I said softly. Autumn let go of me and sat beside me. He patted my hair and said,"Let's go somewhere after school today. I will drive."I smiled and nodded.

"You both finish your food." Arwen said . Only then I remembered he was sitting with us all the time along.

"Dude, I will chug it down in twenty seconds. "Autumn said literally chugging down his cereal.

I looked at Arwen who was looking at me already. His stare is so intense. I looked away and focused my attention on Autumn.

"I thought you were at a party last night. You woke up early unexpectedly. Or did Arwen kicked your butt to wake you up?" I asked eating my apple. This was not a rare ocassion. Arwen usually wakes up Autumn by kicking his butt most of the time which is really effective.

"No!Arwen did not kick my butt. And for your information,he can only kick my butt when I am in my dreamland. Otherwise, he would be a dead meat if he kicked my butt while I was awake. And I was not up partying last night. I was with mom and dad. They needed my help with the gathering of the packs tomorrow. So, I did not sleep at all. And I am planning to sleep after I go to class." He said grinning.

"Then get your butt up. You said you were driving. Get your car out."Arwen said eating his cereal slowly. Autumn glared at him. "I know I am going. Do not kiss my sister while I am gone,you trickster." Autumn said exiting from the kitchen.

"That won't be a problem."I whispered to myself.

"That will be a problem."Arwen said making me look at him.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Not kissing you will be a problem." He said standing up from his seat and walking towards me. He didn't break eye contact. But I broke the eye contact looking down at my hands.

"Arwen I don't think Autumn will like it if he sees you kissing me. "

"Autumn won't be coming inside anytime now. Remember, he is supposed to bring out his car from the garage?"

I gulped. It's not like we never kissed. We have had our fair share of kisses. But I have not let him or myself to kiss each other anymore.

"Evans look at me."Arwen said softly. I sighed and looked up at him. He slowly leant down to my face. I looked at his lips. His lips are really so pretty. Like a strawberry. I diverted my attention to his cheek now trying to avoid looking at his lips. His cheeks are squishy.

"Evans ." Arwen said my name so softly. I looked at his eyes. Emerald green. My favourite color since he entered my life.

"Can we start over?" He asked touching my cheeks softly.

"What?" I said surprised by his sudden question.

"I promise I will not break you again. I will try to be a person you deserve. Can you please give me a second channce?" He asked softly.

I pushed his hand away from my face softly. "You never broke me. I am not broken. Understand?" I said standing up from my seat.

"I am sorry for saying that. You are right. You are a strong women. How can I ever break you? But can we please start over? It's killing me. You not loving me anymore -this thought is killing me. " Arwen said touching my hand.


"Please think it for some time. You do not need to answer right now." Arwen said pecking my hands. I nodded.

"Let's go. Autumn must be waiting outside for us." I said pulling my hand from him.

Am I ready to give him a second chance? I don't even know what I feel for Arwen anymore. Maybe I just find him as a beautiful men and nothing more. But sometimes I do want to kiss him. I need to sort my feelings out. I need to know myself if I am ready to give him the chance.